Thursday, February 13, 2025

Back for Sure

Originally posted on July 16, 2013.

“How long have you guys been subscribed to Alicia’s DeviantArt now?” Mike asked his friends Dan and Roger.

“How did you know?” Dan asked.

“I saw it on your screen.”

“I haven’t been able to pull myself away for a week.”

“I’ve been reading since the Patreon went down. There are some amazing benefits you get when you subscribe.”

“Is that why we’ve turned into women?” Roger piped in, “I’m sort of freaking out about that.”

“Don’t worry, you change back shortly after you’re done reading, but once you’ve got a taste, you’ll be back for sure!”

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Originally posted on August 12, 2013.

Friday had been a huge success at the research lab. Jim and his team had been very successful with their genetic manipulation tests. While previous researchers had long perfected modifying genes from one generation to the next, Jim’s team had figured out how to alter the DNA of full grown adult humans! Each member of the team had a small tweak of their genetic code altered, whether it be brown eyes turned to blue or short folks turned tall. Jim had been a bit more adventurous, having his Y chromosome turned into an X. In theory, a simply change in one’s DNA wouldn’t alter the physical body immediately, but Jim’s team had cracked that challenge, meaning the changed chromosome turned Jim into a woman almost instantly. He had an enjoyable weekend with his new body, getting hair extensions, buying sexy clothes, and so on. But the fun was scheduled to come to an end on Monday when the team was supposed the reverse the process. However, while many had no problem undoing their changes, Jim’s body seemed resistant. He just wasn’t changing back to his old self! The rest of the team began to run tests on him. He sat down in a chair for one of their advanced scans. They couldn’t figure out a single reason why they couldn’t get his double X chromosome to go back to being XY. They were all eager to work on figuring out the problem, but it would certainly mean a long delay before the modification technology could be made available to the public.

Friday had been a huge success at the research lab. Jim and his team had been very successful with their genetic manipulation tests. While previous researchers had long perfected modifying genes from one generation to the next, Jim’s team had figured out how to alter the DNA of full grown adult humans! Each member of the team had a small tweak of their genetic code altered, whether it be brown eyes turned to blue or short folks turned tall. Jim had been a bit more adventurous, having his Y chromosome turned into an X. In theory, a simply change in one’s DNA wouldn’t alter the physical body immediately, but Jim’s team had cracked that challenge, meaning the changed chromosome turned Jim into a woman almost instantly. He had an enjoyable weekend with his new body, getting hair extensions, buying sexy clothes, and so on. But the fun was scheduled to come to an end on Monday when the team was supposed the reverse the process. However, while many had no problem undoing their changes, Jim’s body seemed resistant. He just wasn’t changing back to his old self! The rest of the team began to run tests on him. He sat down in a chair for one of their advanced scans. They couldn’t figure out a single reason why they couldn’t get his double X chromosome to go back to being XY. They were all eager to work on figuring out the problem, but it would certainly mean a long delay before the modification technology could be made available to the public.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

You Should Smile More

Originally posted on April 14, 2020.

Every day, Kyle contemplated the hell he was trapped in. It wasn’t just that he was in the wrong body, and it wasn’t even being in the body of a woman that troubled it; it was the fact that he couldn’t seem to tell anyone about who he really was, and that he was forced into the role of a dutiful wife. He wasn’t sure how or why he was cursed like this -- he simply woke up one day like this. When he realized he was a woman, he was curious. He wanted to explore his body, but instead he felt compelled into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. A man came downstairs whom Kyle kissed. Despite feeling a little disgusted when the man squeezed his butt, Kyle smiled and giggled.

Even when the man left and Kyle was alone, he couldn’t escape. He felt compelled to clean the house, never breaking the smile on his face. When he finally finished, he wanted to watch some sports on TV; however, he couldn’t help but flip to a romantic comedy instead. It would’ve offered some comfort if he felt like he was merely a passenger in this body, but, no, he was in control. He just couldn’t seem to do anything he wanted.

After a few days, he did find one shimmer of hope. When he was able to write, he could tell the truth. He could write about his frustrations, his true self, everything. However, he couldn’t seem to show anyone his writing; he felt compelled to hide it from everyone. He eventually took to writing a diary. He knew he had to hide it, but he also knew that if someone found it, it might be irresistible to read. And even as he was writing about his pain and sadness, he couldn’t help but do it with a smile.

Monday, February 10, 2025


Originally posted on October 3, 2013.

Officer Carl Fricke was off duty when he heard the screams. He went to investigate and found a man passed out and a woman fleeing the scene with a gun in her hand. He pursued until he caught up with her and a struggle ensued. Carl had expected to overpower her handily, but it proved to be not so easy. Then she shocked him with some sort of taser. He reacted quickly, using the gun in his hand to fire back, but to his horror, he soon saw that the body he shot was his own. He looked down to discover a very odd sight -- breasts! He hadn’t been struck with a taser at all; it must have been some sort of body swapper. Though such things didn’t exist, did they? Yet, all the evidence was right in front of him. He was a woman now...a criminal one at that! Worse still, he realized he was a cop killer for shooting his own body! They’d lock him away for life...


He looked at the taser-like device. He could escape it by stealing someone else’s body. But whose? He figured he should act fast, not risking being in this body any longer than necessary.

The Boss (Part 3)

View Part 1 of The Boss.
View Part 2 of The Boss.

Originally posted on January 24, 2017.

The next morning, Matt did his best to keep up appearances. He put on another skirt suit and headed into the office. He arrived early and sat at his boss’s desk, though he often found himself standing up to pace around the room. He tried his best to manage a smile, despite feeling quite miserable inside.

Finally, a tech arrived with some unfortunate news about the status of the device. Matt’s forced smile turned into a frown as he heard the news. The estimated repair time was between six to twelve months. He couldn’t believe he was going to stuck in this body for at least half a year. The next step was going to be meeting once again with his boss to discuss just how they were going to cope for that amount of time.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Clutch Tighter

Originally posted on December 16, 2018.

Harvey clutched Angelica’s purse tightly. For one, he wasn’t used to carrying a purse around, and two, the Medallion of Zulu was contained within. If he hoped to swap back with Angelica in ten hours, he’d need to take good care of it. Of course being unaccustomed to bringing a purse with him throughout the day would be his undoing. It wouldn’t be long before he brought it to a coffee shop and simply forgot it. While he rushed back and found it fifteen minutes later, the only thing missing inside was the medallion. Now he walked around clutching it even tighter, not sure what he’d tel Angelica to explain to her that he’d lost the medallion, and that they’d both be stuck in each other’s bodies forever.

Harvey clutched Angelica’s purse tightly. For one, he wasn’t used to carrying a purse around, and two, the Medallion of Zulu was contained within. If he hoped to swap back with Angelica in ten hours, he’d need to take good care of it. Of course being unaccustomed to bringing a purse with him throughout the day would be his undoing. It wouldn’t be long before he brought it to a coffee shop and simply forgot it. While he rushed back and found it fifteen minutes later, the only thing missing inside was the medallion. Now he walked around clutching it even tighter, not sure what he’d tel Angelica to explain to her that he’d lost the medallion, and that they’d both be stuck in each other’s bodies forever.

Saturday, February 8, 2025


Originally posted on January 25, 2017.

After forty years at the law firm, Julian didn’t meet with many clients anymore. Mostly, he acted as a mentor to the junior partners. He’d show up twice a week, sit in his office, and just wait for one of them to come to him with any problems they had. He remembered coming back from lunch to hear a client shouting at the top of her lungs about how her case had gone. Julian listened from just outside the door. She was in with Nicholas, one of the best lawyers he had. He wanted to hear how he would talk her down. But instead a flash of light seem to knock Julian out, and then there was silence.

Julian was a little surprised to find himself in the conference room at the next instant with the client and Nicholas. Or just Nicholas; the client was nowhere to be found. Then he looked down at his hands. The skin was dark with long acrylic nails. He had swapped into the client’s body! In fact, the entire firm had all been swapped...lawyers, clients, assistants, paralegals, and so on.

Julian made an executive decision to shut down for the day as people read articles on the internet about how widespread the body swapping was. Julian was the last to leave. As he took the elevator down, he noticed his reflection. He couldn’t believe he was an African American woman, significantly younger than he had been. But what he noticed most was her butt. He couldn’t believe how large and round it was; he couldn’t believe he was going to be the one walking around with this thing for the foreseeable future. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of his reflection in disbelief.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Dumpster Dive

Originally posted on July 30, 2020.

Eric knew Mallory had thrown the Medallion of Zulu into the trash; he knew the trash was now in one of these dumpsters. He could jump in to fish it out, digging through trash for hours. He’d probably find it eventually, but was it worth it? Even if he found it, he’d never convince Mallory to swap back with him. She wanted his body, and there was nothing he could do to convince her otherwise. He could try to trick her somehow, but he couldn’t even begin to formulate a plan. He could try to find someone else to swap with, but most people he could think of would be a step down from being Mallory. Maybe the best option would be just to continue as her? He could just leave the medallion in that dumpster and just accept this was who he now was. Of course, there was still something tempting about having that power on hand...

Eric knew Mallory had thrown the Medallion of Zulu into the trash; he knew the trash was now in one of these dumpsters. He could jump in to fish it out, digging through trash for hours. He’d probably find it eventually, but was it worth it? Even if he found it, he’d never convince Mallory to swap back with him. She wanted his body, and there was nothing he could do to convince her otherwise. He could try to trick her somehow, but he couldn’t even begin to formulate a plan. He could try to find someone else to swap with, but most people he could think of would be a step down from being Mallory. Maybe the best option would be just to continue as her? He could just leave the medallion in that dumpster and just accept this was who he now was. Of course, there was still something tempting about having that power on hand...

Thursday, February 6, 2025


Originally posted on July 7, 2020.

“Jen...I know this is going to sound crazy, but don’t hang up the phone. This is your boyfriend Neil calling.” Neil paused while Jen talked.

“I know it’s crazy, but I was working on an invention in the basement and something weird happened. Suddenly, I was somewhere else in someone else’s body. I don’t know who she is or how it happened, or if it even has anything to do with my invention. But I think it probably did. I just need you to go downstairs and make sure I don’t...I mean, make sure my body doesn’t do anything crazy, like smash the device. I need to figure out where I am and how to get home, and it looks like...”

Neil’s heart sank as he looked at a sign, “Like I’m 3,000 miles from home.”

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

I Agree

Originally posted on May 30, 2020.

Jacob was up late one night when he stumbled across a site called “Body Roulette.” He laughed at the pitch about dreaming to be someone else. Thinking it was some sort of role play chatroom, he clicked a bunch of buttons marked “I agree.” Eventually, an image of a busty woman came on screen with the words “You have been matched.” Jacob chuckled, thinking he was going to have to pretend to be this woman. However, one final click and he felt a pain stinging through his body. The next thing he knew, he felt a giant weight on his chest. He felt a moment of regret, placing his hand to his head for a facepalm. But then a smile crept onto his face. This wasn’t pretend; this was going to be a whole new, strange experience.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Welcome to the Neighborhood

Originally posted on May 27, 2020.

Conor was just an average white guy from the suburbs. He would never admit it, out loud but walking through certain neighborhoods in the city made him feel a little unsafe. He tried to fight these internal biases, but he could never fully do it. It wasn’t until the Great Shift happened that he was forced to face these feelings head on. Suddenly, instead of sitting on the couch of his four bedroom house in the burbs, he was in a one bedroom apartment in exactly one of the neighborhoods he felt unsafe. Then he looked in the mirror and realized neither the word “white” nor “guy” properly describe him anymore. He grabbed the purse by a hook and put on the high heeled shoes that sat by the door and ventured onto the street. Despite this new body, he was no less nervous. And, in fact, the chaos of everyone screaming about being in a different body made him even more stressed out. He quickly retreated back into the apartment, hoping it would all sort itself out somehow soon.

Conor was just an average white guy from the suburbs. He would never admit it, out loud but walking through certain neighborhoods in the city made him feel a little unsafe. He tried to fight these internal biases, but he could never fully do it. It wasn’t until the Great Shift happened that he was forced to face these feelings head on. Suddenly, instead of sitting on the couch of his four bedroom house in the burbs, he was in a one bedroom apartment in exactly one of the neighborhoods he felt unsafe. Then he looked in the mirror and realized neither the word “white” nor “guy” properly describe him anymore. He grabbed the purse by a hook and put on the high heeled shoes that sat by the door and ventured onto the street. Despite this new body, he was no less nervous. And, in fact, the chaos of everyone screaming about being in a different body made him even more stressed out. He quickly retreated back into the apartment, hoping it would all sort itself out somehow soon.

Monday, February 3, 2025

The Boss (Part 2)

View Part 1 of The Boss.

Originally posted on January 23, 2017.

Matt couldn’t believe that he was going to be stuck in the body of his boss for a little while. He hoped it would only be for a few hours, but the day ended without the device being fixed, so he now hoped they’d be able to swap back tomorrow. He hated that he had to pretend to be her also. It meant he had to act stuffy, stuck up, and feminine. But, on the plus side, it also meant he got to spend the night inside his boss’s huge house in the suburbs.

The first thing he wanted to do was change into something more comfortable than her skirt suit. It took him forever to find a closet. While Matt first considered a t-shirt and sweats, an odd find in the back her closet changed his mind.

He couldn’t believe his boss even owned anything like this! After putting on the leather outfit, he stared at himself in the mirror for a good half hour before sitting down on the floor. There was clearly a side to his boss that he didn’t know. He wasn’t sure he would ever ask her about it; heck, he wasn’t even sure he wanted to think any more about it.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

The New Me

Originally posted on November 10, 2023.

"I was born with them." I told this lie all the time once I reached college usually before they even asked. They'd still usually ask anyway, and I'd have to explain, "Yes, the ears, the tail, AND the the horns."

I hadn't been born female either, but I decided they didn't need to know that. In high school, it hadn't been so easy. Everyone there knew who I really was. They all knew I was into science and experimenting with CRISPR. Turning myself into a tiefling was the intentional part; turning myself into a woman wasn't!

Still, it had the desired effect. Most of the students in my overly religious small town became absolutely afraid of me I wasn't sure what was worse for them, that I looked like a devil or that I was technically transgender now. Either way, they stayed clear. I welcomed being an outcast.

College was different; it was certainly a lot more accepting. I appreciated that I could make friends. Sometimes I almost regretted making such extensive changes to myself, but I quickly pushed those thoughts aside as I thought about how much I really liked the new me.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Walk in the Park

Originally posted on December 13, 2023.

My girlfriend showed me this weird body swapping remote she had found and kept trying to get me to test it out with her. I loved my girlfriend, but I certainly didn't want to be her. It was with great reluctance that I finally agreed but only for a few minutes -- we'd walk to the park, swap, walk back home, and then swap back. I didn't want to spent very long as a woman, even my own girlfriend. It all seemed like a reasonable compromise.

And so we took a ten minute walk to the park and sat down. She aimed the remote at me, and...

My girlfriend was in my face. She was barking at me. I found myself hissing back. I realized there wasn't much else I could I seemed to be inside the body of a cat. And it seemed obvious that there was a dog inside my girlfriend's body.

It seemed the dog was more bark than bite, so I decided to search around for the remote. I felt like I could use my new cat senses to find it. It didn't take long for me to find it in the grass. I wasn't quite sure how to use the thing. I had no idea where my own body had run off to. On top of all that, I was trying to use this thing with cat paws. Still, I decided just about any swap would be an upgrade, so I did my best.

Two weeks later, I got my first period. It was just as miserable as I would have imagined. I wasn't able to find my own body that day, nor the dog that my girlfriend swapped with. It was difficult adapting to being in the body of my former girlfriend, but it was probably the best option available, if not the only option at the time. I put a leash on my new pet cat, and we went for a walk in the park. I always got a few looks, but people really noticed when it tried to speak. It wasn't quite a meow or a purr. I knew it wanted to bark, but it simply wasn't able to. And I always kept the remote handy, just in case.

Friday, January 31, 2025


Originally posted on August 3, 2019.

Well, this was unfortunate. Aiden paid a lot of money to have his brain transplanted into a female android just last week. He had certainly been enjoying it, particularly the fact that androids were designed to be much stronger than people; however, stronger didn’t mean invincible. Now after a bit of recklessness, Aiden’s android body laid in pieces on the floor. It would be pricey to have his brain transplanted back into his own body and even more expense to get the repairs done on this body -- not like he had the money right now for either option. He wasn’t quite sure what he was going to do. Despite being all detached, he seemed to still be able to move all the parts. Maybe he could repair himself?

Well, this was unfortunate. Aiden paid a lot of money to have his brain transplanted into a female android just last week. He had certainly been enjoying it, particularly the fact that androids were designed to be much stronger than people; however, stronger didn’t mean invincible. Now after a bit of recklessness, Aiden’s android body laid in pieces on the floor. It would be pricey to have his brain transplanted back into his own body and even more expense to get the repairs done on this body -- not like he had the money right now for either option. He wasn’t quite sure what he was going to do. Despite being all detached, he seemed to still be able to move all the parts. Maybe he could repair himself?

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Potion Party

Originally posted on July 26, 2019.

Ed was getting pretty frustrated about the fact that Lana was refusing to drink the body swapping potion with him again leaving him stuck in her body. If he couldn’t get his own body back, at least he could make sure some of Lana’s friends joined in his personal hell. He made a big batch of the potion and decided to have a party. He served it to everyone, and he couldn’t wait for the effects to start to show. Over the next few days, he giggled to himself as he tried to figure out who was now who. Most people tried to hide who they really were -- fearful they were the only pair swapped -- but Ed knew to be looking, and he could tell little mannerisms or a personal item out of place. He was finally having some fun -- for the first time since he swapped with Lana.

Ed was getting pretty frustrated about the fact that Lana was refusing to drink the body swapping potion with him again leaving him stuck in her body. If he couldn’t get his own body back, at least he could make sure some of Lana’s friends joined in his personal hell. He made a big batch of the potion and decided to have a party. He served it to everyone, and he couldn’t wait for the effects to start to show. Over the next few days, he giggled to himself as he tried to figure out who was now who. Most people tried to hide who they really were -- fearful they were the only pair swapped -- but Ed knew to be looking, and he could tell little mannerisms or a personal item out of place. He was finally having some fun -- for the first time since he swapped with Lana.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Say a Little Prayer

Originally posted on July 29, 2019.

Li Wei had been a powerful warlord. When he died, his spirit stayed connected to the temple built on his land. However, shortly after his death, a blight hit the land, killing everyone for miles. With no one visiting his temple, he was unable to possess a new host to be born again. The land became overgrown and the temple fell into disarray. Li Wei was sure his spirit would perish when the temple was finally destroyed by nature. Yet it stood for hundreds of years in its remote location until one day a woman arrived. Li Wei’s spirit sensed her, but still needed her to do one final thing in order to be free. Then the woman finally began to pray, and Li Wei took his opening to possess her body. Being a female was certain strange for the old male warlord, and he was sure he’d have a lot to learn about the modern world. However, he was happy to be alive again and couldn’t wait for a conquest.

Li Wei had been a powerful warlord. When he died, his spirit stayed connected to the temple built on his land. However, shortly after his death, a blight hit the land, killing everyone for miles. With no one visiting his temple, he was unable to possess a new host to be born again. The land became overgrown and the temple fell into disarray. Li Wei was sure his spirit would perish when the temple was finally destroyed by nature. Yet it stood for hundreds of years in its remote location until one day a woman arrived. Li Wei’s spirit sensed her, but still needed her to do one final thing in order to be free. Then the woman finally began to pray, and Li Wei took his opening to possess her body. Being a female was certain strange for the old male warlord, and he was sure he’d have a lot to learn about the modern world. However, he was happy to be alive again and couldn’t wait for a conquest.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Originally posted on March 21, 2019.

There was an old legend about a village with an enchanted well. When the water from the well was drunk, it would transform a person into something else. Dr. Thomas Clarke had long theorized the well wasn’t a mere legend; that it actually existed. His colleagues laughed at him, but he was determined. He set out on an expedition, and one day found a well in an abandoned village. It may sense, most of the locals had probably been transformed into animals or maybe even trees or some other type of plant. Thomas knew drinking the water himself was a risk, but after the ridicule of his fellow researchers, spending the rest of his life as an animal didn’t seem so bad. He took a quick drink, but he didn’t transform into an animal, or a tree, or any sort of plant. He became a woman! Dr. Clarke was delighted! Not only did he have proof of the well, but he could rub his colleagues face in it! He collected some water from the well, hoping to bring it back in order to study its transformative powers. If he could harness them, the possibilities would be endless!

There was an old legend about a village with an enchanted well. When the water from the well was drunk, it would transform a person into something else. Dr. Thomas Clarke had long theorized the well wasn’t a mere legend; that it actually existed. His colleagues laughed at him, but he was determined. He set out on an expedition, and one day found a well in an abandoned village. It may sense, most of the locals had probably been transformed into animals or maybe even trees or some other type of plant. Thomas knew drinking the water himself was a risk, but after the ridicule of his fellow researchers, spending the rest of his life as an animal didn’t seem so bad. He took a quick drink, but he didn’t transform into an animal, or a tree, or any sort of plant. He became a woman! Dr. Clarke was delighted! Not only did he have proof of the well, but he could rub his colleagues face in it! He collected some water from the well, hoping to bring it back in order to study its transformative powers. If he could harness them, the possibilities would be endless!

Monday, January 27, 2025

The Boss (Part 1)

Originally posted on January 22, 2017.

Matt sat at his boss’s desk and listened as she explained what had happened. She spoke about a secret government contract, some boring technical stuff, and then the kicker. He had swapped bodies with her thanks to this weird gizmo, and now she was asking him to pretend to be her until they were able to fix it.

He looked at her with skepticism. How was he supposed to pull this off? He didn’t know much about what she did day to day. Further, he had no idea how he was going to cope with being a woman who was about ten years older than he was. Of course, until that device was fixed, he probably didn’t have much of a choice. He reluctantly agreed to let her talk through how he should act in the interim.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Brain Sucker

Originally posted on October 8, 2018.

Humanity had been on edge ever since the alien brain suckers landed on Earth. The strange creatures would suck on your head a while before moving on to a new host. The oddest part was that once they found that new host to suck on, they would leave the previous brain they feasted on behind in the new body. Daniel knew this, but now he was finally experiencing it first hand. He now realized that you don’t feel anything when they start. One moment you are minding your own business, and the next you are ripping the thing off the head of your brand new body. Daniel held the brainsucker in his new hand. He thought about killing it, but he figured that would be cruel to whoever’s brain was now inside. And so, as with many before him, he let it go. Then he found a mirror to look at himself. He was a woman now -- an Asian woman. The brain suckers didn’t seem to attack people more than once, so this was his body now.

Humanity had been on edge ever since the alien brain suckers landed on Earth. The strange creatures would suck on your head a while before moving on to a new host. The oddest part was that once they found that new host to suck on, they would leave the previous brain they feasted on behind in the new body. Daniel knew this, but now he was finally experiencing it first hand. He now realized that you don’t feel anything when they start. One moment you are minding your own business, and the next you are ripping the thing off the head of your brand new body. Daniel held the brainsucker in his new hand. He thought about killing it, but he figured that would be cruel to whoever’s brain was now inside. And so, as with many before him, he let it go. Then he found a mirror to look at himself. He was a woman now -- an Asian woman. The brain suckers didn’t seem to attack people more than once, so this was his body now.

Saturday, January 25, 2025


Originally posted on July 10, 2018.

After a long twelve hour flight, Eric was very ready to start his vacation on Exchange Island. Unfortunately, instead of swapping with another guest on the plane; he swapped with the stewardess. This body didn’t have enough luggage for a two week trip and didn’t have a room reserved at the resort either. But it got worse, because it turned out Eric wouldn’t even be able to use that room even if she had. Seeing as he swapped with the stewardess, he was expected to make another trip to the mainland with this body and then come back once again to Exchange Island. It was another twenty four hours in the air before Eric would finally be able to relax, and this time he’d have to make the flight while serving drinks and giving a lecture on safety features. He tried to complain, but it was listed in the possibilities of the contract he signed when he booked the trip. All he wanted to do was start his vacation, and instead he just got a lot more work!

After a long twelve hour flight, Eric was very ready to start his vacation on Exchange Island. Unfortunately, instead of swapping with another guest on the plane; he swapped with the stewardess. This body didn’t have enough luggage for a two week trip and didn’t have a room reserved at the resort either. But it got worse, because it turned out Eric wouldn’t even be able to use that room even if she had. Seeing as he swapped with the stewardess, he was expected to make another trip to the mainland with this body and then come back once again to Exchange Island. It was another twenty four hours in the air before Eric would finally be able to relax, and this time he’d have to make the flight while serving drinks and giving a lecture on safety features. He tried to complain, but it was listed in the possibilities of the contract he signed when he booked the trip. All he wanted to do was start his vacation, and instead he just got a lot more work!

Friday, January 24, 2025

Taking the Case

Originally posted on July 4, 2018.

Roger’s high intellect made him a great lawyer, but he certainly didn’t have the skills to be working in a nail salon. He was still trying to wrap his brain about how he swapped bodies with a manicurist. He had taken a pro bono case of a man claiming innocence in a murder. He explained to Roger that the real murderer had stolen his body, and he could prove it to Roger by telling him where the machine could be found. Roger trekked to a seedy part of town, and sure enough there was a large machine in the basement. But how would he know if this thing could switch bodies? As he began to examine it, the damned thing somehow went off, and he found himself in the body of one of the neighbors, a young woman who worked in a nail salon. Until he could figure out how to explain this whole body swapping thing and present the evidence to the court, he decided to pretend to be who he appeared to be. Of course, that meant doing a job that he had no idea how to do...

Roger’s high intellect made him a great lawyer, but he certainly didn’t have the skills to be working in a nail salon. He was still trying to wrap his brain about how he swapped bodies with a manicurist. He had taken a pro bono case of a man claiming innocence in a murder. He explained to Roger that the real murderer had stolen his body, and he could prove it to Roger by telling him where the machine could be found. Roger trekked to a seedy part of town, and sure enough there was a large machine in the basement. But how would he know if this thing could switch bodies? As he began to examine it, the damned thing somehow went off, and he found himself in the body of one of the neighbors, a young woman who worked in a nail salon. Until he could figure out how to explain this whole body swapping thing and present the evidence to the court, he decided to pretend to be who he appeared to be. Of course, that meant doing a job that he had no idea how to do...

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Park

Originally posted on May 25, 2018.

Neil had gone for a walk in the park; it seemed innocent enough. The elderly were feeding the birds, couples were holding hands, and kids were playing. One kid in particular had an odd-looking toy. The alarming thing was that the toy seemed to be zapping people with some sort of jolt that caused them to go unconscious. It took Neil a little too long to realize what was happening and before he could get away, he too was zapped.

Neil awoke some time later. It became apparent to him that the toy the kid had was a body swapping device of some sort, and that he had been swapped into the body of a woman wearing leather pants and high heels. He did his best to lift himself to his feet, but the pants were quite restrictive and the heels were tough to stand up in. The kid was long gone, but there were plenty of people scattered around the park that seemed to be adjusting to their new body just like Neil.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Originally posted on May 10, 2018.

While Edward had actually heard of the legend of the magic taxi, he never expected to encounter it while on a business trip halfway around the world. He was stuck in the body of the driver, an older Chinese man, for a while. For starters, in order to swap with another passenger, he was going to have to learn how to say the words “Have a nice day” in a foreign language. He tried swapping with various people, but he must’ve gotten the words wrong. After a while, he just tried to get it right with just about anyone. He actually didn’t intend to swap bodies with the woman he ended up switching with, it just happened to be the first time he actually got the phrase right.

As he stood on the curb, the taxi drove off. He realized he didn’t know much about being a woman, and he certainly didn’t know enough about the language or culture to be a Chinese woman. He sighed. He was probably going to have to figure out a way to immigrate back home. He had heard the process wasn’t easy, but it seemed like a better option than trying to adjust in this country...

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Self Love (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Self Love.

Originally posted on May 14, 2016.

The wedding had been pretty awkward for Scott, but the honeymoon was even weirder. After quickly getting down to the business of a newly married couple, Scott was pretty sure Wendy was NOT inside his body. That meant he literally was married to himself, the other half of his soul. He excused himself as he headed out of the hotel room and down to the beach. Part of him felt bad, Wendy’s soul was probably still trapped deep down in this body, helpless to do anything as long as he was in control of her body. Another part of him was excited, people talk about marrying a soulmate, but Scott knew his situation took that to a whole new level now. He couldn’t imagine arguing with himself ever. It seemed like a perfect life. He wouldn’t even have to tell his original body. Why ruin it? And he actually enjoyed being Wendy. This life could be perfect...

The wedding had been pretty awkward for Scott, but the honeymoon was even weirder. After quickly getting down to the business of a newly married couple, Scott was pretty sure Wendy was NOT inside his body. That meant he literally was married to himself, the other half of his soul. He excused himself as he headed out of the hotel room and down to the beach. Part of him felt bad, Wendy’s soul was probably still trapped deep down in this body, helpless to do anything as long as he was in control of her body. Another part of him was excited, people talk about marrying a soulmate, but Scott knew his situation took that to a whole new level now. He couldn’t imagine arguing with himself ever. It seemed like a perfect life. He wouldn’t even have to tell his original body. Why ruin it? And he actually enjoyed being Wendy. This life could be perfect...

Monday, January 20, 2025

Couldn't Stop Himself

Originally posted on May 15, 2019.

When James first had his body stolen and he ended up stuck in the body of the magic taxi’s driver, he was in a state of panic. But as he spent more and more driving people around, he started to actually enjoy it. In fact, by the time he read the driver’s journal and found that he to could steal someone’s body just as his had been stolen, he wasn’t sure he even wanted to. It was about two weeks after he resigned himself to being in this body for good when n Asian woman in a silver coat entered his cab. There was just something about her. He avoided talking to her -- he didn’t want to temp himself by learning to much. It didn’t matter. When it was time to pay the fare, he wished her a nice day and suddenly found himself in her body. He wasn’t sure how or why, but he just couldn’t stop himself from stealing her body. But he smiled...he couldn’t complain either...

When James first had his body stolen and he ended up stuck in the body of the magic taxi’s driver, he was in a state of panic. But as he spent more and more driving people around, he started to actually enjoy it. In fact, by the time he read the driver’s journal and found that he to could steal someone’s body just as his had been stolen, he wasn’t sure he even wanted to. It was about two weeks after he resigned himself to being in this body for good when n Asian woman in a silver coat entered his cab. There was just something about her. He avoided talking to her -- he didn’t want to temp himself by learning to much. It didn’t matter. When it was time to pay the fare, he wished her a nice day and suddenly found himself in her body. He wasn’t sure how or why, but he just couldn’t stop himself from stealing her body. But he smiled...he couldn’t complain either...

Sunday, January 19, 2025


Originally posted on December 28, 2012.

Uh-oh. This was bad. Jesse had signed up for an experimental procedure to switch bodies with another volunteer. He had swapped with a young woman named Hilary. They were free to do whatever they felt like for the next 48 hours, but they had to return at the end of that time and not a minute later. Jesse had decided to do some camping in Hilary’s body. It was his favorite activity, but for some reason it just wasn’t as much fun now that he was in Hilary’s body. He was sure the researchers would find that interesting. He thought about it as he drove back from the campsite. That’s when his car broke down. He had been stuck now for three hours without a single person passing by. He needed to get back in less than a hour. Considering he was in a remote location with no cell phone service, he was running out of time and options.

Uh-oh. This was bad. Jesse had signed up for an experimental procedure to switch bodies with another volunteer. He had swapped with a young woman named Hilary. They were free to do whatever they felt like for the next 48 hours, but they had to return at the end of that time and not a minute later. Jesse had decided to do some camping in Hilary’s body. It was his favorite activity, but for some reason it just wasn’t as much fun now that he was in Hilary’s body. He was sure the researchers would find that interesting. He thought about it as he drove back from the campsite. That’s when his car broke down. He had been stuck now for three hours without a single person passing by. He needed to get back in less than a hour. Considering he was in a remote location with no cell phone service, he was running out of time and options.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Agent #2023

Originally posted on December 21, 2012.

He was part of a secret shadowy part of the government. No one would ever acknowledge the group’s existence, but they kept the country safe. He had been training with the group for years. Since his first day, he had only been known as Agent 2023--his original identity remained confidential. Training had been hard work, but today would be his first official day in the field. Or it would have been. A comparable agency from an enemy country had discovered the group’s base, and they had an evil plan. Conventional weapons would’ve been far too easily identifiable, so they had developed a weapon of confusion--a weapon that could switch people’s brains. As Agent 2023 started getting ready for his first mission, he suddenly felt strange. He son found himself in another part of the base wearing a white lab coat--and in the wrong body! He recognized whose body it was, Agent 1897, she was one of the scientists at the base. While the weapon did cause some confusion, it was too short for the enemy to take advantage of. Within moments, Agent 2023 had new orders. He striped out of Agent 1897’s lab coat and into the standard issue outfit for female spies. He grabbed a gun for what would now be his first mission--vengeance against the enemy who attacked the base with that strange bodyswapping weapon!

He was part of a secret shadowy part of the government. No one would ever acknowledge the group’s existence, but they kept the country safe. He had been training with the group for years. Since his first day, he had only been known as Agent #2023--his original identity remained confidential. Training had been hard work, but today would be his first official day in the field. Or it would have been. A comparable agency from an enemy country had discovered the group’s base, and they had an evil plan. Conventional weapons would’ve been far too easily identifiable, so they had developed a weapon of confusion--a weapon that could switch people’s brains. As Agent #2023 started getting ready for his first mission, he suddenly felt strange. He son found himself in another part of the base wearing a white lab coat--and in the wrong body! He recognized whose body it was, Agent #1897, she was one of the scientists at the base. While the weapon did cause some confusion, it was too short for the enemy to take advantage of. Within moments, Agent #2023 had new orders. He striped out of Agent #1897’s lab coat and into the standard issue outfit for female spies. He grabbed a gun for what would now be his first mission--vengeance against the enemy who attacked the base with that strange bodyswapping weapon!

Friday, January 17, 2025

Late Night

Orginally posted on October 18, 2012.

Aaron was vacationing through Asia when the Great Shift happened. It was late at night, and he was taking a train back to his hotel after a night of drinking. When the Shift first happened, he thought he was hallucinating from all the alcohol. It just didn’t seem real that he now had smooth legs, for instance -- not to mention now having female body parts! It was the fact that he now felt completely sober that made him figure out this was real; he had swapped bodies with another person, a woman. The few people on the train were also affected, but he suspected that the real nightmare would begin when everyone woke up in the morning.

Aaron was vacationing through Asia when the Great Shift happened. It was late at night, and he was taking a train back to his hotel after a night of drinking. When the Shift first happened, he thought he was hallucinating from all the alcohol. It just didn’t seem real that he now had smooth legs, for instance -- not to mention now having female body parts! It was the fact that he now felt completely sober that made him figure out this was real; he had swapped bodies with another person, a woman. The few people on the train were also affected, but he suspected that the real nightmare would begin when everyone woke up in the morning.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Close Shave

Originally posted on November 2, 2013.

When the Great Shift swapped Ben into the body of a woman, he rejoiced. It meant he no longer had to put up with shaving his face each and every morning. However, he soon discovered that as a woman there were plenty of other places that needed shaving -- though luckily not every day. Yet shaving his legs and armpits also took much more time. As he sat in the bathtub taking care of his beauty routine, he realized the trade off may not have been worth it. After all, now he not only had to put up with shaving, but he also had to contend with hair, makeup, and up-to-date fashions just to stay competitive and professional at work!

When the Great Shift swapped Ben into the body of a woman, he rejoiced. It meant he no longer had to put up with shaving his face each and every morning. However, he soon discovered that as a woman there were plenty of other places that needed shaving -- though luckily not every day. Yet shaving his legs and armpits also took much more time. As he sat in the bathtub taking care of his beauty routine, he realized the trade off may not have been worth it. After all, now he not only had to put up with shaving, but he also had to contend with hair, makeup, and up-to-date fashions just to stay competitive and professional at work!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Holiday (Part 4)

View Part 1 of Holiday.
View Part 2 of Holiday.
View Part 3 of Holiday.

Originally posted on October 31, 2010.

Jeff had made it to the top of the mountain, but felt a feeling of nervousness that he never had back as his old male self. This slope should be a breeze for him, but his new body reacted with a sense of caution. The thrillseeker soon overcame his fear, however, and launched himself down the trail...

Can't Go Out Like That

Originally posted on May 24, 2019.

“See you later, Liz,” Kent said to his daughter as he headed to the door.

“Dad, wait, you can’t go out wearing that!” Liz protested.

“Why not? It’s exactly the same outfit that you were going to wear yesterday.”

“Exactly, and you made me change.”

“Right, because you’re my daughter. But I’m a grown man. I can wear whatever I want.”

“No, you WERE a grown man,” Liz said angrily, “That is until we swapped bodies. Now you’re in MY body!”

“In which case I’ll use the same argument you tried to yesterday. I am a twenty one year old grown woman, and you can’t tell me what to do. You may have my body, but you aren’t MY parent. I am not living under YOUR roof. This is MY roof. Which means I get to make the rules.”

“Your roof? I bet if we went to the bank right now they wouldn’t think it was your roof. I look like the guy who writes the checks for the mortgage.”

“...And I’m still doing the work to pay for that mortgage. Luckily, they let me work from home.”

Both Liz and her dad paused.

“We’re pretty much both screwed if we don’t swap back soon, aren’t we?” Liz finally sighed, breaking the silence.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Self Love (Part 1)

Originally posted on May 13, 2016.

With their wedding only a few weeks away, Scott had been begging Wendy to let him see her in the dress beforehand. She kept insisting it was bad luck and refused to let him see her in it. Scott had a little trick up his sleeve. He had dabbled in the black arts several years ago and still remembered a few spells. He waited until the day of her final fitting, then he proceeded to chant. He hoped the spell would work; it had been years since he cast it. If he did it right, his soul would temporarily split into two. One half would stay with his body, the other would allow him to possess someone else -- in this case Wendy. Neither half would be connected to the other until after about an hour, the errant half would snap back to his original body, and he’d have two sets of memories of that time. Sure enough, the spell seemed to work. The half of his soul now in Wendy’s body was standing in the shop, admiring the dress. It was gorgeous. He felt like a lucky man (even if he technically wasn’t one at the moment). The tailor made a note that the gown was fitting perfectly, and Scott was assisted in getting out of it. He changed back into Wendy’s clothes and waited, knowing it was only a matter of time before he snapped back to his own body with this wonderful memory.

Except when an hour passed, and he was still in her body.

An hour turned to a day, then a week, and finally it was the day of his wedding. Scott felt weird. He hadn’t said anything to his original body about the spell, slightly nervous of the thought that he had messed up and that it was potentially Wendy in there, waiting for him to admit that this swap was his fault. Of course, it was also possible his own soul was still in there, not wanting to tell the person he thought was Wendy about a failed attempt at magic. Now he was going to essentially be marrying himself while wearing the dress he had been so desperate to see just a few weeks earlier.

Sunday, January 12, 2025


Originally posted on May 12, 2019.

“Why the hell did you bring me here, Liz? The last thing we need right now is a marriage counselor.”

“Because you’ve been acting weird ever since the Great Shift, Hank.”

“Of course I have been! I got stuck in the body of a chick! I’m acting weird because it IS weird! Then you make me go to the this counselor and you insist I wear a skirt! I hate having to wear your clothes as it is.”

“Very good. Now save all that for when we see the counselor.”

Saturday, January 11, 2025


Originally posted on April 2, 2019.

Adam had been skiing on a difficult trail in a remote section of an isolated mountain when the unthinkable happened. He could see the avalanche in the distance and wished he was some place safe. He would give anything if he could just survived this. Right before the wall of snow overtook him, he found himself at the bottom of a mountain not far from where he had been. The trails were much safer and the nearby ski lodge attracted many tourists. He took a moment to be glad that he was alive before noticing the long nails at the end of his fingers. Then he noticed his shapely body, heeled boots, long hair, and stylish clothes. He truly had given up everything -- his life, his body, his gender! He had escaped death, but he had done so by somehow swapping into the body of a woman several miles away. He was worried, and yet when he heard this distant sound of an avalanche, he suddenly felt a lot more at peace with the situation.

Adam had been skiing on a difficult trail in a remote section of an isolated mountain when the unthinkable happened. He could see the avalanche in the distance and wished he was some place safe. He would give anything if he could just survived this. Right before the wall of snow overtook him, he found himself at the bottom of a mountain not far from where he had been. The trails were much safer and the nearby ski lodge attracted many tourists. He took a moment to be glad that he was alive before noticing the long nails at the end of his fingers. Then he noticed his shapely body, heeled boots, long hair, and stylish clothes. He truly had given up everything -- his life, his body, his gender! He had escaped death, but he had done so by somehow swapping into the body of a woman several miles away. He was worried, and yet when he heard this distant sound of an avalanche, he suddenly felt a lot more at peace with the situation.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Holiday (Part 3)

View Part 1 of Holiday.
View Part 2 of Holiday.

Originally posted on September 22, 2010.

Despite finding himself in a new body Jeff was not going to let his holiday be ruined. After resting in the lodge for a while, finding the room where this woman was staying, and changing into some dry clothes, he hit the chairlift again. He came here to ski, and that's exactly what he was going to matter whose body he may be in now.

Despite finding himself in a new body Jeff was not going to let his holiday be ruined. After resting in the lodge for a while, finding the room where this woman was staying, and changing into some dry clothes, he hit the chairlift again. He came here to ski, and that's exactly what he was going to matter whose body he may be in now.

Thursday, January 9, 2025


Originally posted on December 2, 2018.

Miranda had spent a miserable week on Exchange Island inside the body of an overweight, middle aged man. She couldn’t wait to swap back to her own body and expected it to happen when the plane landed back on the mainland -- just as she had swapped the first time when the plane landed on the island. However, when the plane touched down and all the people on it departed, she was still stuck in the wrong body.

She approached her own body to demand answers, but the man inside her body just shrugged. He didn’t know why they hadn’t swapped back either. He explained that while he had certainly enjoyed his time in Miranda’s body he didn’t have any interest in being like this for good. Swapping into someone else’s body was great for a vacation, but he certainly didn’t want to be stuck like this! She was skeptical, but she didn’t have any reason not to believe him.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Radio Daze

Originally posted on November 21, 2018.

Aaron couldn’t believe what had just happened, but he was sure there had to be something to explain it. He first tried the internet, but the connection seemed to be down. Finally, he found an old radio in the basement, and sure enough there were news reports about something called “The Great Shift.” A worldwide body swapping event would certainly explain why he was now in the body of an Asian woman. However, there didn’t seem to be any talk about how long the swap was going to last or even if they thought it would only be temporary. Aaron realized that meant he might be stuck like this forever...

Aaron couldn’t believe what had just happened, but he was sure there had to be something to explain it. He first tried the internet, but the connection seemed to be down. Finally, he found an old radio in the basement, and sure enough there were news reports about something called “The Great Shift.” A worldwide body swapping event would certainly explain why he was now in the body of an Asian woman. However, there didn’t seem to be any talk about how long the swap was going to last or even if they thought it would only be temporary. Aaron realized that meant he might be stuck like this forever...

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Alternate Reality

Originally posted on February 10, 2016.

Larry had only learned yoga because of his wife’s pleading. He had considered it, like most things, to be a waste of time that distracted him from his inventions. Of course, he never expected the skill to come in handy when his latest device went awry. The thing he had made was nothing short of incredible. It was a device that allowed him to travel to alternate realities. It wasn’t until the fourth reality that he discovered it’s flaw. Only his spirit was traveling -- neither his body nor the device were going with him. In this reality, he had an extra X chromosome, and was, therefore, born a woman. As a woman, he was never pushed to study science. As a result, in this reality, he was never an inventor and never made the device, which meant it didn’t exist here for him to use to return. Worse still, he could feel his mind slipping, adjusting to this reality. That’s where the yoga came in handy. He was able to use it to focus, to remember who he really was and the skills he had. He needed to focus to be able to reconstruct the device in this time line in order to return to his own reality. It would take several months to build the device again, and he each day his yoga session got a little longer in order to achieve that focus. He couldn’t have been more thankful that his wife had forced him to learn.

Larry had only learned yoga because of his wife’s pleading. He had considered it, like most things, to be a waste of time that distracted him from his inventions. Of course, he never expected the skill to come in handy when his latest device went awry. The thing he had made was nothing short of incredible. It was a device that allowed him to travel to alternate realities. It wasn’t until the fourth reality that he discovered it’s flaw. Only his spirit was traveling -- neither his body nor the device were going with him. In this reality, he had an extra X chromosome, and was, therefore, born a woman. As a woman, he was never pushed to study science. As a result, in this reality, he was never an inventor and never made the device, which meant it didn’t exist here for him to use to return. Worse still, he could feel his mind slipping, adjusting to this reality. That’s where the yoga came in handy. He was able to use it to focus, to remember who he really was and the skills he had. He needed to focus to be able to reconstruct the device in this time line in order to return to his own reality. It would take several months to build the device again, and he each day his yoga session got a little longer in order to achieve that focus. He couldn’t have been more thankful that his wife had forced him to learn.

Monday, January 6, 2025

New Lease on Life

Originally posted on March 10, 2009.

Henry was overjoyed. He had no idea who or what caused that Great Shift thing, but he couldn't be happier. Yesterday, he was a 70-year-old man on death's door; he needed a walker, someone to change his adult diaper, and an oxygen machine. Now he was a hot 20-something party girl! Sure, if he had his preference he would've remained male, but beggars can't be choosers, right? Part of him felt bad for whoever ended up in his body - - apparently, according to the obituaries, they died instantly as his old body wasn't able to deal with the shock - - but it was a passing feeling. He had a new lease on life and was going to live it up!

Henry was overjoyed. He had no idea who or what caused that Great Shift thing, but he couldn't be happier. Yesterday, he was a 70-year-old man on death's door; he needed a walker, someone to change his adult diaper, and an oxygen machine. Now he was a hot 20-something party girl! Sure, if he had his preference he would've remained male, but beggars can't be choosers, right? Part of him felt bad for whoever ended up in his body - - apparently, according to the obituaries, they died instantly as his old body wasn't able to deal with the shock - - but it was a passing feeling. He had a new lease on life and was going to live it up!

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Natural Beauty

Originally posted on January 1, 2018.

Nate gave one last look in the mirror before washing the makeup of his face. He couldn’t imagine he’d look this amazing again for a while. After all, the Great Shift had swapped him in this stunning body earlier that day, but he knew he’d never be able to replicate how she had done her makeup for quite some time. Heck, he didn’t know the first thing about wearing makeup, but it sure did enhance this body’s natural beauty!

Nate gave one last look in the mirror before washing the makeup of his face. He couldn’t imagine he’d look this amazing again for a while. After all, the Great Shift had swapped him in this stunning body earlier that day, but he knew he’d never be able to replicate how she had done her makeup for quite some time. Heck, he didn’t know the first thing about wearing makeup, but it sure did enhance this body’s natural beauty!

Friday, January 3, 2025

About Time

Originally posted on January 4, 2018.

“Well, it’s about time!” Paul thought to himself as he read through the book. Inside, he finally found the body swap spell that Esther must have used to steal his body. He had been digging through her books for the past year looking for it. He carefully studied the words and took stock of the list of ingredients. It seemed like he’d finally have a way to get back his own body until he turned the page to read the end of the spell and found a note: “Warning: This spell cannot be reversed!” His heart sank when he read that; it seems like he was stuck in Esther’s body for good!

Thursday, January 2, 2025


Originally posted on April 24, 2009.

No one could ever accuse Quarterback Lawrence Rogers of not being a dedicated player. The Great Shift had happened right before the final quarter, but he insisted on continuing in game, despite the fact he was now in the body of his team's head cheerleader, and several of the guys on the opposing team just swapped into the bodies of even bigger guys on hid team. He knew it would be a tough game to win, but he had never turned down a challenge before; he wasn't about to start now! Of course, the head cheerleader, Tamara, had wished he would change his mind now that he had her body, or at least she wished he would've gone to the locker room for some padding and protetive gear!

No one could ever accuse Quarterback Lawrence Rogers of not being a dedicated player. The Great Shift had happened right before the final quarter, but he insisted on continuing in game, despite the fact he was now in the body of his team's head cheerleader, and several of the guys on the opposing team just swapped into the bodies of even bigger guys on hid team. He knew it would be a tough game to win, but he had never turned down a challenge before; he wasn't about to start now! Of course, the head cheerleader, Tamara, had wished he would change his mind now that he had her body, or at least she wished he would've gone to the locker room for some padding and protetive gear!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Holiday (Part 1)

Originally posted on August 31, 2010.

Jeff was on holiday skiing down the mountains when a strange flash of light tripped him up. All of a sudden, he fell off balance and struggled to maintain his footing. He plowed straight down into the snow. Considering the difficult course he was navigated, he thanked God that he wasn't dead or even hurt. However, something was certainly wrong. For starters, this wasn't the black diamond run he was just on.The terrain was too flat. Then he looked down at his body and got the shock of his life. He was someone else's body, a young woman's body to be precise! Jeff realized that this would explain the stumble and fall. Either she was already tripping down the bunny slope before the swap, or else he was taken aback by the new center of gravity. Regardless, Jeff started to make his way back to the lodge to figure out what the hell was going on...

Jeff was on holiday skiing down the mountains when a strange flash of light tripped him up. All of a sudden, he fell off balance and struggled to maintain his footing. He plowed straight down into the snow. Considering the difficult course he was navigated, he thanked God that he wasn't dead or even hurt. However, something was certainly wrong. For starters, this wasn't the black diamond run he was just on.The terrain was too flat. Then he looked down at his body and got the shock of his life. He was someone else's body, a young woman's body to be precise! Jeff realized that this would explain the stumble and fall. Either she was already tripping down the bunny slope before the swap, or else he was taken aback by the new center of gravity. Regardless, Jeff started to make his way back to the lodge to figure out what the hell was going on...