Saturday, December 31, 2022

What the Hell?

Originally posted on July 13, 2019.

“What the hell?” Both Ryan and Julia said in unison as they opened their eyes as they picked themselves up off the floor in the wake of the Great Shift. They both wondered why they were looking at themselves before realizing the true horror of being in each other’s bodies.

The were simply two strangers who had been working out next to each other at the gym. Ryan had been admiring Julia’s body -- hoping she wouldn’t notice he was checking her out -- but he certainly didn’t want it like this. Meanwhile, Julia was weirded out about being inside the body of the guy who she thought was sort of skeevy by the way he stared at her. She didn’t want to give him her number of tell him where she lived, but she was also realizing she probably wouldn’t have many options otherwise...

Friday, December 30, 2022

Turned Down

Originally posted on January 6, 2011.

Vinny was thrilled to have swapped bodies with his sister. Not only was she old enough to drink at all the clubs, but he found most women were simply more comfortable getting close with other women. He never had a sexy babe put her butt so close to him when he was a guy. However, when he tried to turn on his game to take these women home for the night, getting called a “lesbo” quickly became a particularly devastating turn down.

Vinny was thrilled to have swapped bodies with his sister. Not only was she old enough to drink at all the clubs, but he found most women were simply more comfortable getting close with other women. He never had a sexy babe put her butt so close to him when he was a guy. However, when he tried to turn on his game to take these women home for the night, getting called a “lesbo” quickly became a particularly devastating turn down.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

The President

Originally posted on October 4, 2012.

The President knew it would be important to address the American public in the wake of what scientists were calling The Great Shift. However, the worldwide body swapping phenomenon had left the President in the body of a young socialite. He questioned if he would be taken seriously from the bubbly blonde’s body. He needed to shrug off such fears. He was still the confident, eloquent speaker he was before, no matter what his outer shell looked like now. This could be a learning lesson for all Americans to not judge by outward appearances. But he wouldn’t lecture the public about such things in this speech. This one was just for hope and reassurance.

The President knew it would be important to address the American public in the wake of what scientists were calling “The Great Shift.” However, the worldwide body swapping phenomenon had left the President in the body of a young socialite. He questioned if he would be taken seriously from the bubbly blonde’s body. He needed to shrug off such fears. He was still the confident, eloquent speaker he was before, no matter what his outer shell looked like now. This could be a learning lesson for all Americans to not judge by outward appearances. But he wouldn’t lecture the public about such things in this speech. This one was just for hope and reassurance.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Eat Your Fruits and Veggies

Originally posted on December 1, 2019.

<p>David had been somewhat overweight most of his life, and he enjoyed fast food, sugary drinks, and such. When the Great Shift struck, he was shocked to look in the mirror and see the face of a woman who looked like she could be a fitness model.

David had been somewhat overweight most of his life, and he enjoyed fast food, sugary drinks, and such. When the Great Shift struck, he was shocked to look in the mirror and see the face of a woman who looked like she could be a fitness model.

He soon discovered he swapped into a body hundreds of miles from his home. News reports indicated most transportation would be shut for days, along with things like grocery stores and restaurants. He realized he’d have to just eat what was in this woman’s house, which to David’s horror was mostly fruits and veggies.

Reluctantly, he nibbled on a strawberry. It actually wasn’t bad; he took a big bite. In fact, as he tried more and more, he realized he enjoyed broccoli, avocados, and even kale! It seemed impossible; he never enjoyed this sort of stuff before. But he began to wonder. He had a different body, which also meant he had different taste buds. It sort of made sense to him as he popped another strawberry into his mouth....

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Premium Package

Originally posted on June 12, 2020.

Jeff was glad he paid for the premium package on his trip to the ski resort. Along with a few other perks, one utilized the latest body swapping technology in the event of an accident. Sure enough, Jeff broke his leg almost immediately. For the first injury, you could pick any available body. Jeff selected a guy that looked like a body builder, but soon discovered he a muscular body wasn’t nearly as flexible as his own and ended up with a sprain.

Jeff was glad he paid for the premium package on his trip to the ski resort. Along with a few other perks, one utilized the latest body swapping technology in the event of an accident. Sure enough, Jeff broke his leg almost immediately. For the first injury, you could pick any available body. Jeff selected a guy that looked like a body builder, but soon discovered he a muscular body wasn’t nearly as flexible as his own and ended up with a sprain.

However, it seemed for subsequent accidents, you didn’t get to pick your bod -- you were assigned one. That’s how Jeff ended up as a woman for the majority of his vacation. He mostly stayed in the lodge with it. He didn’t want to risk another injury. After all, he wasn’t enjoying being a woman, but he was also sure you continued to get less desirable bodies if you cycled through more and more. Even if he had to be a woman, at least he was a young and attractive one! This was something he was reminded of fairly constantly with a barrage of pick up lines from other dudes in the lodge. He couldn’t wait for the vacation to be over, so he’d be back to his own body -- even if he’d have to deal with the broken leg once he did!

Monday, December 26, 2022

Bundled Up

Originally posted on October 25, 2020.

Russell never used to understand why his girlfriend started the bundle up the second the weather got just a tiny bit cooler. Heck, he’d be wearing shorts until November while she was wearing coats at the end of August. At least, he never understood it until the Great Shift swapped their bodies. Sure enough now that he was the one in her body, he found himself all bundled up in September. He hated it. The winters felt more bitter and colder than he ever remembered, and while he used to love a nice blast of AC in the summer, he now hated it. He figured it all something about her biology, but he was still having trouble getting used to it, even a year later.

Russell never used to understand why his girlfriend started the bundle up the second the weather got just a tiny bit cooler. Heck, he’d be wearing shorts until November while she was wearing coats at the end of August. At least, he never understood it until the Great Shift swapped their bodies. Sure enough now that he was the one in her body, he found himself all bundled up in September. He hated it. The winters felt more bitter and colder than he ever remembered, and while he used to love a nice blast of AC in the summer, he now hated it. He figured it all something about her biology, but he was still having trouble getting used to it, even a year later.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Press Conference

Originally postred on March 10, 2019.

There was a big press conference in fifteen minutes, and as head of the company’s PR Evan was due to explain what had just happened. He clutched his phone tightly in his hand; he was nervous.  The company he worked for had noble goals. Research had been working on a way to revolutionize medical transplants. In fact, if it ended up working out, nothing would actually be transplanted at all. A scanning beam could be used to analyze a healthy donor while a second beam infused with stem cells could make a copy of the healthy body part into a body in need of a transplant. The possibilities were endless, from heart disease to amputees to sex changes. But a mistake took place during testing, resulting in random exchanging and copying of donor parts and sometimes even entire bodies! The effects extended for several miles. Evan, for instance, now had a full copy of Ming Lee’s body, a woman who worked as an executive assistant. It was bad enough he was going to have to explain what just happened to the press, but it was going to be more difficult doing it from an unfamiliar body. He just kept telling himself that no matter what body he had, he was a professional and good at his job. He could do this!

There was a big press conference in fifteen minutes, and as head of the company’s PR Evan was due to explain what had just happened. He clutched his phone tightly in his hand; he was nervous. The company he worked for had noble goals. Research had been working on a way to revolutionize medical transplants. In fact, if it ended up working out, nothing would actually be transplanted at all. A scanning beam could be used to analyze a healthy donor while a second beam infused with stem cells could make a copy of the healthy body part into a body in need of a transplant. The possibilities were endless, from heart disease to amputees to sex changes. But a mistake took place during testing, resulting in random exchanging and copying of donor parts and sometimes even entire bodies! The effects extended for several miles. Evan, for instance, now had a full copy of Ming Lee’s body, a woman who worked as an executive assistant. It was bad enough he was going to have to explain what just happened to the press, but it was going to be more difficult doing it from an unfamiliar body. He just kept telling himself that no matter what body he had, he was a professional and good at his job. He could do this!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

School Swap

Originally posted on July 30, 2010.

At first, Paul was happy when the Great Shift happened, and he swapped bodies with his math teacher, Ms. Yu. Though he hadn't gained her intellegence, and inside her body was still the brain of a teenage boy. Various laws passed after the Shift meant he'd still have to finish school, and considering most other kids just swapped with other students, he felt awkward being in a body ten or so years older than all the other students. Still, he thought it could be worse as he looked over to the former head cheerleader, Kelly Brandt, who had swapped bodies with the janitor, Sal Old Man Walton.

At first, Paul was happy when the Great Shift happened, and he swapped bodies with his math teacher, Ms. Yu. Though he hadn't gained her intellegence, and inside her body was still the brain of a teenage boy. Various laws passed after the Shift meant he'd still have to finish school, and considering most other kids just swapped with other students, he felt awkward being in a body ten or so years older than all the other students. Still, he thought it could be worse as he looked over to the former head cheerleader, Kelly Brandt, who had swapped bodies with the janitor, Sal "Old Man" Walton.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Gone Wrong

Originally posted on August 9, 2010.

Kyle had signed up for the latest batch of experiments the psychology department at his college was conducting, though he had to admit to being a little freaked out when they told him they were experimenting with brain swapping. Still, the money was good enough that he couldn't say no...even when he found out the other participant was his psycho, nagging ex-girlfriend. The thought of being in her body for the  entire week of the test gave him chills, but things got interesting when she proposed a bet. Whoever came crawling back to the lab first begging for their own body back would be the loser and would have to do anything of the winner's choosing. Kyle agreed, knowing he wouldn't cave no matter what. However, neither really would be able to participate in the bet after an accident in the swapping procedure occured. Both Kyle and his ex's brains were merged into one body--her body. Kyle was mostly in control, but he could feel his ex's constant nagging in the back of his head. He'd throw some clothes on in the morning, then be upset with himself for picking out something that made him look fat. He'd be at a bar and yel at himself for drinking so much. He wanted to shoot himself. He had dumped her to get away from this sort of thing, and now it was struck constantly inside his head. He hoped those geeks could sort this out soon!

Kyle had signed up for the latest batch of experiments the psychology department at his college was conducting, though he had to admit to being a little freaked out when they told him they were experimenting with brain swapping. Still, the money was good enough that he couldn't say no...even when he found out the other participant was his psycho, nagging ex-girlfriend. The thought of being in her body for the entire week of the test gave him chills, but things got interesting when she proposed a bet. Whoever came crawling back to the lab first begging for their own body back would be the loser and would have to do anything of the winner's choosing. Kyle agreed, knowing he wouldn't cave no matter what. However, neither really would be able to participate in the bet after an accident in the swapping procedure occured. Both Kyle and his ex's brains were merged into one body--her body. Kyle was mostly in control, but he could feel his ex's constant nagging in the back of his head. He'd throw some clothes on in the morning, then be upset with himself for picking out something that made him look fat. He'd be at a bar and yel at himself for drinking so much. He wanted to shoot himself. He had dumped her to get away from this sort of thing, and now it was struck constantly inside his head. He hoped those geeks could sort this out soon!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

University Experiment

Originally posted on April 18, 2010.

Graham was understandably skeptical when he signed up for an experiment to swap bodies with another student at the university. He almost laughed aloud when he saw the stereotypical sci-fi setup in the lab, complete with large dome shaped objects to go over the head. He was shocked after they put the device on his head, and he felt a jolt: looking down at his had worked! That wasn't his hand at all! However, noticing the manicured nails, he had hoped to have swapped with another male participant instead of a female one!

Graham was understandably skeptical when he signed up for an experiment to swap bodies with another student at the university. He almost laughed aloud when he saw the stereotypical sci-fi setup in the lab, complete with large dome shaped objects to go over the head. He was shocked after they put the device on his head, and he felt a jolt: looking down at his had worked! That wasn't his hand at all! However, noticing the manicured nails, he had hoped to have swapped with another male participant instead of a female one!

Wednesday, December 21, 2022


Originally posted on July 30, 2010.

Frank Bolton worked at his company's RandD department in the basement. Today they were testing a device that would transfer a thought from one person to another--a technology that would hopefully make telephones and email obsolete. Frank was monitoring the test subjects' heart rates and other bodily functions as the machine was turned on. It whirred for a minute, and then caused a blinding light. The next thing he knew, he was warped to an upper level of the building. He ran down the stairs back to the experiment site. The machine's settings were too high. Instead of swapping a single thought from one person to another, it swapped the entire thought patterns of just about everyone in the building. It would take months to sort everyone out and get them back to normal. Until then, Frank would be stuck in his new body, a model who was being hired by PR department for a new ad campaign.

Frank Bolton worked at his company's R&D department in the basement. Today they were testing a device that would transfer a thought from one person to another--a technology that would hopefully make telephones and email obsolete. Frank was monitoring the test subjects' heart rates and other bodily functions as the machine was turned on. It whirred for a minute, and then caused a blinding light. The next thing he knew, he was warped to an upper level of the building. He ran down the stairs back to the experiment site. The machine's settings were too high. Instead of swapping a single thought from one person to another, it swapped the entire thought patterns of just about everyone in the building. It would take months to sort everyone out and get them back to normal. Until then, Frank would be stuck in his new body, a model who was being hired by PR department for a new ad campaign.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Super Important and Stuff

Originally posted on January 6, 2020.

It seemed like a fascinating experiment. Joel had retired as a psychology professor ten years ago, but still read up on things going on at the local university. The latest experiment involved people swapping minds, and the school was looking for volunteers. Joel signed up, figuring as a nearly eighty year old man, he’d significantly mix up the participant pool, which would likely be mostly college students. They implanted a chip in Joel, and he was told it would be triggered at a later date. Once he swapped, he’d remember who he really was, but he would retain most of the personality and vital skills of the person he swapped with. Joel had so many questions, but he was told to save them for later. It was a few days before the swap initiated, and suddenly Joel found himself in the middle of the football field during a game. His first thoughts were of the scientific impact of what just happened, but these thoughts soon faded. They just stopped seeming interesting to him as he instead decided to focus on how big he could smile for the crowd. He remembered participating in the experiment for its scientific value, but suddenly the extra cash he was going to get for it seemed much more important. Of course, he couldn’t focus on that right now, could he? He had to nail this cheer routine! It was, like, super important to him and stuff!

It seemed like a fascinating experiment. Joel had retired as a psychology professor ten years ago, but still read up on things going on at the local university. The latest experiment involved people swapping minds, and the school was looking for volunteers. Joel signed up, figuring as a nearly eighty year old man, he’d significantly mix up the participant pool, which would likely be mostly college students. They implanted a chip in Joel, and he was told it would be triggered at a later date. Once he swapped, he’d remember who he really was, but he would retain most of the personality and vital skills of the person he swapped with. Joel had so many questions, but he was told to save them for later.

It was a few days before the swap initiated, and suddenly Joel found himself in the middle of the football field during a game. His first thoughts were of the scientific impact of what just happened, but these thoughts soon faded. They just stopped seeming interesting to him as he instead decided to focus on how big he could smile for the crowd. He remembered participating in the experiment for its scientific value, but suddenly the extra cash he was going to get for it seemed much more important. Of course, he couldn’t focus on that right now, could he? He had to nail this cheer routine! It was, like, super important to him and stuff!

Monday, December 19, 2022

Pushed Away

Originally posted on February 16, 2017.

Jack couldn’t believe how well the night was going. He was sitting in the backseat of a cab making out with his girlfriend, Stephanie. He was sure that this was the night that she would take him back to her place and they would go all the way. It all seemed to be going so well, but as they exited the vehicle her attitude quickly changed. She pushed him away, telling him to get back in the cab, and go home. What he didn’t know was that as he drove home in the backseat, Jack was still technically in the cab with Stephanie; except that she was now driving in the front seat, having swapped bodies with the cab driver. Meanwhile, back up in Stephanie’s apartment, the cab driver was checking out his new life. He had actually intended to swap with Jack, but a slight miscalculation caused him to switch with Stephanie instead. Mostly, he was glad to out of the body of the cab driver, though being a woman would certainly take some getting used to. The one thing he was sure he didn’t want to do on his first night as a new gender was get deflowered, which is why he sent Jack packing as soon as he could.

Jack couldn’t believe how well the night was going. He was sitting in the backseat of a cab making out with his girlfriend, Stephanie. He was sure that this was the night that she would take him back to her place and they would go all the way. It all seemed to be going so well, but as they exited the vehicle her attitude quickly changed. She pushed him away, telling him to get back in the cab, and go home. What he didn’t know was that as he drove home in the backseat, Jack was still technically in the cab with Stephanie; except that she was now driving in the front seat, having swapped bodies with the cab driver.

Meanwhile, back up in Stephanie’s apartment, the cab driver was checking out his new life. He had actually intended to swap with Jack, but a slight miscalculation caused him to switch with Stephanie instead. Mostly, he was glad to out of the body of the cab driver, though being a woman would certainly take some getting used to. The one thing he was sure he didn’t want to do on his first night as a new gender was get deflowered, which is why he sent Jack packing as soon as he could.

Sunday, December 18, 2022


Originally posted January 12, 2018.

When the body swapping service first started up, Malcolm nearly balked at the first. It was a couple hundred dollars just to submit his own photo and obtain the catalog of others he could swap with. It took several weeks to arrive in the mail -- a thick, phonebook-like glossy filled with people’s faces and a few scant details. He nervously filled out a form where he made his picks ordered from one to ten, then he wrote in his bank information knowing he’d soon be around a hundred thousand dollars poorer. He told himself it would be worth it when he finally was able to achieve his long time dream of swapping bodies with a woman.

When the body swapping service first started up, Malcolm nearly balked at the first. It was a couple hundred dollars just to submit his own photo and obtain the catalog of others he could swap with. It took several weeks to arrive in the mail -- a thick, phonebook-like glossy filled with people’s faces and a few scant details. He nervously filled out a form where he made his picks ordered from one to ten, then he wrote in his bank information knowing he’d soon be around a hundred thousand dollars poorer. He told himself it would be worth it when he finally was able to achieve his long time dream of swapping bodies with a woman.

Details arrived back some time later with instructions about when and where to go for the swap. He was also advised that he’d be swapping with number six on his list, Emily. He looked back to the catalog to see a pretty smiling face he had selected. Now he just needed to wait.

Arriving at the lab on the scheduled day, Malcolm was giddy. He was given some instructions before being put under. He had wonderful dreams about the body he’d be waking up with.

His eyes fluttered open some time later, and he was shown a mirror. He smiled as he recognized the pretty reflection looking back at him. He was now in Emily’s body! But something didn’t quite feel right. In a word, he felt...heavy. Looking down, he realized that Emily’s body was bigger than he anticipated from her head shot. A part of him felt disappointed; another part of him felt cheated. He thought about protesting, but he knew the documents he had signed were air-tight. He was going to be stuck in body until he could pay up enough to try again. As he left the lab and headed back home, he just sighed, thinking he’d make the most of it. After all, he was still going to get to experience being a woman!

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Fooling Around

Originally posted on March 10, 2020.

Alex and Lei had been dating for months, but had never been able to fool around with each other without their parents around. They figured they were both eighteen -- legally adults -- and should be allowed to do whatever they wanted; their parents, of course, disagreed. It was Lei who suggested trying magic; Alex was skeptical. But she insisted they use a body swap spell she found to swap with her parents. The spell would leave her parents in their body unaware of the changes. Alex reluctantly agreed to try, and Lei cast the spell. He was surprised that it worked, but something went wrong. Instead of swapping with Lei’s dad, he was now in the body of her mom. Meanwhile, Lei was her own father. She suggested they still try fooling around, but Alex wasn’t sure. It would’ve been weird to be Lei’s dad, but being her mom was a bridge too far. He suggested that he and Lei swap with each other, but they tried to spell again and it didn’t work! Alex was worried he was now trapped int he body of a 50-year-old woman!

Alex and Lei had been dating for months, but had never been able to fool around with each other without their parents around. They figured they were both eighteen -- legally adults -- and should be allowed to do whatever they wanted; their parents, of course, disagreed. It was Lei who suggested trying magic; Alex was skeptical. But she insisted they use a body swap spell she found to swap with her parents. The spell would leave her parents in their body unaware of the changes.

Alex reluctantly agreed to try, and Lei cast the spell. He was surprised that it worked, but something went wrong. Instead of swapping with Lei’s dad, he was now in the body of her mom. Meanwhile, Lei was her own father. She suggested they still try fooling around, but Alex wasn’t sure. It would’ve been weird to be Lei’s dad, but being her mom was a bridge too far. He suggested that he and Lei swap with each other, but they tried to spell again and it didn’t work! Alex was worried he was now trapped int he body of a 50-year-old woman!

Friday, December 16, 2022

Internship Program

Originally posted March 11, 2020.

No one at the company could understand why Jack Greyson was so interested in the intern program this year. As a CEO, Jack was well above micromanaging the selection process for interns, yet he had asked for names, pictures, and profiles for all candidates. He even personally selected six that he demanded be offered an internship. Many suspected with his advanced age that Jack was going crazy. On the interns first day, they received a tour, which Jack interrupted. Jack ended up showing the young college students around the offices, but in the middle of it, he dropped dead on the office floor. Doctors were rushed in, the interns were rushed out. But it was too late. Jack was dead. Or was he?

It would be a few days later when the will was discovered. It seemed Jack left his entire fortune to a young woman named Shannon Callaghan, one of the interns he had selected. Everyone was puzzled...except for Shannon, or perhaps she should be called Jack.

He had planed it all. He had discovered the secret of immortality; he had just needed to find a few host. The intern program was perfect for this. He made his choice and prepped his will. Then it was just a matter of having his soul leave his own body and take over Shannon’s. It all worked out perfectly, and he couldn’t be happier to be a pretty, young college junior with a multi-million fortune.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

What Have I Done?

Originally posted December 22, 2019.

Dr. Carl Yunger had just developed a machine that could swap two people’s brains, and he was overjoyed to be running the first tests. Two people sat across from each other in his lab sitting in large chairs with a dome over their head. Thick wires connected the domes and chairs with a central computer in the middle. That’s where Dr. Yunger stood with his assistants. As he carefully monitored the progress of the swap, there was some sort of power surge. Suddenly the swapping was out of control. The participants swapped with each other, then began swapping with Dr. Yunger and his assistants. Before he could stop anything, Dr. Yunger found himself outside of the lab. He seemed to now be in the body of a woman who came by every night to clean the facility. He rushed back to his lab, but the door was locked. He saw the keypad next to it. He knew the code, but this woman’s fingerprints wouldn’t be registered in the system. Both were required for access. He cursed, knowing that if he couldn’t get in to stop it, there would be a chain reaction; it wouldn’t be long before everyone on the entire planet started swapping bodies with each other. He only hoped one of his assistants was still inside one of the bodies in there, and that they could figure out enough to shut it all down. As he found himself swapping bodies again into someone several miles away he asked aloud to himself in a high pitched feminine voice, What had I done

Dr. Carl Yunger had just developed a machine that could swap two people’s brains, and he was overjoyed to be running the first tests. Two people sat across from each other in his lab sitting in large chairs with a dome over their head. Thick wires connected the domes and chairs with a central computer in the middle. That’s where Dr. Yunger stood with his assistants. As he carefully monitored the progress of the swap, there was some sort of power surge. Suddenly the swapping was out of control. The participants swapped with each other, then began swapping with Dr. Yunger and his assistants. Before he could stop anything, Dr. Yunger found himself outside of the lab. He seemed to now be in the body of a woman who came by every night to clean the facility. He rushed back to his lab, but the door was locked. He saw the keypad next to it. He knew the code, but this woman’s fingerprints wouldn’t be registered in the system. Both were required for access. He cursed, knowing that if he couldn’t get in to stop it, there would be a chain reaction; it wouldn’t be long before everyone on the entire planet started swapping bodies with each other. He only hoped one of his assistants was still inside one of the bodies in there, and that they could figure out enough to shut it all down. As he found himself swapping bodies again into someone several miles away he asked aloud to himself in a high pitched feminine voice, “What had I done?”

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Originally posted December 21, 2018.

“You can’t just leave me here stuck in your sister’s body!” Steve protested with his hands on his hips, “What if her husband comes home? Or her kids?”

“No one will be home for hours,” Alvin assured Steve, “We know the body swap device works; it just overheated. I am going to run back home to get the parts to fix it. I’ll have you back to normal before you know it. Oh, and you may not realize this, but I think being in Karen’s body is already having an effect on you. Your stance and movements are already much more like hers than your own.”

Steve couldn’t think of a good comeback, and the more he argued the longer it would be before he was able to swap back into his own body. He never appreciated being a test subject for Alvin’s weird inventions and this one had put him in a particularly odd situation...

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Zero Guilt

Originally posted February 12, 2017.

Jason sat patiently on the bench as he waited for Claire. This was where they had agreed to meet in order to swap their bodies back, but he was beginning to think that she wasn’t going to show up. He really couldn’t blame her; he was thinking of not showing up himself. He had enjoyed every single moment since they first swapped bodies. He didn’t want to swap back at all, but he didn’t think it was fair to keep Claire stuck in his body either. He showed up for her. If she wanted her body back, she’d be able to get it. But if she was just ditching out, that means he could keep her body with zero guilt.

Jason sat patiently on the bench as he waited for Claire. This was where they had agreed to meet in order to swap their bodies back, but he was beginning to think that she wasn’t going to show up. He really couldn’t blame her; he was thinking of not showing up himself. He had enjoyed every single moment since they first swapped bodies. He didn’t want to swap back at all, but he didn’t think it was fair to keep Claire stuck in his body either. He showed up for her. If she wanted her body back, she’d be able to get it. But if she was just ditching out, that means he could keep her body with zero guilt.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Football Star

Originally posted in Yahoo! Groups (if you remember mine, you have officially been following me for a VERY long time).

Donovan was very upset. He had gone from being the star quarterback to one of the dorkiest girls in school thanks to the Great Shift. He looked in the mirror with disgust. What was even worse was that the school was ready to take away his scholarship if his grades don’t improve (now that he is no longer an athlete). All he could do was hit the books hard. He was struggling for a C, but there was no way he wanted to be sent back home to suffer the ridicule of his conservative home town.

Donovan was very upset. He had gone from being the star quarterback to one of the dorkiest girls in school thanks to the Great Shift. He looked in the mirror with disgust.

What was even worse was that the school was ready to take away his scholarship if his grades don’t improve (now that he is no longer an athlete).

All he could do was hit the books hard. He was struggling for a C, but there was no way he wanted to be sent back home to suffer the ridicule of his conservative home town.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Enjoying Every Minute

Originally posted January 12, 2014.

While Derek certainly didn’t expect to suddenly swap bodies with a woman, the event wasn’t exactly unwelcome either. In fact, as Derek ran his hands up and down his new body (focusing quite a bit on his new butt), he was pretty sure that he could say this was one of the best things that had ever happened to him. He would not have described his former male body as being unattractive, but it was nothing compared to the drop dead gorgeous body he swapped with. He wasn’t sure what had caused the swap, but at this point, he didn’t even care. It didn’t matter much to him; he was just going to enjoy every minute of this.

While Derek certainly didn’t expect to suddenly swap bodies with a woman, the event wasn’t exactly unwelcome either. In fact, as Derek ran his hands up and down his new body (focusing quite a bit on his new butt), he was pretty sure that he could say this was one of the best things that had ever happened to him. He would not have described his former male body as being unattractive, but it was nothing compared to the drop dead gorgeous body he swapped with. He wasn’t sure what had caused the swap, but at this point, he didn’t even care. It didn’t matter much to him; he was just going to enjoy every minute of this.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Pink Remote

Originally posted January 9, 2014.

Marc had opened the unmarked box on his doorstep not knowing its contents. Inside was an odd pink remote with a note, explaining that it was some sort of body swapper. Curious, Marc aimed the gun out the window at a jogger. Suddenly, he saw his own body running down the street in a bathrobe, seemingly unaware of the swap. Meanwhile, Marc stood in his kitchen in the jogger’s female body clad in spandex with the pink remote still in his hands. He thought about switching back to his own body, but he hadn’t seen which way it ran. He shrugged; he had better plans anyway. He scoped a nice hiding spot outside his friend Amie’s house. The perky young Asian woman popped outside wearing a costume; she was heading to ComicCon today. Without hesitation, he aimed the remote at Amie. Now in the body of the female jogger, Amie continued on her way without noticing she now had a completely different body. Marc, meanwhile, gave an evil grin. He was now in Amie’s body, and she didn’t even realize it. This remote was going to be fun!

Marc had opened the unmarked box on his doorstep not knowing its contents. Inside was an odd pink remote with a note, explaining that it was some sort of body swapper. Curious, Marc aimed the gun out the window at a jogger. Suddenly, he saw his own body running down the street in a bathrobe, seemingly unaware of the swap. Meanwhile, Marc stood in his kitchen in the jogger’s female body clad in spandex with the pink remote still in his hands. He thought about switching back to his own body, but he hadn’t seen which way it ran. He shrugged; he had better plans anyway. He scoped a nice hiding spot outside his friend Amie’s house. The perky young Asian woman popped outside wearing a costume; she was heading to ComicCon today. Without hesitation, he aimed the remote at Amie. Now in the body of the female jogger, Amie continued on her way without noticing she now had a completely different body. Marc, meanwhile, gave an evil grin. He was now in Amie’s body, and she didn’t even realize it. This remote was going to be fun!

Friday, December 9, 2022


Originally posted April 23, 2009.

When Julie said she'd get her revenge on Evan after he broke up with her, he never expected to wake up in her body the next morning!  He stood in horror as he lifted  Julie's (now his) hands up to those breasts which he had touched over the course of their dating. They were all his now, and he couldn't be more terrified.

When Julie said she'd get her revenge on Evan after he broke up with her, he never expected to wake up in her body the next morning! He stood in horror as he lifted Julie's (now his) hands up to those breasts which he had touched over the course of their dating. They were all his now, and he couldn't be more terrified.

Thursday, December 8, 2022


Originally posted on February 8, 2014.

“There you are, Janice,” Jackson sighed, “I’ve been looking all over for you. I don’t know why you ran away. I can’t imagine that being trapped in a dog’s body is at all agreeable to you. Quite frankly, I can’t say I enjoy being stuck in your body either. Don’t worry, my body is back at the lab, but for some reason it won’t let us all switch back unless all three of us are there. I’m sorry that the dog was involved in our experiment to swap bodies. He must’ve slipped in somehow. Once I switch us back, I’ll make it up to you by buying you dinner or something.”

But when Jackson approached Janice growled at him, causing him to back off. Being in a dog’s body, she couldn’t understand anything he was saying. She was just angry at him for getting her stuck like this!

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Vegas Showgirl (Part 3)

View Part 1 of Vegas Showgirl.

View Part 2 of Vegas Showgirl.

Originally posted on December 11, 2009.

After Graham's post-Great Shift wedding, he breathed a sigh. He had managed to lie about going to Vegas for his bachelor party, despite now being in the body of a Vegas showgirl--it was quite a feat, and now  they went on their honeymoon. His wife's family had planned a surprise trip for them to one of Graham's favorite locations--LAS VEGAS! He groaned when they were greeted by a troup of showgirls--one of them with his old body! Graham's wife shot him the evil eye; looks like it was time to come clean.

After Graham's post-Great Shift wedding, he breathed a sigh. He had managed to lie about going to Vegas for his bachelor party, despite now being in the body of a Vegas showgirl--it was quite a feat, and now they went on their honeymoon. His wife's family had planned a surprise trip for them to one of Graham's favorite locations--LAS VEGAS! He groaned when they were greeted by a troup of showgirls--one of them with his old body! Graham's wife shot him the evil eye; looks like it was time to come clean.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Vegas Showgirl (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Vegas Showgirl.

Originally posted on December 10, 2009.

Graham had promised not to go to Vegas for his bachelor party, but he did! And when the Great Shift hit and placed him in the body of a showgirl, he knew he'd have to come up with one whopper of a tale. He told her that he swapped with the stripper his buddies hired--it was a believable ruse. His fiance had swapped with a burly truck driver; she had been able to navigate the truck to the roadside and avoid an accident that night. He was glad she was alive and the wedding went on as planned. Though now it was Graham getting his hair all dyed and dolled up--not to mention wearing the beautiful white gown. He felt a little silly, but it seemed appropriate now.

Graham had promised not to go to Vegas for his bachelor party, but he did! And when the Great Shift hit and placed him in the body of a showgirl, he knew he'd have to come up with one whopper of a tale. He told her that he swapped with the stripper his buddies hired--it was a believable ruse. His fiance had swapped with a burly truck driver; she had been able to navigate the truck to the roadside and avoid an accident that night. He was glad she was alive and the wedding went on as planned. Though now it was Graham getting his hair all dyed and dolled up--not to mention wearing the beautiful white gown. He felt a little silly, but it seemed appropriate now.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Vegas Showgirl (Part 1)

Originally posted on December 7, 2009.

Graham had promised his fiance that he wouldn't go to Vegas for his bachelor party, but his friends ended up dragging him there anyway. By the end of the weekend, he was convinced he she would never find out...well, that is until the Great Shift happened. When he found himself in the body of a Vegas Showgirl, he didn't know how he was going to explain it to her! He didn't even have a change of clothes! At least he was able to take that giant headdress off...

Graham had promised his fiance that he wouldn't go to Vegas for his bachelor party, but his friends ended up dragging him there anyway. By the end of the weekend, he was convinced he she would never find out...well, that is until the Great Shift happened. When he found himself in the body of a Vegas Showgirl, he didn't know how he was going to explain it to her! He didn't even have a change of clothes! At least he was able to take that giant headdress off...

Sunday, December 4, 2022

It's a Wonderful Wife (Part 3)

View Part 1 of It's a Wonderful Wife.

View Part 2 of It's a Wonderful Wife.

Originally posted October 29, 2017.

After three days, Jason and Leah were no closer to figuring out how to restore Jason’s body to normal. Leah hadn’t put her phone down for a second, searching at every single moment for a solution.

Jason sighed with a suggestion, “Maybe we just give up for a bit. If we relax for a while, the solution could just come to us.”

“Relax for a bit?” Leah scoffed, “Do you know how weird it is to see my own face every single time I look at you?”

“You don’t think it’s weird for me? I have to adjust to actually BEING you. Being a woman! It’s foreign territory for me! I’m just saying the stress of this isn’t good for either of us. We might just figure it all out better if we let our minds rest for a bit!”

Saturday, December 3, 2022

It's a Wonderful Wife (Part 2)

View Part 1 of It's a Wonderful Wife.

Originally posted October 28, 2017.

It was pretty chaotic as Jason and Leah tried to figure everything out. Somehow Jason now had an exact copy of his wife’s body. They called in sick, got dressed, and began to research. Jason and Leah both sat on the bed looking for answers by searching the web on their phones.

“Are you finding anything that could have done this?” Jason asked.

“Nothing but weird fiction-type stuff,” Leah replied, “Do you have any sort of memory about what happened.”

“No, I just...I woke up like this!”

For the rest of the day, the pair kept looking, but found nothing to explain Jason’s odd transformation.

Friday, December 2, 2022

It's a Wonderful Wife (Part 1)

Originally posted on October 27, 2017.

It started off like a normal morning. At about seven, Jason’s alarm went off and he begrudgingly shuffled to the bathroom. Still half asleep, he started on his normal routine until he looked in the mirror. Instead of his own reflection looking back, it was Leah’s, his wife. For a few minutes he poked, prodded, and pulled -- not quite believing what he was seeing. He pinched himself to make sure this wasn’t all just a dream. Had they swapped bodies in the middle of the night somehow?

It started off like a normal morning. At about seven, Jason’s alarm went off and he begrudgingly shuffled to the bathroom. Still half asleep, he started on his normal routine until he looked in the mirror. Instead of his own reflection looking back, it was Leah’s, his wife. For a few minutes he poked, prodded, and pulled -- not quite believing what he was seeing. He pinched himself to make sure this wasn’t all just a dream. Had they swapped bodies in the middle of the night somehow?

He rushed out of the bathroom and back to the bed. He heard a light snore and pulled back the covers. His wife was still there with her own body. They hadn’t swapped; he just somehow became a copy of her. He shook Leah awake. She was certainly surprised to see her own face looking back at her. She breathed a sigh of relief as she checked her own body to make sure she was still herself, and then the couple began to talk.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Bad News for You

Originally posted May 19, 2009.

Parker had been napping when the Great Shift happened. When he awoke, he found himself in a strange bed in a strange room in a strange body. As he started to explore the curves of his new body, he heard a man enter. Thank God, the man said, Are you alright, honey? I was scared when I heard about the news report about peoples bodies being swapped, but Im still me. Are you still you? Parked stammered, Im sorry; Im afraid I have some bad news for you...

Parker had been napping when the Great Shift happened. When he awoke, he found himself in a strange bed in a strange room in a strange body. As he started to explore the curves of his new body, he heard a man enter. "Thank God," the man said, "Are you alright, honey? I was scared when I heard about the news report about people's bodies being swapped, but I'm still me. Are you still you?" Parked stammered, "I'm sorry; I'm afraid I have some bad news for you..."

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


Originally posted on July 3, 2014.

Derek smiled as he looked over the legal brief his lawyer had sent over. When he had swapped bodies with Nancy a few days ago, it was supposed to only be for a week, but Derek simply loved being in her body. He knew he needed to find a loophole to stay in it. He hired the best attorney he could find. This brief was the result. It might not guarantee that he’d be able to stay in Nancy’s body forever, but it should tie things up long enough in the court to allow him to remain being her for a very, very long time.

Derek smiled as he looked over the legal brief his lawyer had sent over. When he had swapped bodies with Nancy a few days ago, it was supposed to only be for a week, but Derek simply loved being in her body. He knew he needed to find a loophole to stay in it. He hired the best attorney he could find. This brief was the result. It might not guarantee that he’d be able to stay in Nancy’s body forever, but it should tie things up long enough in the court to allow him to remain being her for a very, very long time.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Pounds for a Penny

Originally posted November 13, 2009.

Ryan had to admit that he probably got a pretty good deal out of the Great Shift. Sure, he lost his manhood, but before the Shift, he was also several hundred pounds overweight. Now he was in the body of a woman named Penny, but he was also skinnier than he could've ever imagined. He found himself making sexy poses in the mirror just to check out his new bod. He felt sort of bad for whoever got stuck with his old body. No matter what sort of exercise he tried, he could never seem to lose the weight, and so far with this new body, whatever he seemed to eat didn't seem to gain him a pound. A good tradeoff for his manhood, indeed!

Ryan had to admit that he probably got a pretty good deal out of the Great Shift. Sure, he lost his manhood, but before the Shift, he was also several hundred pounds overweight. Now he was in the body of a woman named Penny, but he was also skinnier than he could've ever imagined. He found himself making sexy poses in the mirror just to check out his new bod. He felt sort of bad for whoever got stuck with his old body. No matter what sort of exercise he tried, he could never seem to lose the weight, and so far with this new body, whatever he seemed to eat didn't seem to gain him a pound. A good tradeoff for his manhood, indeed!

Monday, November 28, 2022


Originally posted on November 30, 2013.

Tony had gone to the small, remote Pacific island nation for a short vacation; he never expected to switch bodies with the king’s eldest daughter while he was there. As a result, he had spent the past month living in lavish luxury as a princess. He was quite enjoying the experience until the king fell ill. Tony soon found himself pushed into several public appearances in order to assure the citizens of the country. If the king did not recover, he would be queen. Unless of course, the king’s youngest daughter proved that Tony wasn’t a legitimate heir, and considering Tony was not the actual princess but merely in her body, she may have a case if she could prove it. Tony could tell she was suspicious, but she certainly had no idea about the body swapping -- and it seemed even less likely that she had any proof.

Tony had gone to the small, remote Pacific island nation for a short vacation; he never expected to switch bodies with the king’s eldest daughter while he was there. As a result, he had spent the past month living in lavish luxury as a princess. He was quite enjoying the experience until the king fell ill. Tony soon found himself pushed into several public appearances in order to assure the citizens of the country. If the king did not recover, he would be queen. Unless of course, the king’s youngest daughter proved that Tony wasn’t a legitimate heir, and considering Tony was not the actual princess but merely in her body, she may have a case if she could prove it. Tony could tell she was suspicious, but she certainly had no idea about the body swapping -- and it seemed even less likely that she had any proof.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Don't Get into Trouble

“Don’t get into trouble” was what Eric’s brother Allen had said each day this week before leaving for work. Eric easily complied, spending his days on the couch, mostly playing video games. Even though the warning didn’t seem necessary, Eric understood Allen’s worry. It was a very long seven days since a inexplicable cosmic occurrence had swapped Eric into the body of Allen’s wife, and Allen was just looking out for both her body. It wasn’t a bad deal for Eric, being able to just goof off around the house all day, which generally meant a lot of gaming. But today, he had a slightly different feeling. The games began to feel...boring. By noon, he thought it might not be a bad idea to go out and buy a new one. It would actually be the first time he stepped out of the house in this body. Going to the mall didn’t seem very eventful. It wasn’t until he got home that he noticed anything weird. Instead of buying a new game like he intended, he had bought all sort of clothes, shoes, bras, panties, and so forth. The receipts totaled over a thousand dollars. The weirdest thing was that he had basically been on autopilot at the stores. He wasn’t sure if Allen would consider this “trouble” or not, but Eric was sure his brother wouldn’t be happy, regardless...

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Halloween Party

Originally posted on October 29, 2019.

Kyle had been a little nervous about attending a Halloween party with a bunch of people he didn’t know, but his friend Greg talked him into it. It turned out to not be so bad, he began talking with a small group of people and didn’t even notice Greg leave. Kyle stayed late at the party with the group, well into the morning. They all got drunk and began to joke about their costumes. One woman, Victoria, was dressed as a witch, and someone asked her to cast a spell. She giggled, mumbling out what seemed like nonsense words. Through some odd coincidence those words turned out to be an actual spell! People souls shot out of their own bodies and into others. A man begged Kyle to undo what he just did. He was confused for a minute until he realized this was because he now had Victoria’s body. However, Victoria -- in a new body of her own -- was just as confused as anyone. She had no idea what random words she had spoken or that they would turn out to be an actual spell! Everyone eventually agreed just not to panic, go home to get some rest, and try to figure things out a little later. As Kyle walked home, he felt odd in Victoria’s body. He still didn’t believe she could do this! But until they could fix it, he was going to be her!

Friday, November 25, 2022

Stupid Prom

Originally posted July 28, 2020.

Curt was supposed to be spending the weekend back from college hanging out with old friends, instead he was about to head off to his sister’s prom due to a freak accident cause by one of his dad’s wacky inventions that caused him to swap bodies with her. He trudged downstairs wearing her prom dress.

“My date is going to here any minute, and you look like THAT,” Samantha asked Curt.

“What? I’m wearing the stupid dress. I even have makeup on,” Curt grumbled to his sister.

“But my hair is a mess. Come on back upstairs; I’l help you fix it.”

“You know I’m doing you a huge favor here. You could let me slide on the hair.”

“You know I’m doing you a huge favor by not destroying your reputation.”

Curt sighed. He didn’t want to do any of this, but he knew if he didn’t, it would ruin his sister’s life, and she wouldn’t hesitate on ruining his right back. Until they could switch back, he was going to have to continue to pretend to be her, and that meant going to prom in her body.

Thursday, November 24, 2022


Originally posted September 15, 2017.

Dr. Lewis Steinberg was quite proud of himself for creating a chemical compound that once consumed could transform any organism from male to female. This included people, which was a fact he found out after accidentally ingesting some of the compound while testing it out on mice. However, it seemed developing a way to reverse the effects were more complicated. Even after weeks of work, he was still no closer to creating something that could transform an organism from female to male, which meant he was stuck as a woman for the time being...not that he really minded.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

True Form

Originally posted March 25, 2014.

Victor never even saw the car that hit him. He was just crossing the street, and the next thing he saw was a white flash. He awoke to find himself looking down at a female body in a white dress. A voice that seemed to come from nowhere explained that he was dead. The body he now had in the afterlife was his true form. Victor was a little more than surprised. He couldn’t even fathom how his true form was female. It almost made being dead seem like a secondary concern.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Wrong Cup

Originally posted May 23, 2017.

Jason heard his name called at the coffee shop, and he picked up the cup he saw on the counter. He neither heard the other name called nor did he notice the other cup next to the one he grabbed. One sip and he knew something was wrong, but as the liquid swirled in his mouth, it began to stop feeling wrong. Instead of returning it, he kept drinking. As he did, he noticed a woman in the store wearing a blue coat. She began to change...into him.

At the same time, Jason began to change into her. Though he was oblivious, as he was focused on her. By the time he realized his own changes, he knew it was already too late. He looked at the name on the cup. It said “Elizabeth.” He could only guess that’s who he was now, and that she was now him.

He wondered if he should be worried, but he couldn’t seem to get himself worked up about it. He just accepted it. He was Elizabeth now. He couldn’t do anything about it, but he still wished he hadn’t picked up the wrong cup.

Monday, November 21, 2022


Orginally posted on August 13, 2009.

It had to be here! It had to be! Chris was scrambling in the back yard looking for the Medallion of Zulu. It was only a few hours before his sister would be back after her week long vacation. He had been housesitting for her when he found the Medallion and its power. He used it to transform into her for the week. He mostly stayed at home, so he couldn't image it would be out of the house or the yard, except for that one time...Oh no! Had he somehow brought it with him to the store when he went to go buy groceries? He ran back to the store's lost and found, but they hadn't seen it there either. How was he going to explain to his sister that he was now her exact twin?

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Not Dead Yet

Originally posted June 11, 2009.

Lance was moments away from dying in the hospital when the Great Shift struck, swapping into the body of one of the nurses on duty. It wasn't long before many people came up to him in a panic, demanding to know why they were all of a sudden in a new body. He kept trying to explain that this wasn't his body either, that he was swapped like everyone else, but few let him get a word in. It was tough, but he managed to slip away into a room by himself and sit down on the bed. He wasn't sure how to deal with being a young woman, but it was certainly better than dying of old age.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Slow on the Uptake

Originally posted March 1, 2009.

When the Great Shift hit, Brian felt his body drop to the cold ground. Regaining consciousness, he felt confused and disoriented. Somehow he had woken up in a different part of town. All he could think was “What happened?” He didn’t think he had too much to drink; in fact, he couldn’t remember drinking at all. His body felt strange also. He felt a weird constriction as he breathed, and as he stood up his feet were in pain. What had he done? His mind was spinning. As he began to walk home, the urge to pee overcame him. Slipping into the bathroom of a diner, he stood at the urinal and unzipped his fly,

Brian screamed. A man in the stall next to him asked, “A little slow on the uptake, eh?” Brian heard a flush as the man looked at his horrified face. “It’s been hours since the Great Shift happened and you’re just noticing your new body now? Even if you haven’t seen the news yet, how do you not notice having a different body?”

Brian couldn’t say a word as he looked into the mirror to see a very pretty woman staring back. Under normal circumstances, this woman wouldn’t have given him the time of day, but now he WAS this woman.

“Good luck with your new life,” The man with the stall said as he left Brian alone to comtemplate his situation.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Feeling Up

Originally posted December 19, 2009.

Nate wasn't all that happy with the results of the Great Shift--he had wound up in the body of some chick! He had always been a macho guy, so it was a little humiliating for him. Still, there were benefits that he couldn't deny, and one of those was being able to feel boobs up anytime he wanted. However, grabbing boobs just didn't give him the same thrill it used to when he was a guy.

Thursday, November 17, 2022


Originally posted on September 11, 2010.

"Dude!" Marcus screamed to his friend Todd, "I know I agreed to let you turn me into a copy of your mom using that weird transformation machine so that I could attend the parent-teacher conference to get you out of trouble.But, for one, I look like your mom in photos from twenty years ago! She's way older than this. And, two, your mom's breasts aren't this huge! Not even close! You made these things monsters! We're not going to fool anyone at the school unless we fix these inconsistencies."

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Building Your Case

Originally posted on March 9, 2020.

“If you must know, Mr. Conklin, they aren’t real,” Reid Watts explained, “I was visiting a gentlemen’s club when the Great Shift occurred, and I swapped with one of the dancers. Despite your drooling over my appearance, I am still one of the best lawyers you’ll be able to get for your case -- which brings us back to the topic at hand.”

Reid continued, “Obviously, many people have had trouble claiming their lives since the Great Shift. The person in your original body claims to be unshifted, and many others have claimed to be you. Undoubtedly, they are all after your vast fortune. Luckily, the law has established many protections to ensure proper possession of assets. I even had to prove my own case first before assisting hundreds of others.

“Now, the first question is going to be about why it took you so long to come forward. Finding yourself in a remote village of a third world country certainly begins to cover that, and it looks like -- Mr. Conklin, could you please not stare at my chest like that. My eyes are up here, thank you.”

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Pink Fog

Originally posted on February 26, 2020.

The strange pink fog started out small. It spread over a couple, then a small group. It continued from there until its haze spread across a few miles at its maximum reach. Despite the odd color, no one had any clue about the pink fog or what it could do. That is until it started to dissipate.

As the fog retreated, people began to randomly swap bodies with other people leaving the fog’s reach. Jason had been at the edge of the fog’s reach and walked out; suddenly he realized he was wearing heels and a dress. He could taste something fruity on his lips -- the fog had swapped his body with a woman!

He thought about rushing back in to attempt another swap, but by the time he turned around, the fog was contracting much too quickly for him to catch up. He knew he was stuck! But he certainly wasn’t the only one. People all around the city now had new bodies.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Gone Wrong

Originally posted July 8, 2019

Dr. Henry Leithauser had been monitoring the work of his team careful. He was sure they could run their first test without incident. However, as soon as they flipped the large switch on the room-sized device, Henry knew something had gone horribly wrong. He found himself in a park a few blocks away, but the weird part was he was in an entirely different body. Temporal displacement was a possible bug with the device, but it shouldn’t have been this extreme. Luckily, the body he now had seemed to be in good shape; in fact, she had seemed to be out for a jog at the time, so he ran back his lab as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the lab did not appear to be in great shape by the time he got there. Flames were shooting from the building, and fire trucks surrounded it. He could only watch it burn, as he knew explaining who he was would only confuse most of the people working to extinguish the flame or those observing...