Originally posted on July 3, 2013.
Friday, May 31, 2024
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Bad Trip (Part 1)
Originally posted on November 7, 2018.
It wasn’t uncommon for Nick to go to a warehouse party and not leave until the sun came up the next morning. Getting down to the electronic music and doing plenty of drugs just made the time slip by. But it was on one of these morning, he was starting to think he was having a bad trip. It was as if he wasn’t at the warehouse at all. It felt like he was instead on a quiet deck outside a house. Even stranger, he was hallucinating that his body was some sort of young suburban mom or something. But the odd thing was that he no longer felt high, nor could he hear or feel the music. It would take him a while to realize that this wasn’t a trip at all; he had actually swapped bodies with a suburban mom because of The Great Shift.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Black Diamond
Originally posted on October 27, 2018.
“Alright,” Pete said with a smile, “Time to finally give that double black diamond trail a try! I can’t wait!”
“Like hell you are,” Carol said angrily, “That’s MY body you’ve got right now. What if you broke my arm or my leg!”
“Exactly my point!” Pete retorted, “Since we swapped bodies, I don’t really care what happens! I can take some bigger risks! It’s going to be tons of fun!”
“Well, if you do break my bones, I am not going to swap back with you until it’s healed. And if you damage my body beyond repair, I may never swap back with you.”
“Come on! Take a joke!” Pete lied, knowing full well he was still going to try out the difficult trails the moment Carol was out of earshot.
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Perfect Wedding
Originally posted on September 27, 2018.
Chuck had heard of bridezilas, so he was pretty relieved when his wife-to-be Kate seemed pretty relaxed about the whole thing and suggested hiring a wedding planner, Anne. It wasn’t long before Anne was bossing both Chuck and Kate around in order to help them plan their wedding. They often thought of firing her, but everything they previewed with her was always perfect. Dealing with Anne just seemed like a mild inconvenience in exchange.
When Chuck arrived at the day of the wedding, Anne greeted him. She was going to make sure he stayed far away from Kate, but her pleasant smile turned into a frown when she looked him up and down. She started lecturing him about now being perfect, about his tie being crooked. She demanded he let her fix it all. When Chuck agreed, he was shocked that Anne had somehow swapped bodies with him. She told him it was the easiest way. She’d get his body ready for the next hour or so, and he could just look around and enjoy everything. Chuck shrugged. It was weird, but he figured it was easier not to worry about it. And sure enough, as he looked around, everything was beautiful and, well, perfect. He couldn’t help but smile even if was walking around uncomfortably in Anne’s dress.
However, as guests started to arrive, he got nervous. He couldn’t find Anne and his body. When he finally did with minutes to spare, he asked about swapping back.
Anne just smiled, “You didn’t figure it out, did you? You aren’t getting your body back. I was planning the perfect wedding...MY wedding. I’m taking your life and your wife, and it was my plan all along...”
Monday, May 27, 2024
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Hidden Talent
Originally posted on February 16, 2014.
In the days following the Great Shift, Eugene assumed his life was over. After all, he certainly couldn’t continue his football career with the body the Shift had given him. He was now a skinny white woman who weighed about 100 pounds at most. After the weeks of depression passed, he started to consider other options. Early on in his football career, his coach had forced him to take a few ballet classes to learn some grace on the field. He hadn’t thought too much about it, but he soon discovered that his new body was practically a natural. It wasn’t long before he was able to transition his talents into the field of dance and he quickly became one of the greatest ballet dancers in the world. It was never a move he would’ve ever expected, but he also realized he had never been happier.
Saturday, May 25, 2024
What the Hell?
Originally posted on July 13, 2019.
“What the hell?” Both Ryan and Julia said in unison as they opened their eyes as they picked themselves up off the floor in the wake of the Great Shift. They both wondered why they were looking at themselves before realizing the true horror of being in each other’s bodies.
The were simply two strangers who had been working out next to each other at the gym. Ryan had been admiring Julia’s body -- hoping she wouldn’t notice he was checking her out -- but he certainly didn’t want it like this. Meanwhile, Julia was weirded out about being inside the body of the guy who she thought was sort of skeevy by the way he stared at her. She didn’t want to give him her number of tell him where she lived, but she was also realizing she probably wouldn’t have many options otherwise...
Friday, May 24, 2024
Originally posted on September 6, 2012.
Josh and Mark had been friends since they were kids. The two buddies did just about everything together. They played on the same little league team, double dated at high school prom, and went to the same college. Even in their late 20s, they still hung out all the time. They even decided to take a vacation to Japan together. Things were going well until these two women started pointing and giggling at the two men. Josh was ready to start a fight, but Mark held him back. Then a weird light engulfed all four of them. Josh and Mark could only stare dumbfounded as they saw their own bodies giggling. They had swapped bodies with the two Japanese women, and they realized there was nothing they could do about it.
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Merry Christmas
Originally posted on December 25, 2012.
Even Santa Claus wasn’t immune to the effects of the Great Shift. The jolly old elf was sure that his new body would change the image of Christmas and gift giving for years to come. Fortunately, despite having the body of a young woman now, he still had his magical gift delivering abilities along with his immortality. Christmas would not be canceled, but it certainly would be a whole lot sexier this year!
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Originally posted on October 4, 2011.
So far it didn’t really bother Calvin that he was stuck in Amanda’s body for the next week. However, that changed once he ran into her boyfriend. The guy just couldn’t keep his hands of of her body, and Calvin wasn’t quite sure how to tell the guy that it wasn’t her inside of it! The whole thing just made him feel so uncomfortable. It felt weird being kissed by another guy, even if he was inside the body of a girl!
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Originally posted on August 9, 2009.
"You stole my body. You stole my life. Did you think I'd just forget where I used to live? How dumb do you think I am?" Brent asked Kelly. He had been waiting for her outside of the home he had lived in until she had stolen his body.
"Oh no, I figured you'd be here, but the swap is irreversible." Kelly responded, "But I am about to call the cops and have you arrested for trespassing and harassment. Do you think the cops will believe you when you tell them that I stole your body? How dumb do you think *I* am?"
Monday, May 20, 2024
One-on-One Help
Originally posted on June 14, 2018.
“Miss Carver? Uh, Miss Carver?”
Ryan still wasn’t used to being called by that name. It hadn’t even been a full day since he swapped bodies with his teacher, Miss Carver. So when he heard her name, he didn’t turn around right away.
“I was wondering if you could help me with something, Miss Carver?”
Finally, Ryan turned around. One of his classmates was there. He had faked his way through the lessons today with some notes Miss Carver had left for him, but he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to help anyone one on one. It also didn’t help that he could tell the student was clearly gazing at Ryan’s ass. Ryan knew he needed some excuse to get out of there, and he needed to swap back to his own body as soon as possible.
Sunday, May 19, 2024
The Harvest
Originally posted on May 26, 2018.
Before going on vacation, John’s friends had told him to careful. They warned him about a news article they read about tourists getting their organs harvested. Jack laughed off these concerns; he knew how to be safe. It turned out that even the resort had dangers. Someone must have slipped something into his drink one night. He awoke in a poor part of town on a cold floor above a factory, except instead of an organ being stolen -- it was his entire body! He was now a woman, seemingly malnourished and now expected to work in the factory below. The days were 18 hours long and John was tired. How had she managed to get into the resort? How did she find the time? How did she manage to swap bodies with him? And how was he going to escape from al of this?
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Figuring Out What Happened (Part 3)
For Part 1 of Figuring Out What Happened.
For Part 2 of Figuring Out What Happened.
Originally posted on February 16, 2010.
Franklin didn't know why, but the next thing he felt compelled to do was get dressed in some of the clothes he found in the first room, so he returned and got himself into a fancy black dress. Taking a different turn out the door this time, he soon found himself in front of a window. He looked out to see that it was daylight, but the outside world was quiet, not a person in sight. He stayed at the window for several hours without a single soul passing.
Friday, May 17, 2024
Cute Things
Originally posted on January 22, 2023.
George always had a hard time buying gifts for his wife. He always wished he could get her something great, but it never turned out that way. This year, he was determined to get her a great gift for her birthday, and he ended up coming across an odd store he never saw before at the mall. It told various trinkets and antiques that he thought his wife would enjoy. The old man behind the counter disagreed and said George didn’t understand women at all. George scoffed, asking the old man what he knew.
The old man offered to sell George an item, a small pill that would allow any man to understand women better. For $5, George figured what did he have to lose? He paid the man and went to the food court to get a drink to take the pill. A few sips of soda, and he swallowed it. With a magical puff, he was transformed into a woman (though no one around seemed to notice). He thought about stormed back into the store to be transformed back, but his head was suddenly filled with all sorts of things he knew a woman like himself would enjoy. He went to work buying all sorts of things for his wife with a big smile on his face.
When he was done, he knew he still needed to get back to normal, so he looked for the shop. It didn’t seem to be where he remembered it. He checked the directory; it did not even seem to be listed! A little bit of panic set in. He was going to be stuck like this! However, his mindset quickly shifted. It wouldn’t be so bad. He had already bought himself so many cute things for himself today; being stuck like this only meant he was going to be able to buy so many more!
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Reporting Live
Originally posted on December 30, 2022.
“...And I’m Lori Graves, I guess, reporting live from midtown. Back to you in the studio.” David paused, and it felt like forever before he heard the next words.
“Cut,” The cameraman finally said, “You did great. Thanks for filling in for Miss Graves.”
David sighed, “I guess I’m not just filling in for her. I AM her now. At least that’s what they were saying in the studio, right? This Great Shift thing; they say it’s going to be permanent.”
“How could they possibly know that yet? It’s been like an hour since everyone swapped bodies. And you did a great job reporting on the scene, by the way; I’m sure they’ll keep you on even if you aren’t the real Lori Graves.”
“I think her body must have some sort of innate ability or muscle memory or something. I’ve never been good at any sort of public speaking! I’m a construction worker for God’s sake! Or I was at least. Don’t think I can do that anymore. If I do have Lori’s abilities, I guess I might as well pick this up again. Are we going live again soon?”
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Stupid Ballet
Originally posted on January 17, 2023.
Anthony’s wife had pressured him to come to a ballet performance. She insisted he needed some culture. He couldn’t believe how long and boring it was. Finally, after more than two hours, it seemed to be coming to a close. As the lead dancer leapt into the air, she came crashing down with a flash of light, and it was almost like Anthony could actually feel it.
He soon realized that he actually did feel it. He was now on the stage in front of the large crowd with a spotlight on him. He could see the scared look in the faces of the people in the front rows, and he was nervous himself. He hadn’t just found himself on the stage; he was now inside the body of the lead dancer! He was wearing tights, and ballet slippers, and a damned tutu -- not the mention the fact he was now a woman!
He cursed his luck. None of this would have happened to him if his wife hadn’t forced him to go to the stupid ballet!
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Girls' Night Out
Originally posted on December 9, 2022.
“Come on, Rhea,” Whispered Paul, “I can’t do this. I can’t be you.”
“Yeah, but thanks to that weird machine, you ARE me, and I had a night with my gal pals scheduled, so tha obligation now falls on you,” Rhea insisted.
“They’re never going to believe I’m you. They’re gonna know something’s up.”
“They’re probably already drunk, and have you looked in the mirror? They aren’t going to know anything is up, because we swapped bodies and people trust what they see. Right now, you look like me; they’re never going to see through that. Now go out there, and shake your ass. Make it look like I’m having fun.”
Paul groaned as he met up with Rhea’s friends. They squealed with delight when they saw him, understandably thinking he was Rhea. They handed him a drink and soon he started to dance. He hated to admit it, but he began to have a good time.Rhea’s body moved so much more smoothly than his own. But by the end of the night, he just wanted to find Rhea and figure out swapping back. However, he couldn’t seem to find her anywhere...
Monday, May 13, 2024
Originally posted on January 17, 2019.
Frank had been working at the university’s library for nearly fifty years. He was looking into retirement before the Great Shift happened and swapped him into the body of a student. Now he was barely twenty years old and a woman! He had gotten used to being seen as an elder authoritative figure, but few people saw him as such in his new, youthful body. He had started to look forward to retirement even more now; however, it wasn’t long before he encountered a hitch. It seemed a certain clause in his employment contract meant he wouldn’t qualify for retirement benefits due to the fact that his new body was simply too young to qualify. He couldn’t believe he’d have to end up working nearly a hundred years before he’d be eligible again. He sighed as he reshelved another book, pondering his choices.
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Electrical Storm
Originally posted on April 21, 2019.
The freakish electrical storm seemed to come out of nowhere. The pilot hadn’t even seen it on his radar before the plane was flying right through it. The turbulence was probably the wildest any of the passengers had ever experienced, and just when it seemed to be over the lights flickered and about half of the people on the plane ended up switching bodies. The pilot made an emergency landing on the closest airstrip.
When Nathan exited the plane, he was doing so as a new person, quite literally. In one of the more dramatic swaps, he ended up as a different gender in the body of a woman on board named Deborah. He knew it was going to be hard to adjust, but for now he was just thankful to be alive. He realized it would’ve been quite easy for one or both of the pilots to have ended up swapping bodies, which might’ve resulted in a crash. He’d just have to figure out how to deal with this.
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Figuring Out What Happened (Part 2)
For Part 1 of Figuring Out What Happened.
Originally posted on February 13, 2010.
Franklin peered out the door of the room he was in and into the hallway. All the end of it, there was a mirror, where he could now see his new reflection clearly. He was not only a woman now, he was a beautiful one! He slowly walked down the hallway to approch the mirror. First, he put his fingers to the mirror's glass, and then to his own face. He hadn't even walked more than a few feet to explore his surroundings yet, but he was instantly distracted...
Friday, May 10, 2024
Originally posted on January 30, 2010.
That was the only thing that Jared could seem to say in response to the effects of the Great Shift. The large breasts felt like a huge weight now on his chest, and he was very afraid to reach down and feel the new void between his legs.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Originally posted on May 1, 2009.
Taylor had warned his sister not to play around with witchcraft, so he gave her such a hard time when a spell randomly swapped their bodies. She insisted that she couldn't be seen in his ugly, fat body and sent him to the store in her body to get the needed ingredients. On his way back, Taylor stopped in his tracks. Why would he want to go back to his old body? He dug through the contents replacing one spice with another to sabotage the spell that would return them to their own bodies...
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Originally posted on May 30, 2009.
Dwayne didn't know what he was going to tell his coach. He had gone to bed next to his wife, and everything was normal. However, when he woke up he was in his wife's body and neither she (nor his body) was nowhere to be found! There would be no way he'd be able to quarterback a professional football game in his wife's body! He just hoped he wouldn't be sued for his his multi-million dollar contract!
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Originally posted on April 3, 2009.
"I can't find it in the couch either, Crystal. I don't know where that medallion that swapped are bodies could possibly be!" Mike lied to his girlfriend. The truth was that he had thrown the medallion out shortly after he swapped bodies with Crystal. He had always wanted to be a woman, and he saw this as his first real possibility. First, he had scoured the internet for the legendary Medallion of Zulu. Then he tricked his girlfriend into using it with him. Yeah, he felt sort of bad about forcing her to be stuck in his body, but he just couldn't resist his selfish temptation. Now, he was pretending to look everywhere for the "lost" medallion. He was hoping she'd eventually give up, but so far, not so...
Monday, May 6, 2024
Originally posted on June 9, 2010.
After swapping bodies with his wife moments after getting married, Norman was nervous. He wanted to cancel their Hawaiian honeymoon, but his wife would not hear of it. They had spend a lot of money on those plane tickets, and they were going to enjoy it. She also insisted they pretend to be each other until they could find a way to swap back. Upon arriving, she insisted they go to the beach, and Norman got dressed in his wife's swimsuit. It felt so strange having breasts pop out the top of his top, and he felt the bottom barely covered the crotch. This was going to be the worst honeymoon ever...
Sunday, May 5, 2024
A Car Crash
Caption from Alicia's Yahoo! Group, pre-2009 (I think).
Jerry was sitting at home when the Great Shift happened; however, it flung him into the body of a young, female driver. Shocked to suddenly be behind the wheel, he ended up in a nasty crash. As he was in his 50s, Jerry assumed he must have experienced some type of blackout, but he was always one to keep a cool head, so he pulled the car off to the side of the road to assess the damage. This car was red--his was blue! Had he stolen a car in his blackout? That's when he realized the car wasn't what he should be assessing--it was his situation, as he noticed he somehow swapped bodies with a blonde woman. She couldn't have been older than 20. He got back in the car and turned on the radio. His usual station was nothing but static. As he flipped through the dial, he came across a newsreport about The Great Shift. An occurrence which swapped the bodies of 20% of the world's population. That certainly explained the situation. Considering the car was in no position to be driven, he decided to see what he could find out about his new body. Turns out he was 19-year-old Michelle Wilson; she had a community college ID, drivers license, and a few tampons in her purse, pants, and decided to insert a tampon--just to be safe. However, in the midst of this a cop knocked on the car's window. An embarrassed Jerry turned the same bright red as the car he was now in.
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Figuring Out What Happened (Part 1)
Originally posted on February 11, 2010.
Franklin woke up in a strange room. There seemed to be racks of clothes all around him--but they were all female clothes! That's when he looked down to see an even bigger shock; his own body had been changed. HE was now a SHE! He surmised that the clothes on the racks would likely fit his new frame, but he was in no mood to be playing dress up; he got up off the bed so that he could explore his new location and see if he could figure out any hints as to what had happened.
Friday, May 3, 2024
Originally posted on June 7, 2012.
Brent and Ashley had been friends since they were in first grade, but the two had very different upbringings. Brent was born to rich parents, ended up going to Columbia University, and scored a high paying job on Wall Street. Ashley lived a tough life and though she finished high school, she had to get a low-paying job right after to help her family. They kept in touch through the years, and one night over drinks Ashley drunkenly wished she had Brent’s life. Brent smiled and told her that if he could give it to her, he would, not thinking of any possible consequence. But something magical must’ve been listening, as the two instantly found themselves in the other’s body. The two could barely fathom what had happened to them, but for the time being they agreed to pretend to be each other, otherwise people would think they were crazy! Brent got on the subway to head to Ashley’s home. He dug through her purse to find a lottery ticket with one part still not scratched off. Discovering he just won $50 million made being stuck in Ashley’s body seem not all that bad!
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Picking Up
Originally posted on June 2, 2011.
Nick sat in the dirty bar looking for someone to pick up. He wasn’t looking forward to having sex with a dude, he knew it was his only choice. After he picked up a chick in the same bar the week before, he swapped bodies with her after the two had sex. He had to listen to his own body explain the curse; how he was now trapped in this woman’s body until engaging in sexual intercourse, then he could steal the partner’s body. He thought about it for a week before buying a full leather outfit. Hey, he’d pick up a chick dressed like this...
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Originally posted on August 21, 2011.
It took Frank forever to find a bar in the hours right after the Great Shift, but if there was ever a situation where he needed a drink, this would be it. The bartender hadn’t been shifted, so he was wondering why very few people were out. Frank leaned on the bar to explain what was going on. The bartender listened patiently, partially hoping to get lucky with the beautiful woman talking his ear off. However, with it being only his first night in a female body, Frank was certainly not ready for that yet!