Thursday, August 31, 2023

Spring Break

Originally posted on August 3, 2009.

When Matt and all his frat brothers went down to Mexico for Spring Break, none of them could've anticipated the Great Shift. Matt was rather uncomfortable being in the body of some chick who was also down there vacationing, but at least he was hot! Plus, he was still around the same age, and he suspected he wouldn't have any problems crossing back over the border. The same couldn't be said for his best best bud at the frat, Leo, who had ended up in the body of some fat, middle-aged Mexican woman.

When Matt and all his frat brothers went down to Mexico for Spring Break, none of them could've anticipated the Great Shift. Matt was rather uncomfortable being in the body of some chick who was also down there vacationing, but at least he was hot! Plus, he was still around the same age, and he suspected he wouldn't have any problems crossing back over the border. The same couldn't be said for his best best bud at the frat, Leo, who had ended up in the body of some fat, middle-aged Mexican woman.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Is This the End?

Originally posted on July 19, 2009.

Mike was riding his bike when the world went black. It felt like he stopped moving immediately. Had he hit something? He felt weird...different. As he passed by a car and saw his reflection, he knew why. Somehow staring back at him was a woman! Did he die? Was this the afterlife? Was he a spirit possessing someone on Earth? His mind was wandering when someone approached him from behind. "Great Shift got you too, eh?" It asked, "Judging from your puzzled expression, I'm guessing you didn't see the news reports yet..."

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Originally posted on June 18, 2013.

It was hard for Mindy Fuller to prove their body had been stolen; it was even harder to find the culprit and prosecute. However, after months of searching, they found their man. He was surly and uncooperative inside of Mindy’s body. He snarled as his mug shot was taken and growled at the cops.

“You’ll never lock me away for good!” He said, “Without the device that did this, you’ll never prove anything. And I ain’t gonna tell you where it is. After all, even if you do manage to succeed in convicting me, good luck trying to convince a judge to allow Mindy’s body to be put away for my crimes!” He laughed, “You probably wouldn’t even know whether to put me in men’s or women’s prison!”

Monday, August 28, 2023

Friend Zone

Originally posted January 31, 2014.

A few months ago, if you had asked Lawrence about prom, he probably would’ve said he wasn’t planning on going. That was before the Great Shift swapped him into the body of a very attractive woman. Now he was all smiles after putting on a green dress for the big night. He had arrived with his date for the night, his friend Eugene (who had been quite a nerdy guy before being swapped into the body of the school’s quarterback). Lawrence was hoping that after tonight, he might find himself out of the “Friend Zone” with Eugene, and that the two could start dating. Euegen was having much more trouble than Lawrence dealing with a sudden surge in popularity  -- and it was still also hard for him to accept that Lawrence was now 100% woman, though Lawrence was certainly ready to prove that latter face to Eugene later tonight.

A few months ago, if you had asked Lawrence about prom, he probably would’ve said he wasn’t planning on going. That was before the Great Shift swapped him into the body of a very attractive woman. Now he was all smiles after putting on a green dress for the big night. He had arrived with his date for the night, his friend Eugene (who had been quite a nerdy guy before being swapped into the body of the school’s quarterback). Lawrence was hoping that after tonight, he might find himself out of the “Friend Zone” with Eugene, and that the two could start dating. Euegen was having much more trouble than Lawrence dealing with a sudden surge in popularity -- and it was still also hard for him to accept that Lawrence was now 100% woman, though Lawrence was certainly ready to prove that latter face to Eugene later tonight.

Sunday, August 27, 2023


Originally posted on September 26, 2012.

Carl had been eager to test out his new body swapping device, maybe a little too eager. He hired a prostitute to be one test subject and used himself as the other. The hooker was confused to be in a new body, but she saw it as a way out of her horrible life. She started to bolt for the door, and Carl knew he had to stop her fast. He used his device to switch her and his dog. He wasn’t sure if it would work on animals, but soon his own body was walking around on all fours and barking. Next, Carl switched himself back into his own body, leaving his dog inside the prostitute’s body. One more step and everyone would be back to normal, but then he tried to use the device and it stopped working! It would take some time to fix it.Carl was sure glad he wasn’t expecting any visitors soon. He wouldn’t know how to explain the woman walking around on all fours and eating out of dishes on the ground.

Carl had been eager to test out his new body swapping device, maybe a little too eager. He hired a prostitute to be one test subject and used himself as the other. The hooker was confused to be in a new body, but she saw it as a way out of her horrible life. She started to bolt for the door, and Carl knew he had to stop her fast. He used his device to switch her and his dog. He wasn’t sure if it would work on animals, but soon his own body was walking around on all fours and barking. Next, Carl switched himself back into his own body, leaving his dog inside the prostitute’s body. One more step and everyone would be back to normal, but then he tried to use the device and it stopped working! It would take some time to fix it.Carl was sure glad he wasn’t expecting any visitors soon. He wouldn’t know how to explain the woman walking around on all fours and eating out of dishes on the ground.

Saturday, August 26, 2023


Originally posted on March 25, 2010.

One minute Conor was relaxing on the beach, and the next minute he was in the freezing cold, zooming down a mountain on skis. He was lucky enough to be able to gain control and bring himself to a safe stop. As if somehow being transported miles away to the freezing cold wasn't enough, as Conor caught his breath, he found out the temperature wasn't the worst of things. He was in a woman's body now! He was now a woman! Hoping to find some answers, he made his way to the ski lodge, only to find out that he was one of many to be swapped into a new body, though most of the other people had swapped with someone else on the mountain.

One minute Conor was relaxing on the beach, and the next minute he was in the freezing cold, zooming down a mountain on skis. He was lucky enough to be able to gain control and bring himself to a safe stop. As if somehow being transported miles away to the freezing cold wasn't enough, as Conor caught his breath, he found out the temperature wasn't the worst of things. He was in a woman's body now! He was now a woman! Hoping to find some answers, he made his way to the ski lodge, only to find out that he was one of many to be swapped into a new body, though most of the other people had swapped with someone else on the mountain.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Another Tale of Revenge

Originally posted on March 25, 2009.

Stan couldn't believe he was pointing a gun at his own body. But then again, he couldn't believe what he had to do since this hooker swapped bodies with him two months ago. He was treated like trash on a daily basis, had all types of solicited encounters with various men, and even had to experience an abortion after one customer got him pregnant. His old body said that if Stan shot, he'd never get his body back. But Stan KNEW that; he realized that he'd probably even go to jail. It wasn't about getting his body back anymore; it was about revenge.

Stan couldn't believe he was pointing a gun at his own body. But then again, he couldn't believe what he had to do since this hooker swapped bodies with him two months ago. He was treated like trash on a daily basis, had all types of solicited encounters with various men, and even had to experience an abortion after one customer got him pregnant. His old body said that if Stan shot, he'd never get his body back. But Stan KNEW that; he realized that he'd probably even go to jail. It wasn't about getting his body back anymore; it was about revenge.

Thursday, August 24, 2023


Originally posted on July 23, 2019.

“Oh hell yes!” Melvin exclaimed, “I’ve paid out more than a pretty penny to visit Exchange Island over a dozen times, and I’ve been waiting to get a body like this! This is amazing! I feel bad for the person stuck in my scrawny, pale, nerdy body, but I always feel bad for whoever gets my body.”

Of course, this time Melvin felt particularly bad for the person stuck in this body, because this time he’d be activating his invention. If all went according to plan, the device would emit a pulse that would ensure everyone on the island kept the bodies they were currently in. He had perfected the device a few visits ago, but he was just waiting for a body he’d enjoy being stuck with in order to test it. Of course, that meant everyone else on the island would be stuck too, but he didn’t care that much. And the impact should only be limited to current visitors, allowing future vacationers to enjoy the island’s legendary effects.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Originally posted on January 6, 2010.

Dan couldn't believe he was attending a party in his sister's body. It had been a week since they had accidentally switched bodies, and they both had been avoidning social events, but she insisted that he attend this one for her. She had helped him get ready, pick out an outfit, and do his hair. However, when he first arrived, he could not believe how it almost seemed like instinct for him to make his way to the bathroom and adjust his makeup. He was more freaked out when he did it perfectly...

Dan couldn't believe he was attending a party in his sister's body. It had been a week since they had accidentally switched bodies, and they both had been avoidning social events, but she insisted that he attend this one for her. She had helped him get ready, pick out an outfit, and do his hair. However, when he first arrived, he could not believe how it almost seemed like instinct for him to make his way to the bathroom and adjust his makeup. He was more freaked out when he did it perfectly...

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Once Upon an Incel

Originally posted on July 22, 2009.

Many incels enjoyed the results of the Great Shift, Paul was one of them. He couldn't have gotten a date before the Shift to save his life. He was not even 30 and already fat and balding. He'd watch dirty videos to no end and creep around places like the gym, hoping to catch women without their clothes on. After the Shift, he was pleased to have his very own female body to play with! Though many were now interested in a date, his lingering social awkwardness kept people from giving him a call back later...

Many incels enjoyed the results of the Great Shift, Paul was one of them. He couldn't have gotten a date before the Shift to save his life. He was not even 30 and already fat and balding. He'd watch dirty videos to no end and creep around places like the gym, hoping to catch women without their clothes on. After the Shift, he was pleased to have his very own female body to play with! Though many were now interested in a date, his lingering social awkwardness kept people from giving him a call back later...

Monday, August 21, 2023


Originally posted on March 29, 2015.

When the Medallion of Zulu came into the collection of the local museum, most of the staff dismissed it as a piece of junk. Brian, however, had heard about the legends. He asked to take him home for further study. It was rare to allow a piece outside, but no one thought the medallion was of any value. Brian knew he just needed to test it with someone. He asked his girlfriend, Maxine, if she’d like to switch bodies. She thought he was crazy. He told her he didn’t expect to work, but if it did, it would be the discovery of a lifetime. They touched it at the same time, and at first nothing seemed to happen. She rolled his eyes at him, but a few minutes later, they realized they’d have to exchange clothing. Sure enough, thirty minutes later, and Brian now had Maxine’s body and Maxine had Brian’s. They decided to go for a walk. Brian kept complaining about the heels and tight pants he now wore. Maxine just laughed at him until they reached the river. She said she was done making fun of him and asked to switch back. Brain started to say that they couldn’t. Maxine was immediately enraged, storming off but not before throwing the medallion in the ocean. Brian had wished she had let him finish before she did that. He was going to say that they couldn’t...yet; that they would have to wait twelve hours. Of course with the medallion now at the bottom of the river, they couldn’t ever. He looked down at the river, then at himself. He was going to have to get used to this view. It would be what he saw every time he looked down from now on...

When the Medallion of Zulu came into the collection of the local museum, most of the staff dismissed it as a piece of junk. Brian, however, had heard about the legends. He asked to take him home for further study. It was rare to allow a piece outside, but no one thought the medallion was of any value. Brian knew he just needed to test it with someone. He asked his girlfriend, Maxine, if she’d like to switch bodies. She thought he was crazy. He told her he didn’t expect to work, but if it did, it would be the discovery of a lifetime. They touched it at the same time, and at first nothing seemed to happen. She rolled his eyes at him, but a few minutes later, they realized they’d have to exchange clothing. Sure enough, thirty minutes later, and Brian now had Maxine’s body and Maxine had Brian’s. They decided to go for a walk. Brian kept complaining about the heels and tight pants he now wore. Maxine just laughed at him until they reached the river. She said she was done making fun of him and asked to switch back. Brain started to say that they couldn’t. Maxine was immediately enraged, storming off but not before throwing the medallion in the ocean. Brian had wished she had let him finish before she did that. He was going to say that they couldn’t...yet; that they would have to wait twelve hours. Of course with the medallion now at the bottom of the river, they couldn’t ever. He looked down at the river, then at himself. He was going to have to get used to this view. It would be what he saw every time he looked down from now on...

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Less Frequent

Originally posted on April 15, 2015.

Jared thought he had the house to himself for a whole week. His wife had just left for a business trip, and he knew exactly what he was going to do. He went up into the attic and opened the box with the medallion that was carefully wrapped inside with a yellow sweater and some jean shorts. He took a deep breath as he placed the medallion around his neck and touched the sweater to it. He then proceeded to change his clothing. The jean shorts were too tight for him, but he knew it was only a matter of moments before he could slip them on. The sweater was less of a problem to get on, but for now it was tight. It didn’t take long. About 15 minutes and Jared had an entirely different body. He had dated Soon when he was in college, back when he first found the medallion. She was the only one he had ever told about the medallion, and they often used it to swap bodies. After they broke up, he never told her that he kept one of her outfits that allowed him to transform himself into a copy of her any time he wanted. He used to do it all the time, but it became less frequent as the years passed. Now that he was in his 40s, there was still something nice about spending some time inside the body of a college-aged woman. But then he heard a noise outside. He looked to see a care outside. His wife must’ve forgotten something! He needed to hide. It’d be many more hours before he could transform back into himself. He rushed up to the attic, hoping she would think he had just gone out for a bit.

Jared thought he had the house to himself for a whole week. His wife had just left for a business trip, and he knew exactly what he was going to do. He went up into the attic and opened the box with the medallion that was carefully wrapped inside with a yellow sweater and some jean shorts. He took a deep breath as he placed the medallion around his neck and touched the sweater to it. He then proceeded to change his clothing. The jean shorts were too tight for him, but he knew it was only a matter of moments before he could slip them on. The sweater was less of a problem to get on, but for now it was tight. It didn’t take long. About 15 minutes and Jared had an entirely different body. He had dated Soon when he was in college, back when he first found the medallion. She was the only one he had ever told about the medallion, and they often used it to swap bodies. After they broke up, he never told her that he kept one of her outfits that allowed him to transform himself into a copy of her any time he wanted. He used to do it all the time, but it became less frequent as the years passed. Now that he was in his 40s, there was still something nice about spending some time inside the body of a college-aged woman. But then he heard a noise outside. He looked to see a care outside. His wife must’ve forgotten something! He needed to hide. It’d be many more hours before he could transform back into himself. He rushed up to the attic, hoping she would think he had just gone out for a bit.

Saturday, August 19, 2023


Originally posted on October 26, 2020.

When Andrew caught the deadly disease, he knew he was fortunate enough to be able to afford the most expensive treatments available. However, attempt after attempt proved unsuccessful. The final solution was certainly extreme. He was placed under, his brain transplanted into a new body, and he awoke in the hospital several days later. The disease was cured, but he was now in the body of a woman. He couldn’t move yet; his brain was still figuring his new body out. But he knew it was only a matter of time until he continue on with life.

When Andrew caught the deadly disease, he knew he was fortunate enough to be able to afford the most expensive treatments available. However, attempt after attempt proved unsuccessful. The final solution was certainly extreme. He was placed under, his brain transplanted into a new body, and he awoke in the hospital several days later. The disease was cured, but he was now in the body of a woman. He couldn’t move yet; his brain was still figuring his new body out. But he knew it was only a matter of time until he continue on with life.

Friday, August 18, 2023


Originally posted on July 21, 2020.

Matthew knew the reason the wedding was being delayed. No one could locate the best man, which just happened to be him. He was sure it was only a matter of time before they found his lifeless body back in a seeming coma hotel room. He had no idea that weird magic spell he found on the internet was a possession spell, nor did he expect to immediately possess his brother’s fiance, Erika. He figured he had two options. One was to go through and marry his own brother, and hope the spell would just sort of wear off so things can go back to normal. The other was just call off the wedding and get himself as far away from there as possible. He’d be living Erika’s life for as long as he was stuck in her body -- but he’d be living it by his own rules, certainly not married to his own brother. He was going to have to make a decision soon..

Matthew knew the reason the wedding was being delayed. No one could locate the best man, which just happened to be him. He was sure it was only a matter of time before they found his lifeless body back in a seeming coma hotel room. He had no idea that weird magic spell he found on the internet was a possession spell, nor did he expect to immediately possess his brother’s fiance, Erika.

He figured he had two options. One was to go through and marry his own brother, and hope the spell would just sort of wear off so things can go back to normal. The other was just call off the wedding and get himself as far away from there as possible. He’d be living Erika’s life for as long as he was stuck in her body -- but he’d be living it by his own rules, certainly not married to his own brother. He was going to have to make a decision soon..

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Originally posted on October 16, 2013.

Kevin put on his workout clothes and headed out the door. He hadn’t planned on actually doing any exercise, but he loved the way his body looked in the outfit every since the Great Shift placed his mind inside the body of a really hot woman. Instead of going to the gym, he went to a fast food place and grabbed a milkshake. His new body was so fit, he couldn’t imagine one shake causing any problems. However, if he kept up this routine of fatty foods and no exercise, his body wouldn’t keep its shape!

Kevin put on his workout clothes and headed out the door. He hadn’t planned on actually doing any exercise, but he loved the way his body looked in the outfit every since the Great Shift placed his mind inside the body of a really hot woman. Instead of going to the gym, he went to a fast food place and grabbed a milkshake. His new body was so fit, he couldn’t imagine one shake causing any problems. However, if he kept up this routine of fatty foods and no exercise, his body wouldn’t keep its shape!

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


Originally posted on October 8, 2020.

John looked back to see his own body dead and floating in the pool. He supposed he could call an ambulance, but he paused for a moment to think about what had happened. He was a good swimmer; there was no reason why he suddenly started to drown. It was like he just forgot for a moment, then everything the flashed. The next thing he knew, he was standing at the edge of the pool, watching his former body drown. But he was doing it from another body -- a woman’s body. He could remember everything about himself -- about being John -- but he also realized he had forgotten one thing; he had forgotten how to swim. He knew he used to know, but the knowledge just didn’t seem to transfer to this new body. And so he slowly continued out of the pool and called for help. He pretending to not have any connection to his former body. Heck, he didn’t know much about his new body, so it probably wasn’t a lie. There were going to be a lot of questions, and John needed to start finding answers.

John looked back to see his own body dead and floating in the pool. He supposed he could call an ambulance, but he paused for a moment to think about what had happened. He was a good swimmer; there was no reason why he suddenly started to drown. It was like he just forgot for a moment, then everything the flashed. The next thing he knew, he was standing at the edge of the pool, watching his former body drown. But he was doing it from another body -- a woman’s body. He could remember everything about himself -- about being John -- but he also realized he had forgotten one thing; he had forgotten how to swim. He knew he used to know, but the knowledge just didn’t seem to transfer to this new body.

And so he slowly continued out of the pool and called for help. He pretending to not have any connection to his former body. Heck, he didn’t know much about his new body, so it probably wasn’t a lie. There were going to be a lot of questions, and John needed to start finding answers.

Monday, August 14, 2023


Originally posted on October 20, 2020.

Professor Wilson Reynolds had students fall asleep in his lectures before, but a classmate did usually wake them up when it was time to leave. To say that Wilson was a little annoyed by the young woman slightly snoring in the back long after everyone had left the room would be an understatement. He walked behind her seat quietly and kicked. Just as he did so, he felt a jolt like he was waking up from a dream. He realized he was now sitting down in the seat he had just kicked; he was somehow now the body of his own student.

Despite his panic, the student in his body was even more broken up. She ran out of the room crying; Wilson was nowhere near fast enough to catch up. He strolled calmly back into the classroom. A new group of students would be filtering in soon, and he’d have to give his lecture despite having the body of this slacker.

His biggest concern was if the students would take him seriously. it was early in the semester, so most probably didn’t know him -- though he did have a bit of a reputation. Even still, he’d imagine it might be hard seeing a woman no older than they were giving a lecture on advanced physics.

It seemed, however, that most of the next class didn’t even show up. The swap didn’t just swap Professor Reynolds and a student, the entire school had been swapped around. People were panicking, and no one was going to class.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Friday, August 11, 2023

A Note on My Patreon and the Continuation of This Site

Okay, so I should probably note that the content on this site is good for a while, first and foremost, but that may not be true in the future. I would also say for those that enjoyed my captions from the early days, that My Patreon is still the BEST place to go to see them (something like 300 of them are up there so far, with more every day). I'd also encourage you to sign up for My Patreon to help keep THIS site going. Yeah, I know that sounds strange, but I'm serious when I say that my Patreon is probably the best way to support me. My biggest motivation for keeping these sites going is that these little pushes to Patreon help keep that going, and this all funded. Sorry to sound like I'm begging; it's just not the best times for me right now.


Originally posted on August 19, 2017.

Harold couldn’t remember the last time he saw a phone booth. It was such an out-of-place sight that he just had to go inside. The phone was off the hook and the dial tone seemed unreasonably loud. He picked it up and heard a voice on the other end. It only said one word, “Gotcha.”

The next thing Harold knew, he felt a sharp pain in his side. Then the pain overcame his entire body. He blacked out for a moment.

But another moment later, he opened his eyes again. He felt...different. As he stumbled out of the booth, the changes to his body became apparent. He was a woman now with blond hair and pouty lips. He wore tight shorts and gold boots. As much as he knew this was wrong, he didn’t feel out of place. The booth may have transformed him, but it also made him feel like the changes were normal...

Thursday, August 10, 2023


Originally posted on August 15, 2018.

Grant certainly had a lot of questions. Why was he a woman? Why was he wearing a bikini? How did he end up wearing this sort of thing outside in the freezing cold? Those questions could be answered later. For now, he just needed to find some place warm before he froze to death out here!

Grant certainly had a lot of questions. Why was he a woman? Why was he wearing a bikini? How did he end up wearing this sort of thing outside in the freezing cold? Those questions could be answered later. For now, he just needed to find some place warm before he froze to death out here!

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


Originally posted on November 26, 2013.

Reggie sighed as he looked through the books in the campus library. He had hoped there would be an answer to his problem in there somewhere, but there didn’t seem to be. That meant he’d be stuck in Debbie’s body for the foreseeable future. He sighed. There were tons of hot women at his college, yet he had to swap bodies with Debbie. She was so frumpy. But he began to think about it. She may have dressed frumpy, but her body wasn’t all that bad. Maybe he could reinvent her style; maybe he didn’t have to find a way back his own body just yet.

Reggie sighed as he looked through the books in the campus library. He had hoped there would be an answer to his problem in there somewhere, but there didn’t seem to be. That meant he’d be stuck in Debbie’s body for the foreseeable future. He sighed. There were tons of hot women at his college, yet he had to swap bodies with Debbie. She was so frumpy. But he began to think about it. She may have dressed frumpy, but her body wasn’t all that bad. Maybe he could reinvent her style; maybe he didn’t have to find a way back his own body just yet.

Monday, August 7, 2023


Originally posted before 2009 in Yahoo! Groups.

Professor Richard Thompson would go out of his way to help his studies with their studies. He had offered to help out a sophomore named Maya, who he saw promise in, but she never seemed to have the grades to show for it. As he left for the day, he exited to the elevator. As the Great Shift occurred, Professor Thompson felt the elevator shake and the lights flash. He was sure it would collapse. As he grabbed the side, everthing seemed to stabilize, but he wasn’t in the elevator anymore...he wasn’t even in his own body. He recognized the young woman; she had taken his class last semester. She was a bright woman named Lisa; although she did have a reputation. As he realized a strong sensation in his new pants and scrolled through images in her phone, he realized he might just have proof of that reputation.

Professor Richard Thompson would go out of his way to help his studies with their studies. He had offered to help out a sophomore named Maya, who he saw promise in, but she never seemed to have the grades to show for it. As he left for the day, he exited to the elevator. As the Great Shift occurred, Professor Thompson felt the elevator shake and the lights flash. He was sure it would collapse. As he grabbed the side, everthing seemed to stabilize, but he wasn’t in the elevator anymore...he wasn’t even in his own body. He recognized the young woman; she had taken his class last semester. She was a bright woman named Lisa; although she did have a reputation. As he realized a strong sensation in his new pants and scrolled through images in her phone, he realized he might just have proof of that reputation.


Originally posted on September 22, 2015.

“Weird? What makes you think I’m doing weird things with your body? I’ve just been sitting here, minding my own business and watching some TV,” Seth told Miko, “Besides you caused this body swap with that damned medallion. We can’t swap back until you come home from my work.”

Of course, Seth had been doing all sorts of weird things with Miko’s body while she was away at his job. The latest was getting dressed up in a maids outfit and playing out a little fantasy in his mind. With a few hours left in the day, he still had plenty of other things he wanted to try out before Miko returned home with the Medallion of Zulu and swapped them back to their own bodies.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Out of There

Originally posted on October 3, 2015.

Hunter had no clue how he ended up in someone else’s body, but he assessed the situation quickly. He appeared to be naked in a bed in a scummy hotel room. The water in the shower was running. He saw a pile of clothes and woman’s belongings on the floor. He put on the clothes as quickly as possible, grabbed the items, and rushed out the door. He decided that he could figure out whose body he was in later. His more immediate concern was getting away from that person taking a shower. They probably knew whoever he was, and he was sure if he told the truth, they’d think he was crazy. He wasn’t sure he could lie and put on some sort of act to pretend to be this stranger. And if he was naked, what if that person was this woman’s boyfriend? Or her husband? Who knows what they were about to do? Or what they may have just done? Of course, he wasn’t quite sure where he was going to go at this point; he was just glad to be out of there.

Hunter had no clue how he ended up in someone else’s body, but he assessed the situation quickly. He appeared to be naked in a bed in a scummy hotel room. The water in the shower was running. He saw a pile of clothes and woman’s belongings on the floor. He put on the clothes as quickly as possible, grabbed the items, and rushed out the door. He decided that he could figure out whose body he was in later. His more immediate concern was getting away from that person taking a shower. They probably knew whoever he was, and he was sure if he told the truth, they’d think he was crazy. He wasn’t sure he could lie and put on some sort of act to pretend to be this stranger. And if he was naked, what if that person was this woman’s boyfriend? Or her husband? Who knows what they were about to do? Or what they may have just done? Of course, he wasn’t quite sure where he was going to go at this point; he was just glad to be out of there.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Witness Protection

Originally posted on May 1, 2020.

Alex rubbed his hands on his face. It was obvious that his beard was now gone, but it seemed his skin was now smoother than he ever remembered. Hair would fall into his eyes from time to time, and even things like his nose and mouth felt different and weird. And that was just what he noticed about his face! The fact of the matter was that he had an entirely new body now. After testifying in court, the FBI enrolled him in a new witness protection program that would truly protect him. They not only created a bran new identity for him, but an entirely new body as well! He tried to pick something so far removed from himself, but he wondered in hindsight if picking a woman’s body was the best idea...

Alex rubbed his hands on his face. It was obvious that his beard was now gone, but it seemed his skin was now smoother than he ever remembered. Hair would fall into his eyes from time to time, and even things like his nose and mouth felt different and weird. And that was just what he noticed about his face! The fact of the matter was that he had an entirely new body now. After testifying in court, the FBI enrolled him in a new witness protection program that would truly protect him. They not only created a bran new identity for him, but an entirely new body as well! He tried to pick something so far removed from himself, but he wondered in hindsight if picking a woman’s body was the best idea...

Friday, August 4, 2023

Reading Is Fundamental

Originally posted prior to 2009 in Yahoo! Groups.

“Maybe I should’ve read that diary in the cab driver’s apartment,” Marcus said, “I mean, I never expected to swap into his body, but once I was stuck, I thought that was it! I didn’t know I was going to swap again with another person! Now, I guess I’m stuck in this young woman’s body. Well, I suppose I should go see what my new life is like. I probably could have planned this better. I would’ve picked someone rich and powerful...or maybe even famous!”

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Safety School

Originally posted on June 5, 2009.

Aaron could hardly believe he would be starting his first day at college in a month! He had thought his dreams of furthering his education were crushed after the Great Shift took his 18-year-old body from him, and swapped him into a 30-year-old black woman. Sure, he had still had decent grades, but he no longer had the body that helped him earn a scholarship for swimming, which meant he couldn't afford school anymore. Luckily, the government and various universities were sympathetic to the swapped. Many set up special assistance programs for people in positions like Aaron. Sure, he may have had to attend his safety school, but he was still at college!

Aaron could hardly believe he would be starting his first day at college in a month! He had thought his dreams of furthering his education were crushed after the Great Shift took his 18-year-old body from him, and swapped him into a 30-year-old black woman. Sure, he had still had decent grades, but he no longer had the body that helped him earn a scholarship for swimming, which meant he couldn't afford school anymore. Luckily, the government and various universities were sympathetic to the swapped. Many set up special assistance programs for people in positions like Aaron. Sure, he may have had to attend his safety school, but he was still at college!

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

All About that Booty

Originally posted on January 20,2016.

As if switching bodies with Carol last week wasn’t weird enough. Now, he swore that his butt was getting bigger by the day. It didn’t seem to matter how much he exercised or how well he ate. When he first noticed it, he thought it was his imagination. However, when the tight jeans he slipped into easily at the beginning of the week could no longer fit over it, he knew it wasn’t just in his mind. Luckily, Carol ha an ample supply of stretchy yoga pants that still fit. Still, he hoped that it didn’t get much worse.

As if switching bodies with Carol last week wasn’t weird enough. Now, he swore that his butt was getting bigger by the day. It didn’t seem to matter how much he exercised or how well he ate. When he first noticed it, he thought it was his imagination. However, when the tight jeans he slipped into easily at the beginning of the week could no longer fit over it, he knew it wasn’t just in his mind. Luckily, Carol ha an ample supply of stretchy yoga pants that still fit. Still, he hoped that it didn’t get much worse.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023


Originally posted on January 19, 2015.

Ryan looked down for the hundredth time since the Great Shift. He kept hoping that maybe he’d just wind up back in his own body in much the same way he had suddenly found himself in this body when the Shift struck a few hours earlier. Part of him knew that he should be thankful. The random body swapping could’ve put him inside the body of a baby or someone eldery or sick. However, he still couldn’t seem to feel comfortable with the fact that he was now an attractive woman. If he had seen this woman a bar, he might’ve tried hitting on her or giving her a catcall on the street. And maybe that’s what was making him so uncomfortable. He knew he was now going to be on the other end of things like catcalls and being hit on. He’d be the one fighting off advances. Something about that just felt way too strange. And so he closed his eyes again to look down once more, hoping to see his old body when he looked down. Yet still all he saw was the gorgeous and shapely body that was now his.

Ryan looked down for the hundredth time since the Great Shift. He kept hoping that maybe he’d just wind up back in his own body in much the same way he had suddenly found himself in this body when the Shift struck a few hours earlier. Part of him knew that he should be thankful. The random body swapping could’ve put him inside the body of a baby or someone eldery or sick. However, he still couldn’t seem to feel comfortable with the fact that he was now an attractive woman. If he had seen this woman a bar, he might’ve tried hitting on her or giving her a catcall on the street. And maybe that’s what was making him so uncomfortable. He knew he was now going to be on the other end of things like catcalls and being hit on. He’d be the one fighting off advances. Something about that just felt way too strange. And so he closed his eyes again to look down once more, hoping to see his old body when he looked down. Yet still all he saw was the gorgeous and shapely body that was now his.