Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Perfect Crime

Originally posted on March 13, 2009.

"Eh, Micky, it's Teddy. Okay, so after stealing this broad's body, I transfered the million bucks into our account. Talk about identity theft, eh? Anyway, you ready to switch me back to the ol' me? What do you mean you're trying, and it just ain't working? C'mon, Micky, try harder. You think I'm stuck? Shit, what we gonna do? This was supposed to be the perfect crime. A get in/get out thing. Now you're telling me there's no getting out? Fuck you; find a way. I ain't dealing with bras and periods the rest of my life."

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Keeping It!

Originally posted on April 7, 2009.

When Joe was visiting Exchange Island, he was lucky enough to wind up in the body of a young woman named Crystal. He wanted to keep it so bad, but was informed by staff that everyone had to switch back at the end of their vacation. Joe needed to figure out away to keep her body, so a few nighte before the end of his trip, he stole a boat late at night and snuck off the island. He was now at the airport on the mainland, miles away from the island, and he was waiting for a plane to take him back to Crystal's home in Los Angeles. He had done it an was eagerly awaiting his new life!

When Joe was visiting Exchange Island, he was lucky enough to wind up in the body of a young woman named Crystal. He wanted to keep it so bad, but was informed by staff that everyone had to switch back at the end of their vacation. Joe needed to figure out away to keep her body, so a few nighte before the end of his trip, he stole a boat late at night and snuck off the island. He was now at the airport on the mainland, miles away from the island, and he was waiting for a plane to take him back to Crystal's home in Los Angeles. He had done it an was eagerly awaiting his new life!

Friday, March 29, 2024


Originally posted on March 24, 2014.

Michael had spent three years of searching for this stream. The water in it was magical. All that time ago, a single vial he and Kristen had drunk had caused the two to switch bodies. Now he was sure another vial would switch them back. At first, he and Kristen had searched together, but she had finally given up several months ago. He couldn’t wait to get some place with cell phone service so that he could call her.

What he didn’t count on was that when she had given up, Kristen had come to accept being in Michael’s body. It had been a huge task to adapt to living as him, and she convinced herself that, at this point, switching bodies again -- even to one that was once hers -- would be another huge adaptation, one that she was not ready to go through again.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Worker Protection

Originally posted on January 25, 2014.

After the Great Shift, Stan no longer had the physical ability to continue his normal job at the factory, but thanks to some quick worker protection laws passed in the wake of the Shift, the company wasn’t able to just let him go either. As a result, they found odd jobs for him to do in the factory or in the warehouse. Today, he was assigned to clean the floors. He knew this wouldn’t last. The protection laws were only temporary. He’d probably need to find something else to do sooner rather than later. Then again, considering his new body, maybe he’d just be able to find himself a husband?

After the Great Shift, Stan no longer had the physical ability to continue his normal job at the factory, but thanks to some quick worker protection laws passed in the wake of the Shift, the company wasn’t able to just let him go either. As a result, they found odd jobs for him to do in the factory or in the warehouse. Today, he was assigned to clean the floors. He knew this wouldn’t last. The protection laws were only temporary. He’d probably need to find something else to do sooner rather than later. Then again, considering his new body, maybe he’d just be able to find himself a husband?

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Claw Machine

Originally posted on January 16, 2014.

It had been almost three years since Gavin and Tracy had swapped bodies using the Medallion of Zulu and almost just as long since they had lost the strange piece of jewelry. For the most part, Gavin had tried to put it out of his mind and accept his new life as Tracy. It was truly by chance that he saw the sparkle in the claw machine that he was able to immediately identify. It was the Medallion, the cheap necklace seemed to mock him from inside the machine. He plunked all his change down in an attempt to win the Medallion, but he came up unsurprisingly short. He cursed as he went to a cashier to turn a twenty into more quarters, but in the short time he was gone, the Medallion had disappeared. He was sure he had kept one eye over here, and he hadn’t seen anyone else play. Maybe it got lost in the pile of stuffed animals somehow? He had been so close to finding it again! How did he let it slip through his fingers like that! He could’ve finally gotten back to his own body after three long years!

It had been almost three years since Gavin and Tracy had swapped bodies using the Medallion of Zulu and almost just as long since they had lost the strange piece of jewelry. For the most part, Gavin had tried to put it out of his mind and accept his new life as Tracy. It was truly by chance that he saw the sparkle in the claw machine that he was able to immediately identify. It was the Medallion, the cheap necklace seemed to mock him from inside the machine. He plunked all his change down in an attempt to win the Medallion, but he came up unsurprisingly short. He cursed as he went to a cashier to turn a twenty into more quarters, but in the short time he was gone, the Medallion had disappeared. He was sure he had kept one eye over here, and he hadn’t seen anyone else play. Maybe it got lost in the pile of stuffed animals somehow? He had been so close to finding it again! How did he let it slip through his fingers like that! He could’ve finally gotten back to his own body after three long years!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


Originally posted on March 15, 2020.

Jeremy heard an annoyed grunt as he poured some soda into his cup.

“What’s the problem?” He turned around to ask his girlfriend.

“You’re going to make me fat! I’m going to have to buy an entirely new wardrobe!” She complained.

“Relax. It’s been a month since the Shift, I’ve been drinking soda everyday, and your pants haven’t gotten any more difficult to squeeze on each morning! Besides, on your insistence I got the salad instead of the burger. I really wanted that triple bacon cheeseburger, you know? I can at least treat myself with a soda!”

“Fine. Just don’t complain to me when my pants no longer fit and your first to wear one of my flowing dresses or a loose skirt.”

Monday, March 25, 2024


Originally posted on August 5, 2018.

Having the umbrella you’re holding get struck by lightning is the sort of thing you would expect to kill you. Devin sure expected that it would kill him. He certainly didn’t expect the lightning bolt to branch out and strike two people at the exact same time resulting in a body swap. Yet here he was on the street staring at himself. He shifted uncomfortably in the tall, high heeled boots now on his feet. He didn’t know what to say; he wasn’t even sure he wanted to hear what he sounded like. Considering he had swapped with a woman, he imagined it to be much higher pitched than what he was used to. The woman seemed to be looking back at him, equally unsure of what to do next...

Having the umbrella you’re holding get struck by lightning is the sort of thing you would expect to kill you. Devin sure expected that it would kill him. He certainly didn’t expect the lightning bolt to branch out and strike two people at the exact same time resulting in a body swap. Yet here he was on the street staring at himself. He shifted uncomfortably in the tall, high heeled boots now on his feet. He didn’t know what to say; he wasn’t even sure he wanted to hear what he sounded like. Considering he had swapped with a woman, he imagined it to be much higher pitched than what he was used to. The woman seemed to be looking back at him, equally unsure of what to do next...

Sunday, March 24, 2024


Originally posted on August 8, 2018.

As she got out of her car, Pamela suddenly froze. She was worried, and it only got more worrisome when her body started moving again -- only she wasn’t controlling any of the movements. She wanted to scream, “What’s happening!?” But she was unable to move her lips to speak.

“I’ll tell you,” She heard her own voice say responding to her thoughts, “I’m taking control of your body.”

“You can’t!” She thought as loudly as he could.

“I’ve already done it. For the moment, you are a voice in my head, but soon enough even I won’t be able to hear you. You’ll just be along for the ride, and believe me, it’l be a ride. I’ve always been curious what it would be like to be a woman.”

Saturday, March 23, 2024


Originally posted on October 29, 2010.

When the Great Shift hit, swapping Stan into a woman’s body, he was instantly puzzled, not only as to why he had a new body, but also as to why he was outside.  The first thing he did was kneel down to investigate the woman’s purse. Maybe there was a key inside that would open the door of the house he now stood in front of...if not, perhaps there was an ID telling where this woman lived.

When the Great Shift hit, swapping Stan into a woman’s body, he was instantly puzzled, not only as to why he had a new body, but also as to why he was outside. The first thing he did was kneel down to investigate the woman’s purse. Maybe there was a key inside that would open the door of the house he now stood in front of...if not, perhaps there was an ID telling where this woman lived.

Friday, March 22, 2024


Originally posted on March 27, 2013.

Jack had always assumed that women had more interesting lives than men, particularly beautiful women. When the Great Shift hit and landed his soul in a woman’s body, he was excited about what the future would hold. But it wasn’t long before he fell into his own patterns of doing laundry and going grocery shopping. Despite the initial excitement, his life was still just as mundane as before.

Jack had always assumed that women had more interesting lives than men, particularly beautiful women. When the Great Shift hit and landed his soul in a woman’s body, he was excited about what the future would hold. But it wasn’t long before he fell into his own patterns of doing laundry and going grocery shopping. Despite the initial excitement, his life was still just as mundane as before.

Thursday, March 21, 2024


Originally posted on October 17, 2012.

It was disheartening. A few short weeks ago, Justin had been one of the top golfers on the planet, but now thanks to the Great Shift, he was awful! His new body was so much weaker; he shots never seemed to go where he wanted them too anymore. His only hope was to keep working at it; to get his new body back to where his old one had been. Though with his horrible scores, he wondered if that would ever be possible. Also, considering no woman had ever qualified for the PGA so far (and he was now a woman), he questioned if training even mattered.

It was disheartening. A few short weeks ago, Justin had been one of the top golfers on the planet, but now thanks to the Great Shift, he was awful! His new body was so much weaker; he shots never seemed to go where he wanted them too anymore. His only hope was to keep working at it; to get his new body back to where his old one had been. Though with his horrible scores, he wondered if that would ever be possible. Also, considering no woman had ever qualified for the PGA so far (and he was now a woman), he questioned if training even mattered.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Second Attempt

Originally posted on May 15, 2023 on my Patreon! It's rare when I post my Patreon exclusives outside of Patreon (they are exclusive for a reason), but thought I'd leak one or two out from time to time.

The last time I stole a woman’s body, she came up to me in a panic about the fact that she was now a man. I had to pretend to be equally upset about being in her body, come up with a plan about how to stay in touch, and even help her research ways back to normal. Her pestering got so me so exhausted that I just swapped us back as secretly as I switched us in the first place. She was so happy, and I once again feigned an emotion to disguise that I was responsible for all of it.

This time I wasn’t going to make that mistake again.

I saw the cute Asian woman in a short leather skirt on the train and realized that the setting was absolutely perfect. I initiated the swap as I was leaving the train and it was fully complete just as the doors closed. I smiled as the train pulled away and looked at the shocked face on my former body just standing on the platform. This should allow me to stay one step ahead of her. She’ll never be able to find me, and I won’t have to go through all that effort of pretending this was some sort of accident!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Feeling Bad

Originally posted on March 16, 2009.

"Look, Dad, I'll level with you." Ryan stated, "Mom swapped my body with your secretary's because she was convinced you were having an affair with her. However, after the way you've just been leering at me all day, I don't think you'd ever have the confidence to say hello, let alone build up the courage to ask her to sleep with you. Anyway, it's just been creepy, and I feel bad for Miss Li if this is your behavior around her all day."

Monday, March 18, 2024


Originally posted on May 10, 2013.

Francis maintained a beautiful garden in his backyard. One day, he noticed a fish flopping around in a tub where he usually kept tools. He couldn’t figure out how a fish had gotten there. He felt bad for the poor thing, so he took a pitcher and started to fill up the tub. It took hours, but he managed to fill it. Soon the fish was swimming happily. What Francis could have never known was that the fish was magical and wanted to reward the person who saved his life. In an instant, Francis’s body started to change. The fish was turning into a half-human and half-pixie creature. As half-pixie, Francis became a feminine woman with magic of his own. Despite this great gift, Francis wasn’t particularly thankful...

Francis maintained a beautiful garden in his backyard. One day, he noticed a fish flopping around in a tub where he usually kept tools. He couldn’t figure out how a fish had gotten there. He felt bad for the poor thing, so he took a pitcher and started to fill up the tub. It took hours, but he managed to fill it. Soon the fish was swimming happily. What Francis could have never known was that the fish was magical and wanted to reward the person who saved his life. In an instant, Francis’s body started to change. The fish was turning into a half-human and half-pixie creature. As half-pixie, Francis became a feminine woman with magic of his own. Despite this great gift, Francis wasn’t particularly thankful...

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Pond

Originally posted on November 27, 2012.

Beth was not an outdoor kind of girl. When her boyfriend, David, asked her to go on a short hike with him, she tried to refuse, but he just wouldn’t let her. She certainly didn’t have any hiking clothes, so she just went in what she was wearing. After only a few minutes in, she begged to go back, but David kept going with a certain drive. She should’ve been suspicious, but she was too busy complaining. A few more minutes later and they came to a small pond. David acted like the find was spontaneous, but it wasn’t. He knew the pool had the power to swap two people’s bodies if they were in it at the same time. He encouraged Beth to relax and take a break by jumping in. She refused; she was not dressed for swimming! David knew he was too close to pass this up. He reacted quickly by pushing her in, then jumped in himself. He didn’t notice the change until he made it out of the pond. He was soaking wet, but he also now had Beth’s body. He let out a grin as he gave his new butt a quick feel. A few moments later, Beth would come out of the pond with David’s body. She would not be nearly as pleased with the switch.

Beth was not an outdoor kind of girl. When her boyfriend, David, asked her to go on a short hike with him, she tried to refuse, but he just wouldn’t let her. She certainly didn’t have any hiking clothes, so she just went in what she was wearing. After only a few minutes in, she begged to go back, but David kept going with a certain drive. She should’ve been suspicious, but she was too busy complaining. A few more minutes later and they came to a small pond. David acted like the find was spontaneous, but it wasn’t. He knew the pool had the power to swap two people’s bodies if they were in it at the same time. He encouraged Beth to relax and take a break by jumping in. She refused; she was not dressed for swimming! David knew he was too close to pass this up. He reacted quickly by pushing her in, then jumped in himself. He didn’t notice the change until he made it out of the pond. He was soaking wet, but he also now had Beth’s body. He let out a grin as he gave his new butt a quick feel. A few moments later, Beth would come out of the pond with David’s body. She would not be nearly as pleased with the switch.

Saturday, March 16, 2024


Originally posted on September 27, 2012.

Hiking was one of Donovan’s favorite activities. He loved nature and exploring new places. It was one of his hikes when something truly strange happened. He first spotted a strange pink glow through the trees. He went to explore and found an entire lake glowing pink. The glowing soon stretched out from the water to engulf him.Within a few minutes, it had changed him. He was now softer, skinnier, and feminine. In fact, a quick reach between his legs revealed he was now female. After his transformation completed, the lake’s glow dissipated. He shrugged. He supposed he needed to find a blue glow to reverse the changes; it just meant more exploring and more hiking!

Hiking was one of Donovan’s favorite activities. He loved nature and exploring new places. It was one of his hikes when something truly strange happened. He first spotted a strange pink glow through the trees. He went to explore and found an entire lake glowing pink. The glowing soon stretched out from the water to engulf him.Within a few minutes, it had changed him. He was now softer, skinnier, and feminine. In fact, a quick reach between his legs revealed he was now female. After his transformation completed, the lake’s glow dissipated. He shrugged. He supposed he needed to find a blue glow to reverse the changes; it just meant more exploring and more hiking!

Friday, March 15, 2024


Originally posted on July 15, 2010.

Henry had been diving into the public pool when the Great Shift happened. His sould was instantly transfered into a woman poolside. He pushed his new long hair aside to catch a glimpse of his own body falling and flailing on its way down, hitting the water poorly. After realizing what had happened and not seeing his body resurface, Henry ran towards the pool to save his former body from drowning. He dove in to rescue it. His old body was in poor shape with broken bones, but it was still alive, and Henry started to contemplate his own new life.

Henry had been diving into the public pool when the Great Shift happened. His sould was instantly transfered into a woman poolside. He pushed his new long hair aside to catch a glimpse of his own body falling and flailing on its way down, hitting the water poorly. After realizing what had happened and not seeing his body resurface, Henry ran towards the pool to save his former body from drowning. He dove in to rescue it. His old body was in poor shape with broken bones, but it was still alive, and Henry started to contemplate his own new life.

Thursday, March 14, 2024


Originally posted on May 20, 2016.

Gordon had a hard time scoring a reservation to this restaurant; it had to be scheduled over a year ago. There wasn’t going to be anything stopping him from going, having a good time, and eating whatever he wanted. That included the Great Shift, which dumped him into Emily’s body. He didn’t care about what the large meal might do to Emily’s figure or the fact that she was a vegetarian. As he dug into his meal, he smiled.

Gordon had a hard time scoring a reservation to this restaurant; it had to be scheduled over a year ago. There wasn’t going to be anything stopping him from going, having a good time, and eating whatever he wanted. That included the Great Shift, which dumped him into Emily’s body. He didn’t care about what the large meal might do to Emily’s figure or the fact that she was a vegetarian. As he dug into his meal, he smiled.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Originally posted on March 15, 2016.

It was the first holiday since the Great Shift, and it would be the first time the Carver family were all in one place since the incident. It wasn’t hard to figure out who was who; they had all been in regular contact in the period following the Shift, and they had all described their bodies in detail. They all knew that Alex was now in the body of a young Asian woman, but they were still shocked when he arrived wearing skimpy clothing and flaunting his body. He had been quite conservative when he went off to college and didn’t expect this sort of behavior from the formerly quiet and reserved young man.

“You’re all just jealous that I got the hottest body out of the Shift,” Alex boasted to his mother, who was now in the body of a gray haired man.

“I’m hot,” Uncle Merv interjected, “I’m a cute brunette woman, but you don’t see me showing off.”

“You should,” Alex retorted, “But it’s because despite the fact that your body is young, you are actually old. I’m REALLY young, both in mind and body, and I’m ready to live my life how I wish I could’ve before the Shift!”

Tuesday, March 12, 2024


Originally posted on February 26, 2016.

Before accepting the job, Ralph had been told all about the island where he was delivering supplies. He had a hard time believing that tourists would swap bodies with each other for the duration of their travels. It just seemed impossible. Regardless, he didn’t care. The job paid well and his plane was already loaded up. He touched down and before he even had a chance to unload, he suddenly found himself on the beach in someone else’s body. He thought the swapping was limited to tourist; he hadn’t expected to swap bodies with anyone himself. Yet here he was, on the beach in the body of some woman. He realized unloading was going to take quite a bit longer with this body; it just wasn’t as strong as his. And he had to make it back to the landing spot as well. Sure this job paid well, but he was beginning to wonder if it was worth it. Then he looked down at his body and thought that maybe it was he who should be paying a fee to Exchange Island for allowing him to use this wonderful body for a bit.

Before accepting the job, Ralph had been told all about the island where he was delivering supplies. He had a hard time believing that tourists would swap bodies with each other for the duration of their travels. It just seemed impossible. Regardless, he didn’t care. The job paid well and his plane was already loaded up. He touched down and before he even had a chance to unload, he suddenly found himself on the beach in someone else’s body. He thought the swapping was limited to tourist; he hadn’t expected to swap bodies with anyone himself. Yet here he was, on the beach in the body of some woman. He realized unloading was going to take quite a bit longer with this body; it just wasn’t as strong as his. And he had to make it back to the landing spot as well. Sure this job paid well, but he was beginning to wonder if it was worth it. Then he looked down at his body and thought that maybe it was he who should be paying a fee to Exchange Island for allowing him to use this wonderful body for a bit.

Monday, March 11, 2024


Originally posted on July 8, 2010.

Hank could only laugh when he suddenly found himself on a pair of rollerskates and fell on his butt. He didn't really ask why he was suddenly on skates, but he would soon learn that he was one of many swapped into a new body by the Great Shift. He'd also soon learn that it was no laughing matter. Once he realized that his masculine body was gone and instead a very feminine one was there in his place, he wouldn't be laughing. He'll be crying at the loss of his manhood. He'll be horrified when he experiences his first period as a woman. He'll be angry when guys hit on him. It'll be an uphill battle for him and will be much harder than a simple skating endeavor.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Potion

Originally posted on February 15, 2023.

Professor John McQuinn was proud of his latest invention, a potion that could swap someone’s gender! He had added a few extra enhancements with his latest batch that would go beyond a simple genetic swap, but also transform body parts themselves along with many stereotypical gender traits as well, such as hair length, height, weight, and so on. It was the talk of the lab and many of his colleagues joined him with testing it.

The result was a pretty wild night in the research lab with many people exploring their new genders. Of course, in the morning, people were asking for another dose in order to go back to normal. John was the first to down a second dose, but he stayed a woman. He quickly promised to work on a reversal for everyone else as soon as he could.

As everyone else went home, worried about adapting to their new genders until John could figure out the reversal, John stayed behind. He didn’t get to work, however. He didn’t need to. He already had a potion to reverse the gender swap. He just didn’t want to drink it, and he did not want to admit to his colleagues that he wanted to stay a woman. So he briefly looked at the reversal potion and dumped it down the sink. He could pretend to be just as unhappy as everyone else.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Aftershocks (Part 3)

View Part 1 of Aftershocks.

View Part 2 of Aftershocks.

Originally posted on August 25, 2013.

A few days later, Thomas added a little more to his blog with a short video about his latest body:

“So I guess the routine now for each new body is going to involve a lot of paperwork with the feds. None of it’s terribly hard, but it does kill an entire day. The good part about is that you learn all about the swap that just took place. Basic run-down? The latest was a three-way between this woman, myself, and a man. The man is now in the Asian businesswoman’s body that I had just been in; the woman I now am is now in the man’s body. Apparently, I had been the only person not in close proximity, as the woman and I met while filling out paperwork. I was also the only one who had experienced an Aftershock before.

“The feds also told us they have no estimation on when they espect Aftershocks to stop. In fact, according to their data, it’s actually gotten a little worse.

“On a light note, she did my makeup, but I think she may have overdone it! I’m certainly not a makeup least not yet. I’m sure I’ll be in enough women’s bodies over time that I’ll get pretty good at it.”

Friday, March 8, 2024


Originally posted on December 7, 2022.

Alex and Ellen had been dating for three years and had been living together for two of those. And every time fall rolled around, Ellen would bundle up that felt much too earl for Alex. He’d often tease her about being cold, and he also refused to turn the heat up in the apartment when she asked.

And finally she had enough. She loved Alex, so she wasn’t going to leave him; she just wished he understood. Searching the internet, she found a body swap spell that claimed to do just what she hoped. She was skeptical, but she decided to try it out.

“Okay, okay, I get it,” Alex complained after spending a week in Ellen’s body, “Can you please reverse the spell now and swap us back into our own bodies?”

Ellen avoided eye contact, “Well, I can’t. The spell is on a timer. We’re stuck in each other’s bodies until spring. But if it makes you feel any better,” She looked back at Alex, thinking about how cute it was that he was in her body and all bundled up, “I’ll be kind and turn the heat up for you, unlike some people I know!”

Thursday, March 7, 2024


Originally posted on November 10, 2022.

“What do you mean I’m stuck like this forever?” An outaged Peter whimered with tears starting to form in his eyes, “This is Exchange Island! The swap is only supposed to last as long as my vacation! I’m flying back out tomorrow! I have a big meeting on Monday; I can’t go back looking like this!”

The guest services representative remained clam, “When you booked your trip online, you clicked the box that opted into our program that allows either party to refuse to swap back if they prefer their new body. It appears Miss Sato has elected that option.”

“What? I’m one of your wealthiest customers!”

“Actually, per the terms and conditions of the online contract, all monies, properties, accounts, loyalty points, and debt remain with the physical body. You’ve relinquished all rights to being Peter Alson. Physically and legally, you are Hina Sato now. And it’s also my regret to inform you that your card’s been declined for your dinner reservation tonight.”

“But I have a black card! It has no limit!”

“I’m sorry, Miss Sato, but I believe you’re talking about Mr. Alson’s card. That all transfered to him once he opted. I can’t allow you to use another guest’s card for your expenses.”

“I’ll sue this place out of existence.”

“Good luck. Exchange Island is a soveign country with no reciprocity or extradition.”

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Kick to the N*ts

Originally posted on April 11, 2009.

The Great Shift hit and Les found himself in a dark room with a muffled bass coming through the walls. He deduced that he was backstage at a local club. He felt the taste of metal in his mouth, and soon realized it was a tongue ring. Tight leggings encased his legs, topped off with some boots. This wasn't his body, and the two breasts and lack of a b*lge through those leggings meant it must've been a woman's body. As he began to panic about his situation, a door creaked open, and a drunk man came staggering through. He asked, "So, Babe, are you ready for me?" Les was freaked out as the man, unaffected by the Shift, began to force himself on Les's new body. He certainly wasn't going to allow this *sshole to r*pe him! Les quickly kicked his boot into the man's private parts, causing him to reel in pain, and curse. Les ran from the room. He didn't know where he was going to go, but he knew he had to get out of there!

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


Originally posted on July 2, 2016.

Sam knew it was hard to go back to the office after a vacation. He knew it was even more difficult when that vacation was on an exotic tropical island. Sam’s trip to Exchange Island compounded the difficulty even further by placing his mind into the body of a gorgeous woman for the duration of his trip. It was only his second day here, and he was already dreading having to leave in two weeks. If only he could stay here forever in this body, it would be a dream come true. He knew that was impossible; he knew the contracts he had signed when he came, promising to return this body at the end of this vacation. But he could still dream, couldn’t he? And he could still enjoy these two weeks to their fullest. He was hoping for a mixup, that somehow at the end of this he’d wind up stuck in this body, trapped on the island. It wasn’t very likely, but it sure was nice to think about.

Sam knew it was hard to go back to the office after a vacation. He knew it was even more difficult when that vacation was on an exotic tropical island. Sam’s trip to Exchange Island compounded the difficulty even further by placing his mind into the body of a gorgeous woman for the duration of his trip. It was only his second day here, and he was already dreading having to leave in two weeks. If only he could stay here forever in this body, it would be a dream come true. He knew that was impossible; he knew the contracts he had signed when he came, promising to return this body at the end of this vacation. But he could still dream, couldn’t he? And he could still enjoy these two weeks to their fullest. He was hoping for a mixup, that somehow at the end of this he’d wind up stuck in this body, trapped on the island. It wasn’t very likely, but it sure was nice to think about.

Preparing for a New Life

Originally posted on March 20, 2009.

Paul was one of the many people who found themselves in a difficult situation after the Great Shift. He was in a strange place with no wallet, no ID, and only the clothes on his back. As the government tried to sort of out all the information and match up proper identities, he was granted a large amount of government assistance to adjust to his new life as a woman. Aside from receiving money to purchase products he didn't previously need or use (makeup, tampons, etc.), he was let into a warehouse filled with clothes to select an entire wardrobe to prepare him for his new life.

Paul was one of the many people who found themselves in a difficult situation after the Great Shift. He was in a strange place with no wallet, no ID, and only the clothes on his back. As the government tried to sort of out all the information and match up proper identities, he was granted a large amount of government assistance to adjust to his new life as a woman. Aside from receiving money to purchase products he didn't previously need or use (makeup, tampons, etc.), he was let into a warehouse filled with clothes to select an entire wardrobe to prepare him for his new life.

Monday, March 4, 2024

The Ocean

Originally posted on June 2, 2009.

When Gary accidentally fell from the deck into the cruel, unforgiving ocean, he thought it would be the end. His whole life flashed before his eyes. He didn't think that he'd be washing ashore some thousand or so miles away, and he certainly didn't expect he'd be doing it in someone else's body! The Great Shift had saved him from fate. Instead of drowning in the center of the cold ocean, he was near the shore of a warm a woman's body! It would be a different life, that's for sure! But he had been given a second chance and he was determined to make the best of it!

When Gary accidentally fell from the deck into the cruel, unforgiving ocean, he thought it would be the end. His whole life flashed before his eyes. He didn't think that he'd be washing ashore some thousand or so miles away, and he certainly didn't expect he'd be doing it in someone else's body! The Great Shift had saved him from fate. Instead of drowning in the center of the cold ocean, he was near the shore of a warm a woman's body! It would be a different life, that's for sure! But he had been given a second chance and he was determined to make the best of it!

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Change of Mood

Originally posted on December 15, 2015.

When Heather arrived on Exchange Island with her husband Thomas, she could tell he wasn’t happy with the body he ended up with. The entire first night, he didn’t say a word about the fact that he was a woman; he just had a grumpy look on his face. He woke up the next morning with a groan, telling Heather that he’d get ready and meet her outside. She sighed. It didn’t take her long to shower and change, leaving her husband as a gloomy lump under the sheets in the room.

It was about an hour later when Thomas finally arrived to meet up with Heather at the resort’s open air restaurant. She was surprised. She had expected him to come down wearing jeans or sweatpants, but instead, he wore a beautiful white dress with heels and makeup. He walked gracefully over to his wife, gave her a kiss, and sat down. Now it was her turn to be speechless.

Thomas apologized for his behavior up until this point. He just needed some time to get used to this new body. From this point on, he was going to embrace it. He was finally starting to enjoy himself. In fact, he confessed he might actually be a little sad when the vacation was over and he’d have to switch back. Heather wasn’t sure what suddenly changed his mind, but she was glad he was happy!

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Aftershocks (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Aftershocks.

Originally posted on August 14, 2013.

Thomas had planned to update his blog every time he swapped into a new body. After about three months, he was starting to think he might never experience another Aftershock from the Great Shift, but it did eventually happen. He quickly grabbed this body’s camera phone and snapped a picture in a mirror before updating:

“I know many of you have been waiting for the second entry, and it’s finally here. This is the new face that will greet me in the mirror every morning for at least a few months. She’s a little over 5 feet, probably slightly over 100 pounds, and around age least by my best guess.

“In the span sine my last entry, the government had set up a system to deal with these Aftershocks. It’s not all worked out yet, but tomorrow will be busy and filled with completing paperwork and learning about who I am now.”

Friday, March 1, 2024

Twerk It Out

Originally posted on December 2, 2015.

The afternoon had started with Victor on the phone with a friend, making a flippant comment about how hot Asian women were. He hadn’t expected his girlfriend overhearing the conversation, nor could he anticipate her retaliation. Using her powers as a witch, she swapped Victor’s body with their upstairs neighbor, Ming. He tried to remain calm; he figured he’d just go downstairs and calm his girlfriend own. However, he couldn’t seem to do that. Instead, he found himself going to Ming’s closet and changing into a black and white top and some tight leather shorts. He couldn’t seem to stop himself. He realized his girlfriend hadn’t just swapped his body with Ming; she was also controlling his mind. He had limited control, but he knew he was going to have to do the things she forced him to -- even if it was something he didn’t want to do, like wear this outfit. She was also preventing him from doing things as well, like going down to apologize. It wasn’t long before Victor felt compelled to go to a nightclub. Despite trying to fight the urge, he found himself twerking on the dance floor. When guys started coming up to him, he wanted to run. However, instead of doing so, he felt the urge to get closer, be sexier, and flirt. He wanted to cry; he just hoped his girlfriend would release the grip on his mind before his did anything he would REALLY regret.

The afternoon had started with Victor on the phone with a friend, making a flippant comment about how hot Asian women were. He hadn’t expected his girlfriend overhearing the conversation, nor could he anticipate her retaliation. Using her powers as a witch, she swapped Victor’s body with their upstairs neighbor, Ming. He tried to remain calm; he figured he’d just go downstairs and calm his girlfriend own. However, he couldn’t seem to do that. Instead, he found himself going to Ming’s closet and changing into a black and white top and some tight leather shorts. He couldn’t seem to stop himself. He realized his girlfriend hadn’t just swapped his body with Ming; she was also controlling his mind. He had limited control, but he knew he was going to have to do the things she forced him to -- even if it was something he didn’t want to do, like wear this outfit. She was also preventing him from doing things as well, like going down to apologize. It wasn’t long before Victor felt compelled to go to a nightclub. Despite trying to fight the urge, he found himself twerking on the dance floor. When guys started coming up to him, he wanted to run. However, instead of doing so, he felt the urge to get closer, be sexier, and flirt. He wanted to cry; he just hoped his girlfriend would release the grip on his mind before his did anything he would REALLY regret.