Friday, June 30, 2023


Originally posted on February 11, 2010.

It was bad enough that the Great Shift had swapped Bruce into a woman's body miles away from his home wearing a short skirt and high heels, but on top of all of that, it started to rain! He was thankful that, other than the exposed legs, this woman's body was dressed for the situation. He was also thankful that he was able to find an umbrella. He had overheard that shelters had been set up for people around town who couldn't get back to their own homes, but being quite a way from his home, he just wasn't familiar with this section of town. He'd love to just be able to get some place dry!

It was bad enough that the Great Shift had swapped Bruce into a woman's body miles away from his home wearing a short skirt and high heels, but on top of all of that, it started to rain! He was thankful that, other than the exposed legs, this woman's body was dressed for the situation. He was also thankful that he was able to find an umbrella. He had overheard that shelters had been set up for people around town who couldn't get back to their own homes, but being quite a way from his home, he just wasn't familiar with this section of town. He'd love to just be able to get some place dry!

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Confusion and Chaos

Originally posted on May 27, 2009.

The Great Shift understandably caused much confusion and chaos in its wake. Carl, for instance, found himself with a terrible headache, and unable to walk with the impossibly high heels now on his feet,crawled over to a neighbor mirror. As he propped himself up on the heels br grabbing the mirror's sides, he was taken aback by the reflection of the beautiful, young woman staring back at him...the beautiful, young woman he now was!

The Great Shift understandably caused much confusion and chaos in its wake. Carl, for instance, found himself with a terrible headache, and unable to walk with the impossibly high heels now on his feet,crawled over to a neighbor mirror. As he propped himself up on the heels br grabbing the mirror's sides, he was taken aback by the reflection of the beautiful, young woman staring back at him...the beautiful, young woman he now was!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Dear Journal

Originally posted on May 31, 2009.

"Dear Journal,

"It has now been sixteen days since the Great Shift. I have adjusted to being in a woman's body quite well up until today, which was the day of my first period. I had cramps; I felt bloated...everything people told me it would be. I hadn't missed being a guy up until this point--I had adjusted to other things, like make-up and women's clothing. Heck, I even caught myself checking a guy out the other day--A GUY! It was weird! But now, I just wish things could go back to the way they were; I wish I could be my old, male self again. But I know that's impossible...I need to learn to live with this."

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Toilet Paper

Originally posted on August 15, 2009.

It had been 24 hours since the Great Shift and Chris had wished the clothes stores had opened along with the grocery, but he guessed it was a matter of the most essential services. He certainly needed toilet paper, though he certainly wasn't looking forward to going to the bathroom. However, he really had no clothes to wear that fit--he ended up putting on a coat, some stockings, and shoes that an ex-girlfriend had left at this house a long time ago. He had to be pretty careful when he was out as he actually wasn't wearing anything under the coat, and he didn't want anyone to find out. As he adjusted his heel on his way back to his car, he figured that he succeeded.

It had been 24 hours since the Great Shift and Chris had wished the clothes stores had opened along with the grocery, but he guessed it was a matter of the most essential services. He certainly needed toilet paper, though he certainly wasn't looking forward to going to the bathroom. However, he really had no clothes to wear that fit--he ended up putting on a coat, some stockings, and shoes that an ex-girlfriend had left at this house a long time ago. He had to be pretty careful when he was out as he actually wasn't wearing anything under the coat, and he didn't want anyone to find out. As he adjusted his heel on his way back to his car, he figured that he succeeded.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Fill 'Er Up

Originally posted on August 10, 2009.

Dave really wished he hadn't taken that cab home last night. He had never believed in magic, so a cursed taxi cab that swapped him into the driver's body seemed preposterous. However, now inside that cabbie's body, he could no longer deny the evidence. A journal explained how he could steal another person's body and it wasn't long before he found a victim. She was a young woman with a pink coat. Nearing the destination, he could tell the meter would be too low to initiate a swap, so he lied and claimed he needed gas. The young woman was angry; she demanded Dave turn off the meter, but he refused. She stormed out of the cab before it even came to a complete stop at the station and slammed the door. "Yeah, a nice day to you too," yelled Dave as the meter clicked over the minimum amount. The woman stormed away. "Hey! You still owe me for the fare," Dave screamed. "Screw you!" She responded. Dave sighed as he started to fill up the tank. Then he started to feel weird. The next thing he knew, he was in the woman's body, still filling up the cab's tank. He stopped suddenly, reached into the pink coat's pocket, and found a $50 bill. He tossed it on the driver's seat and walked mindlessly down the street. He was in a daze as he passed by a familiar face, the one that belonged to him a few moments ago. His daze broke as he found himself standing in front of his new house and life.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

300 Pounds

Originally posted on July 29, 2009.

Adjusting to life after the Great Shift was weird; each day seemed to be filled with strange sights. Before the Shift, Nathan was 300 pounds and a competitive eater. He wasn't going to give that up just because he was now a 90 pound Asian woman! The number of people that would walk by and stare as he ate huge quantities of food, wondering how the small woman could swallow all of it.

Adjusting to life after the Great Shift was weird; each day seemed to be filled with strange sights. Before the Shift, Nathan was 300 pounds and a competitive eater. He wasn't going to give that up just because he was now a 90 pound Asian woman! The number of people that would walk by and stare as he ate huge quantities of food, wondering how the small woman could swallow all of it.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Seven to Two

Originally posted on July 27, 2009.

Jamal laughed out loud when a five foot tall woman in a skimpy yellow top challenged him to a game of one-on-one. At close to seven feet, the African American man was confident in his basketball dominance over this woman. When she asked to "make it interesting," he almost didn't accept, thinking it wasn't a fair bet at all. He was convinced when she told him that the stakes were "anything I want against anything YOU want." "Anything," she cooed once more, and he was sold. He was totally caught off guard when she crushed him, 7 to 2. " Remember the stakes," she said, "Anything I want, and I want your body." Jamal looked confused for a minute, a little scared by the look in her eye. He picked up the ball and started to walk away, but all of a sudden fell over in pain. He felt most of his body contract, but a few parts felt like they were expanding. Something was wrong. He stood up to look back to where the woman was standing, but she had disappeared. He brought the ball to his chest and that's when he realized what was wrong. He had two boobs hanging down from there covered in a very familiar yellow top. She had stolen his tall body and left him in hers!

Friday, June 23, 2023

Blind Date

Orginally posted on January 7, 2017.

Earlier in the day, Craig had gone to visit his sister, Gwen. She showed him a junky old medallion that she found at a yard sale. He wasn’t impressed; that is until the thing began to glow and the two of them ended up swapping bodies, to both their surprise. When they couldn’t use it again, Gwen suggested it may need to recharge. The only problem with waiting was a blind date that she had tonight that she refused to cancel.

Craig had been skeptical, but by the end of the dinner, he realized it wasn’t exactly a bad way to spend the evening. He hated to clothes his sister insisted he wear, but was pleasantly surprised as the waitstaff cleared the table after dessert that Gwen’s date picked up the check. While a guy picking up the tab for a woman isn’t uncommon at all, after a few glasses of wine, Craig was often forgetting that he was the woman right now. The whole thing felt more like hanging out with a buddy instead of a romantic encounter.

Of course, after dinner in the cab home, he was reminded intensely about the gender of his present body when Gwen’s date tried to pull some moves. Craig did his best to rebuff them, but the situation still made him feel vulnerable and awkward. He sure hoped that medallion was recharged by the time he got back to his sister’s place.

So Much for Second Chances

Originally posted on January 27, 2017.

Cliff had been driving the magic taxi for two weeks now, stuck inside the cabbie’s body. He was holding out as he looked for the perfect body. He was trying for a rich Wall Street banker type, being physically fit would certainly be a plus as well. Getting a call from dispatch about a fare from the financial district to a nearby gym seemed like a good fit, but he was a little disappointed when a woman got into his cab.

It was purely by accident that he muttered the words, “Have a nice day, Ma’am,” as he dropped her off. He was shocked when he found himself in her body. He knew what he had done, but he certainly hadn’t intended to do it! He couldn’t stop himself as he reached into her gym bag to pull out her wallet. He paid the fare, then gave the driver a $50 tip. That’s when Cliff was able to have some control of his actions.

“If you want another $50 tip, come pick me up here in a half hour,” He told the woman now inside the body of the driver. She just nodded. He knew she couldn’t speak up in protest about swapping bodies with him, but maybe, just maybe, she’d come back in a half hour and be able to get her body back.

In the meantime, Cliff decided to spend the half hour trying to act as normally as possible...Well, at least as normal as he could gather. He didn’t know much about this woman, but at least he remembered to go into the correct changing room for his new gender. After an intense twenty minute workout, he went outside and waited. He didn’t want to be late in case the magic taxi returned early. He waited for nearly an hour before it, in fact, did.

He sat down inside and asked, “Could you give me a ride home? I think you know where it is.”

When Cliff got out, he expected to hear the magic words, “Have a nice day,” but instead the driver just sat there smiling with his hand out. Cliff gave the driver another $50 tip, but was in shock that the woman seemed to have no interest in swapping back. It was probably about the closest anyone had ever gotten to having a second chance with the magic taxi, but it didn’t come to fruition. Cliff was still stuck in the woman’s body as the cab drove away.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Boss (Part 2)

View Part 1 of The Boss.

Originally posted on January 23, 2017.

Matt couldn’t believe that he was going to be stuck in the body of his boss for a little while. He hoped it would only be for a few hours, but the day ended without the device being fixed, so he now hoped they’d be able to swap back tomorrow. He hated that he had to pretend to be her also. It meant he had to act stuffy, stuck up, and feminine. But, on the plus side, it also meant he got to spend the night inside his boss’s huge house in the suburbs.

The first thing he wanted to do was change into something more comfortable than her skirt suit. It took him forever to find a closet. While Matt first considered a t-shirt and sweats, an odd find in the back her closet changed his mind.

He couldn’t believe his boss even owned anything like this! After putting on the strange outfit and completing the look with some makeup, he stared at himself in the mirror for a good half hour before sitting on the couch. There was clearly a side to his boss that he didn’t know. He wasn’t sure he would ever ask her about it; heck, he wasn’t even sure he wanted to think any more about it.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The Boss (Part 1)

Orginally posted on January 22, 2017.

Matt sat at his boss’s desk and listened as she explained what had happened. She spoke about a secret government contract, some boring technical stuff, and then the kicker. He had swapped bodies with her thanks to this weird gizmo, and now she was asking him to pretend to be her until they were able to fix it. He looked at her with skepticism. How was he supposed to pull this off? He didn’t know much about what she did day to day. Further, he had no idea how he was going to cope with being a woman. Of course, until that device was fixed, he probably didn’t have much of a choice. He reluctantly agreed to let her talk through how he should act in the interim.

Matt sat at his boss’s desk and listened as she explained what had happened. She spoke about a secret government contract, some boring technical stuff, and then the kicker. He had swapped bodies with her thanks to this weird gizmo, and now she was asking him to pretend to be her until they were able to fix it.

He looked at her with skepticism. How was he supposed to pull this off? He didn’t know much about what she did day to day. Further, he had no idea how he was going to cope with being a woman. Of course, until that device was fixed, he probably didn’t have much of a choice. He reluctantly agreed to let her talk through how he should act in the interim.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

A Thank You

Once again, I will thank everyone who already subscribes to My Patreon. And for those that don't (which is perfectly fine, by the way), it's where I am starting to populate all the original captions from my Great Shift captions site. I am also trying to write new captions, many of which may be a little too much for posting on Google/Blogger. And there may be a little weird surprise from time to time, like a video or something. Anyway, if you don't already subscribe, here it is. It helps pay for the basic costs of running the site and making new material. I once again thank everyone who is already subscribing. :)

Good Time

Originally posted on June 29, 2009.

Aaron was excited when he saw the smile on Kelly's face, "So I take it that you had as good a time in my body as I did in yours?"

Kelly nodded, "How would you feel about making this swap permanent?"

"You mean I'd get to be you forever?" Aaron asked, "Oh, my god! Yes! I've loved being a woman and was going to ask you the same thing! That medallion was the best thing we ever found!"

Monday, June 19, 2023

Daughter's Prom

Originally posted on July 6, 2009.

Yuan felt very awkward wearing his daughter's prom dress, but she insisted that he attend even after a strange accident had switched their bodies. It had been two months since the swap, and they had so far been unable to get back to their own bodies. Yuan had begun to think it might be impossible, but his daughter still had hope, so she made sure he did his best to continue her life in the way she wanted, which included attending prom with the most popular boy in school.

Yuan felt very awkward wearing his daughter's prom dress, but she insisted that he attend even after a strange accident had switched their bodies. It had been two months since the swap, and they had so far been unable to get back to their own bodies. Yuan had begun to think it might be impossible, but his daughter still had hope, so she made sure he did his best to continue her life in the way she wanted, which included attending prom with the most popular boy in school.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Bowling Shoes

Originally posted on June 30, 2009.

Tim was bowling when the Great Shift happened, and it swapped him into the body of a woman who was walking outside. There was a lot for him to be pissed about. For starters, he was now a woman! That was bad enough, but the heels she was wearing were insanely tall. He had now become 15 years younger, and he felt so weak. At least the bowling alley would be able to help him on one of his problems. He went up to the counter and offered 100 dollars from the woman's purse to buy a pair of bowling shoes that would fit. He sat on the floor to change and then headed on home, thankful he wouldn't have to walk in those heels the woman owned.

Tim was bowling when the Great Shift happened, and it swapped him into the body of a woman who was walking outside. There was a lot for him to be pissed about. For starters, he was now a woman! That was bad enough, but the heels she was wearing were insanely tall. He had now become 15 years younger, and he felt so weak. At least the bowling alley would be able to help him on one of his problems. He went up to the counter and offered $100 from the woman's purse to buy a pair of bowling shoes that would fit. He sat on the floor to change and then headed on home, thankful he wouldn't have to walk in those heels the woman owned.

Saturday, June 17, 2023


Originally posted on February 3, 2017.

Chris was trying to do anything he could to get his mind off the fact that he had swapped bodies with his sister. He invited his friend, Todd, over to just chill and play some video games. It seemed like a good distraction, but Chris picked up the controller and tried to play. He couldn’t even seem to get passed the first level.

“Dude, what the hell is wrong with me?” He asked with a dropped jaw.

“I have a theory,” Todd replied, “You’re wearing makeup. How’d you put that on this morning?”

“I dunno. I didn’t even think about it. My sister just told me I have to wear it.”

“Right, it was effortless. I think you got more from your sister than just her body from that swap. You also have some of her learned putting on makeup. But she probably has your video game playing skills.”

“No way. This can’t be happening. If I can’t play games, what am I? And, if I know how to put on makeup, I’m just a chick! Not just the physical body, but I’m like a legit chick. God, if I start liking sappy romance movies or obsessing about shoes, just shoot me, please!”

Friday, June 16, 2023


Originally posted on February 4, 2017.

Susan had been looking forward to vacationing with her husband on Exchange Island for months. She couldn’t wait to spend a week in someone else’s body -- to be someone completely different for a while. But when they arrived, she was disappointed. The body she swapped with wasn’t much different than her own. It was the same body type and about the same weight as hers was. Even the skin tone and hair length were remarkably similar. Technically, she may have swapped bodies, but she wasn’t exactly going to be getting a whole new set of experiences while she was here. Then she looked over at her husband, and suddenly she didn’t feel disappointed as much anymore.

Susan had been looking forward to vacationing with her husband on Exchange Island for months. She couldn’t wait to spend a week in someone else’s body -- to be someone completely different for a while. But when they arrived, she was disappointed. The body she swapped with wasn’t much different than her own. It was the same body type and about the same weight as hers was. Even the skin tone and hair length were remarkably similar. Technically, she may have swapped bodies, but she wasn’t exactly going to be getting a whole new set of experiences while she was here. Then she looked over at her husband, and suddenly she didn’t feel disappointed as much anymore.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

In Vegas

Originally posted on May 3, 2020.

Jenny nervously walked the floor of the casino. She was visiting Las Vegas and had seen an ad for a service where you could spend the night in someone else’s body. She selected a guy’s body, thinking it would be interested to be treated as a man for a little while. The swap was quick and painless, but getting used to being a guy was weird. She was taller now, and the feeling between her legs as she walked was truly strange.

She had fun at a few games, and felt like she was being treated with more respect -- thought she honestly realized she couldn’t be sure of that. Then a sight at the casino bar caught her eye. It had been hard to recognize it at first because of the outfit, but that was her body sitting there! She approached feeling indignant.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Jenny asked.

“Getting a drink. What does it look like?” Her body retorted.

“But you’ve dressed me up like a slut! Where did you even get those clothes?”

“They aren’t THAT bad! I went shopping. Well, YOU went shopping. You also got a brand new tattoo.”

“But you can’t DO that to my body!”

“What are you going to do about it? Unless you want me to keep it.”

“I’l report you to your boss?”

“Ha! Do you think they hire people to swap for their business? No, they find two people both shelling out dough to swap with each other. The way I see it, I paid for this body; I’m going to do what I want with it.”

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Pink Tax

Originally posted on October 18, 2018.

Andrew had been nervous about signing up for the psychological study at first. He knew it entailed swapping bodies with another participant of the opposite gender and living their life for six months. However the start of the study was remarkably smooth. He swapped with a half-Asian woman named Hiromi. She was smart, young, and attractive. Settling into her life was a breeze. But as the days passed, Andrew noticed something weird. Women’s items just seemed to cost more than men’s. When he noticed his usual $20 haircut would now be more than twice as expensive, hat was the last straw. Instead, he picked up a knife and looked at himself in the mirror. How hard could it be to cut his own hair? Plus, he’d save a lot of money. This didn’t seem like a bad plan at all..

Andrew had been nervous about signing up for the psychological study at first. He knew it entailed swapping bodies with another participant of the opposite gender and living their life for six months. However the start of the study was remarkably smooth. He swapped with a half-Asian woman named Hiromi. She was smart, young, and attractive. Settling into her life was a breeze. But as the days passed, Andrew noticed something weird. Women’s items just seemed to cost more than men’s. When he noticed his usual $20 haircut would now be more than twice as expensive, hat was the last straw. Instead, he picked up a knife and looked at himself in the mirror. How hard could it be to cut his own hair? Plus, he’d save a lot of money. This didn’t seem like a bad plan at all...

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Or for that Matter...

Originally posted on May 4, 2009.

"So, how do you put one of these things on? Or for that matter, take it off?"

Before the Great Shift hit, Edward had been an overweight 30-year old virgin. However, the shift swapped him into the body of his attractive sister, who was just a few years younger than he was. She couldn't believe that Edward was so dumb and thought that all his questions abut bras and such were just to rub it in her face that she was stuck in his old gross body...

Monday, June 12, 2023

Too Drunk

Originally posted on November 7, 2009.

The Great Shift had happened when Mick was drinking at a pub. With the high levels of alcohol in all their bodies, no one stopped drinking, despite their new bodies. It was as though the effects of the Shift weren't even noticed in the drunken bar goers. That was until Mick slipped behind the bar to go and take a leak. The reached for his fly, but found a red skirt instead. He was even more shocked when he reached for his privates and found something other than the usual.

The Great Shift had happened when Mick was drinking at a pub. With the high levels of alcohol in all their bodies, no one stopped drinking, despite their new bodies. It was as though the effects of the Shift weren't even noticed in the drunken bar goers. That was until Mick slipped behind the bar to go and take a leak. The reached for his fly, but found a red skirt instead. He was even more shocked when he reached for his privates and found something other than the usual.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Service Industry

Originally posted on January 2, 2014.

Henry and the other guys at the brokerage where he worked would often hit up a sushi restaurant after work. It was on one evening when the service was particularly slow that Henry’s big mouth got him into trouble. He started complaining and it got out of hand quickly. He loudly accused several waitresses of being illegal immigrants. He also said the only reason they worked in the low paid service industry was because they were lazy. The owner overheard the abuse. She knew the service was slow due to the dinner rush. She wasn’t going to tolerate Henry treating her employees so poorly, so she decided to teach him a lesson.

In the middle of one of his shouts, Henry went quiet, the whole restaurant did. Suddenly, he found himself standing on his feet with a pen in his hand. Instead of barking, he was being barked at, but all he could do was nod and write down what the person speaking to him was saying. It didn’t take him long to realize he was in the body of one of the waitresses!

He wanted to scream and walk off the job, but he just couldn’t stop himself from obediently taking orders and serving tables. It wasn’t until the end of his shift several hours later that he was able to finally sit down. His feet were killing him. The owner walked over and stood next to him with a smirk.

“You think this job is easy?” She told him, “You think you can do better? I pay most of my staff well, but not you. You’ll be making minimum wage. All my staff speak perfect english, but you’ll soon be finding your knowledge of it to be quite limited. And while I assure you that all my staff are here legally; you’re own papers are now questionable at best. Let’s see how easy it is for you to escape.”

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Drive (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Drive.

Originally posted on January 4, 2014.

If things felt strange for Michael inside of the car, they started to feel even stranger as he started to get out. For one, it wasn’t just the fact that he was dealing with a whole new body, he was also noticing the clothes that body was wearing. Upon opening the door, he felt the cool night air on his nyloned legs -- causing goose bumps on the smooth skin. Placing a foot on the ground, he stumbled a bit thanks to the heeled shoes on his feet. He thought for a minute about taking them off, but running around barefoot seemed like an even worse idea. He wondered how women managed in such impractical shoes, but he also realized he didn’t have much choice in the matter at the present moment. Of course, the bigger question now was where he planned to go. The radio had continued to report on what was being called The Great Shift also mentioned the roads were a mess. If was going to go anywhere, he’d probably have to walk.

If things felt strange for Michael inside of the car, they started to feel even stranger as he started to get out. For one, it wasn’t just the fact that he was dealing with a whole new body, he was also noticing the clothes that body was wearing. Upon opening the door, he felt the cool night air on his nyloned legs -- causing goose bumps on the smooth skin. Placing a foot on the ground, he stumbled a bit thanks to the heeled shoes on his feet. He thought for a minute about taking them off, but running around barefoot seemed like an even worse idea. He wondered how women managed in such impractical shoes, but he also realized he didn’t have much choice in the matter at the present moment. Of course, the bigger question now was where he planned to go. The radio had continued to report on what was being called “The Great Shift” also mentioned the roads were a mess. If was going to go anywhere, he’d probably have to walk.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Drive (Part 1)

Originally posted on December 22, 2013.

Michael had been driving down the interstate when a huge flash appeared before his eyes. The next thing he knew he parked in a lot. The keys were still in this ignition and the car was still on. Initially, he couldn’t put together what had happened. He only imagined that he had blacked out while driving then somehow miraculously pulled over and managed to park his car. It didn’t take him long to realize that this wasn’t his old beat up car. This car was really fancy -- way more than he could ever afford. He worried that when he blacked out, he had somehow stolen it! His heart started to race. The beating called attention to his chest. That’s when he noticed something extremely different. This not only wasn’t his car; this was also not his body! As unbelievable as it was, he must have swapped bodies with the owner of this car! And the owner of this car was a woman! He reached one hand up to the unfamiliar weight on his chest before quickly removing it. He didn’t yet want to even think about sending a hand down below the belt. His turned off the car’s MP3 player and switched to the radio. There were panicked reports indicating that he clearly wasn’t the only one who had switched bodies. In fact, the reports were stating that anywhere between 70-99% of the world had switched. He wasn’t quite sure what to do next.

Michael had been driving down the interstate when a huge flash appeared before his eyes. The next thing he knew he parked in a lot. The keys were still in this ignition and the car was still on. Initially, he couldn’t put together what had happened. He only imagined that he had blacked out while driving then somehow miraculously pulled over and managed to park his car. It didn’t take him long to realize that this wasn’t his old beat up car. This car was really fancy -- way more than he could ever afford. He worried that when he blacked out, he had somehow stolen it! His heart started to race. The beating called attention to his chest. That’s when he noticed something extremely different. This not only wasn’t his car; this was also not his body! As unbelievable as it was, he must have swapped bodies with the owner of this car! And the owner of this car was a woman! He reached one hand up to the unfamiliar weight on his chest before quickly removing it. He didn’t yet want to even think about sending a hand down below the belt.

His turned off the car’s MP3 player and switched to the radio. There were panicked reports indicating that he clearly wasn’t the only one who had switched bodies. In fact, the reports were stating that anywhere between 70-99% of the world had switched. He wasn’t quite sure what to do next.

Thursday, June 8, 2023


Originally posted on December 8, 2009.

The Great Shift was hard on most high schoolers, but it was probably worst for the students who swapped with teachers. John Keyes was one such student, who was swapped into the body of the school's new chemistry teacher, Miss Lee. John figured things could've been worse. At least Miss Lee just graduated from teaching college last year, so she wasn't too far in age from him. He could've ended up like his buddy, Matt, who swapped with Mr. Marley. Sure, Matt was still male, but Mr. Marley was only a few months from retirement!

The Great Shift was hard on most high schoolers, but it was probably worst for the students who swapped with teachers. John Keyes was one such student, who was swapped into the body of the school's new chemistry teacher, Miss Lee. John figured things could've been worse. At least Miss Lee just graduated from teaching college last year, so she wasn't too far in age from him. He could've ended up like his buddy, Matt, who swapped with Mr. Marley. Sure, Matt was still male, but Mr. Marley was only a few months from retirement!

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

18th Birthday

Originally posted on December 6, 2009.

Ever since Robert learned on his 18th birthday that he could swap bodies with people, he's been having the time of his life playing practical jokes on people. His latest victim was a total hottie, who was also a mom of one of his little brother's friends. He spied her eating in a cafe while he was out and about. He swapped with her just to see the reaction on her face to suddenly be a man. After a good 5 minutes of laughing, he switched back to look for his next target.

Ever since Robert learned on his 18th birthday that he could swap bodies with people, he's been having the time of his life playing practical jokes on people. His latest victim was a total hottie, who was also a mom of one of his little brother's friends. He spied her eating in a cafe while he was out and about. He swapped with her just to see the reaction on her face to suddenly be a man. After a good 5 minutes of laughing, he switched back to look for his next target.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Liberal Art (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Liberal Art.

Originally posted on September 7, 2010.

Reggie was quite a bit shocked to be inside the body of one of those weird art majors. He felt like a complete freak, but in another way, he also felt a little sexy. Within a few minutes, he actually felt pretty good about himself. And he also started to think about being a woman, and if his opportunities in the business world might be limited because of that fact. That simply wouldn't be fair! His conservative leanings slowly started to get a little more liberal...

Reggie was quite a bit shocked to be inside the body of one of those weird art majors. He felt like a complete freak, but in another way, he also felt a little sexy. Within a few minutes, he actually felt pretty good about himself. And he also started to think about being a woman, and if his opportunities in the business world might be limited because of that fact. That simply wouldn't be fair! His conservative leanings slowly started to get a little more liberal...

Monday, June 5, 2023

Liberal Art (Part 1)

Originally posted on August 26, 2010.

Reggie was a sophomore business major at a leading University and a member of the campus's young Republicans. However, the liberal nature of college kids regularly got on his nerve. It wasn't just their politics, but the absolutely idiotic things they did. He sighed wishing they could all just grow up as he walked back to his dorm from his economics class. And that's when the Great Shift hit and he found himself in the basement of the art school in the body of a female painting major. She was apparently working on a mural that just looked like trashy graffiti to Reggie, and he couldn't believe she was doing this art wearing roller skates, which meant that HE was now wearing roller skates. He couldn't believe that he was now inside the body of one of those freaky liberal art majors!

Reggie was a sophomore business major at a leading University and a member of the campus's young Republicans. However, the liberal nature of college kids regularly got on his nerve. It wasn't just their politics, but the absolutely idiotic things they did. He sighed wishing they could all just grow up as he walked back to his dorm from his economics class. And that's when the Great Shift hit and he found himself in the basement of the art school in the body of a female painting major. She was apparently working on a mural that just looked like trashy graffiti to Reggie, and he couldn't believe she was doing this "art" wearing roller skates, which meant that HE was now wearing roller skates. He couldn't believe that he was now inside the body of one of those freaky liberal art majors!

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Formulating an Escape

It was about two weeks ago when Evan had been kidnapped by the mad scientist. He, along with about twenty other people, were subject to the crazy doctor’s mind swapping experiments. The scientist kept the subjects inside for most of the day with a short time outside in a fenced in area, switching their bodies every few days. It was about a week ago when Evan discovered the hole in the fence, but he just couldn’t fit. He didn’t dare tell any of the other subjects about his find, quickly formulating a plan for his own escape. Sure enough, when he was switched into a thin enough body, he simply slipped through the hole. Sure, it meant he’d be stuck in a woman’s body for the rest of his life, but it sure beat being at the mercy of that mad man!

It was about two weeks ago when Evan had been kidnapped by the mad scientist. He, along with about twenty other people, were subject to the crazy doctor’s mind swapping experiments. The scientist kept the subjects inside for most of the day with a short time outside in a fenced in area, switching their bodies every few days. It was about a week ago when Evan discovered the hole in the fence, but he just couldn’t fit. He didn’t dare tell any of the other subjects about his find, quickly formulating a plan for his own escape. Sure enough, when he was switched into a thin enough body, he simply slipped through the hole. Sure, it meant he’d be stuck in a woman’s body for the rest of his life, but it sure beat being at the mercy of that mad man!

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Heeled Workout

Originally posted on October 15, 2013.

Daniel had been a 300 pounds man before the Great Shift swapped his body with a very svelte woman. He wasn’t about to let himself go like before. The next morning, he hit the gym in a sexy workout outfit. But curiously enough, he also had high heeled shoes on his feet. His argument for doing so was quite simple. He needed to keep his new body in shape, but he also needed to learn about being a woman. If he could figure out exercising in high heels, he figured he could do just about anything wearing women’s clothing. Sure, he tumbled quite a few times, but after about a month, he was a pure pro in heels. He had adapted to his new female body quite well. In fact, he was thinking his body might be even more toned now than when he first got it.

Daniel had been a 300 pounds man before the Great Shift swapped his body with a very svelte woman. He wasn’t about to let himself go like before. The next morning, he hit the gym in a sexy workout outfit. But curiously enough, he also had high heeled shoes on his feet. His argument for doing so was quite simple. He needed to keep his new body in shape, but he also needed to learn about being a woman. If he could figure out exercising in high heels, he figured he could do just about anything wearing women’s clothing. Sure, he tumbled quite a few times, but after about a month, he was a pure pro in heels. He had adapted to his new female body quite well. In fact, he was thinking his body might be even more toned now than when he first got it.

Friday, June 2, 2023

New Relations (Part 4)

View Part 1 of New Relations.

View Part 2 of New Relations.

View Part 3 of New Relations.

Originally posted on December 1, 2011.

Gregory had continued to go to the gym week after week. One day, a woman came up beside him. She struck up a conversation. The words seemed familiar; he had used similar phrases back when he hit on women. This woman was hitting on him, and Gregory was eating it up! He asked her out; the woman smiled and nodded. Gregory was really beginning to think the Great Shift was the greatest thing that ever happened to him!

Gregory had continued to go to the gym week after week. One day, a woman came up beside him. She struck up a conversation. The words seemed familiar; he had used similar phrases back when he hit on women. This woman was hitting on him, and Gregory was eating it up! He asked her out; the woman smiled and nodded. Gregory was really beginning to think the Great Shift was the greatest thing that ever happened to him!

Thursday, June 1, 2023

New Relations (Part 3)

View Part 1 of New Relations.

View Part 2 of New Relations.

Originally posted on September 29, 2011.

Gregory had only been going to the gym for a little while, but he already felt great about himself. If he was going to be a woman, he was going to be the hottest woman around. He’d not only make his ex jealous, but everyone else! He knew he’d be able to have his pick for a new relationship--and he’d be open! He could tell his new female hormones were attracting him to men, but his old male brain certainly had an influence, making females still equally appealing. He guessed he was bisexual now! Oh well, just more options for dating on Friday nights

Gregory had only been going to the gym for a little while, but he already felt great about himself. If he was going to be a woman, he was going to be the hottest woman around. He’d not only make his ex jealous, but everyone else! He knew he’d be able to have his pick for a new relationship--and he’d be open! He could tell his new female hormones were attracting him to men, but his old male brain certainly had an influence, making females still equally appealing. He guessed he was bisexual now! Oh well, just more options for dating on Friday nights!