Sunday, December 31, 2023


Originally posted on February 27, 2017.

Pablo had been working as a bus boy for about a year now. The restaurant where he worked didn’t pay well, but it was enough. It was a miserable job that was often made worse by the owner, who liked to yell pretty much constantly, even when everyone was doing a great job. From time to time, the owner’s wife would come in instead. She was an Asian woman, about twenty years younger than the owner, and much, much nicer. Pablo often wondered what she saw in him. It was a particular relief when she showed up instead of him on busy weekend nights, as was the case on one particular Saturday.

After all the guests left late in the night, Pablo and the crew cleaned up. The owner’s wife continued to supervise. Then, just before they were done, something odd happened. A flash of blue light engulfed the restaurant. Suddenly, Pablo realized things were very different.

He had swapped bodies with the owner’s wife, and he was freaking out. He didn’t want to be a woman! And he didn’t want to go home to that brutish guy! She tried to calm Pablo down, giving him some strategies to fake being her and deal with her husband. She was sure they’d find a way to swap back, and he hopefully wouldn’t have to deal with this for too long. Pablo was less sure of all that...

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Pushed Away

Originally posted on February 16, 2017.

Jack couldn’t believe how well the night was going. He was sitting in the backseat of a cab making out with his girlfriend, Stephanie. He was sure that this was the night that she would take him back to her place and they would go all the way. It all seemed to be going so well, but as they exited the vehicle her attitude quickly changed. She pushed him away, telling him to get back in the cab, and go home. What he didn’t know was that as he drove home in the backseat, Jack was still technically in the cab with Stephanie; except that she was now driving in the front seat, having swapped bodies with the cab driver.

Meanwhile, back up in Stephanie’s apartment, the cab driver was checking out his new life. He had actually intended to swap with Jack, but a slight miscalculation caused him to switch with Stephanie instead. Mostly, he was glad to out of the body of the cab driver, though being a woman would certainly take some getting used to. The one thing he was sure he didn’t want to do on his first night as a new gender was get deflowered, which is why he sent Jack packing as soon as he could.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Diet (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Diet.

Originally posted on March 1, 2017.

Jonathan had been so overjoyed to have lost weight in an instant thanks to being swapped into a new body by the Great Shift that he didn’t consider the fact that keeping this new body thin might take some effort. In fact, he celebrated his new body with a great big meal. And he kept up the way he had been eating before the Shift...with no exercise as well. It didn’t take very long before his new body began to gain quite a bit of weight. In fact, after a year, the amount he had gained was considerable. He didn’t think it was much of a problem, since he still weighed less than he had in his old body. Of course, he hadn’t taken into account his new body was shorter than his old one, nor did he consider the differences between men and women. It didn’t take him long to be back to an unhealthy weight. Despite this, he still enjoyed embracing his new femininity. He still loved wearing dresses and heels. Plus, despite the extra pounds, he was damn sure that he still looked hot as hell.

Jonathan had been so overjoyed to have lost weight in an instant thanks to being swapped into a new body by the Great Shift that he didn’t consider the fact that keeping this new body thin might take some effort. In fact, he celebrated his new body with a great big meal. And he kept up the way he had been eating before the Shift...with no exercise as well. It didn’t take very long before his new body began to gain quite a bit of weight. In fact, after a year, the amount he had gained was considerable.

He didn’t think it was much of a problem, since he still weighed less than he had in his old body. Of course, he hadn’t taken into account his new body was shorter than his old one, nor did he consider the differences between men and women. It didn’t take him long to be back to an unhealthy weight.

Despite this, he still enjoyed embracing his new femininity. He still loved wearing dresses and heels. Plus, despite the extra pounds, he was damn sure that he still looked hot as hell.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Worse Than Being Fired

Originally posted on March 31, 2015.

Todd was nervous about being called into his boss’s office. At worst, he thought he may be fired, but this was way worse than being fired! His boss had demanded Todd volunteer to test a new prototype, a weird body swapper that the RD department had developed. It wouldn’t have been so bad except for the fact that the other volunteer was Sue from marketing. Sue was annoying, so demanding and kind of obnoxious. Now he was her for the next week, and she was him. He could keep a low profile, but she would probably still be making all sorts of demands while she was him. By the time he was back in his own body, he was sure all his co-workers would hate him. He wished he could just spill the truth to all of them, but the prototype was still in the top secret phase. It was going to be an awkward week.

Todd was nervous about being called into his boss’s office. At worst, he thought he may be fired, but this was way worse than being fired! His boss had demanded Todd volunteer to test a new prototype, a weird body swapper that the R&D department had developed. It wouldn’t have been so bad except for the fact that the other volunteer was Sue from marketing. Sue was annoying, so demanding and kind of obnoxious. Now he was her for the next week, and she was him. He could keep a low profile, but she would probably still be making all sorts of demands while she was him. By the time he was back in his own body, he was sure all his co-workers would hate him. He wished he could just spill the truth to all of them, but the prototype was still in the top secret phase. It was going to be an awkward week.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Originally posted on November 22, 2019.

Kevin often considered revealing the truth about who he really was. He thought about telling people that he wasn’t the wealthy heiress he appeared to be, but he knew it would mean giving up her riches, her private jet, her luxurious lifestyle. It did seem like a fair tradeoff; for a working class average guy to pretend to be a fashionable woman in exchange for having the world at his fingertips. He decided to keep the secret a little longer.

Kevin often considered revealing the truth about who he really was. He thought about telling people that he wasn’t the wealthy heiress he appeared to be, but he knew it would mean giving up her riches, her private jet, her luxurious lifestyle. It did seem like a fair tradeoff; for a working class average guy to pretend to be a fashionable woman in exchange for having the world at his fingertips. He decided to keep the secret a little longer.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Clutch Tighter

Originally posted on December 16, 2018.

Harvey clutched Angelica’s purse tightly. For one, he wasn’t used to carrying a purse around, and two, the Medallion of Zulu was contained within. If he hoped to swap back with Angelica in ten hours, he’d need to take good care of it. Of course being unaccustomed to bringing a purse with him throughout the day would be his undoing. It wouldn’t be long before he brought it to a coffee shop and simply forgot it. While he rushed back and found it fifteen minutes later, the only thing missing inside was the medallion. Now he walked around clutching it even tighter, not sure what he’d tel Angelica to explain to her that he’d lost the medallion, and that they’d both be stuck in each other’s bodies forever.

Harvey clutched Angelica’s purse tightly. For one, he wasn’t used to carrying a purse around, and two, the Medallion of Zulu was contained within. If he hoped to swap back with Angelica in ten hours, he’d need to take good care of it. Of course being unaccustomed to bringing a purse with him throughout the day would be his undoing. It wouldn’t be long before he brought it to a coffee shop and simply forgot it. While he rushed back and found it fifteen minutes later, the only thing missing inside was the medallion. Now he walked around clutching it even tighter, not sure what he’d tel Angelica to explain to her that he’d lost the medallion, and that they’d both be stuck in each other’s bodies forever.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Holiday Job

Originally posted on December 23, 2018.

As the holidays approached, Sam was in need of some extra cash. However, finding a part-time job proved to be difficult. His friend had told him about an opening at the mall for elves in the Christmas village they had set up. The only problem? At this point, they were only looking for females to fill the remaining rolls. Sam was desperate. He asked for help to pull off hair, makeup, padding, and more to pass as a woman. In the end, he was more than convincing and got the job on the spot. Being stuck as a holiday elf was certainly humiliating, and having to dress up a woman was just icing on that cake. The only plus side, he guessed, was that he was sure no one would ever recognize him. Each day when he went to work, he felt like he was going to cry, but he put on a smile and played his part as best he could...

As the holidays approached, Sam was in need of some extra cash. However, finding a part-time job proved to be difficult. His friend had told him about an opening at the mall for elves in the Christmas village they had set up. The only problem? At this point, they were only looking for females to fill the remaining rolls. Sam was desperate. He asked for help to pull off hair, makeup, padding, and more to pass as a woman. In the end, he was more than convincing and got the job on the spot. Being stuck as a holiday elf was certainly humiliating, and having to dress up a woman was just icing on that cake. The only plus side, he guessed, was that he was sure no one would ever recognize him. Each day when he went to work, he felt like he was going to cry, but he put on a smile and played his part as best he could...

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Immersive Entertainment

Originally posted April 23, 2020.

Being able to try out the new “immersive Entertainment” VR headset was a dream come true. Edwin had always loved new tech and the implications for gaming were downright insane. He put on the goggles and earphones and was instantly transported to a new world.

Well, actually the world was almost identical to the real one. In fact, the tech company had gone through great lengths to get every detail about the real world perfect in the virtual one. It was all pretty least until Edwin noticed his avatar. The character he was walking around with was clearly female. Even as he put his hands on his body, it all felt incredibly realistic. He wondered how this was accomplished. He wouldn’t find out the secret until he was back in the real world and discovered the glitch that swapped his body with another user...

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Everybody Change

Originally posted on November 8, 2022.

William had just graduated law school and got a job as a junior lawyer at a law firm. He was finally able to move out of his parents’ house and get an apartment down by the court house. The other people in the building explained that the community was very close, and William looked forward to getting to know people. His job left him with very little time to do so however. In fact, his first time to breathe had to spent going to the local laundromat.

Shortly after he put his clothes into the dryer, a weird homeless man came in shouting, “Everybody change clothes! Everybody change!”

William looked a little scared, but a neighbor told him that he would get used to it. The man left shortly after with no incident, and William finished drying his clothes. But as he pulled it out, his clothes were gone! Instead, a woman’s set of clothing was inside.

The same neighbor came over again and explained, “It happens everytime that man comes in. You’ll switch bodies with someone in the neighborhood. Looks like you’re Maria de la Cruz right now. Like I said, you get used to it.”

“New body?” William hadn’t even noticed but when he looked down it was clear, “”

“No one knows how he does it. Someone probably mentioned when you moved in that we are a close community.Now you know why.”

Friday, December 22, 2023


Originally posted on April 21, 2016

Neil had told himself it all had to be a dream. No matter how it felt, it couldn’t possibly be real. He told himself that he might wake up at any time. But he soon fell asleep and woke up again, and the great weight he felt on his chest told him that his nightmare was not only far from over, it might just be the new normal. He was sure that being a woman wouldn’t be so bad, but a woman with breasts this large? Well, this was something else. They were heavy and uncomfortable. It was difficult to do even some basic tasks with these things. He was sure they weren’t real, and if he was indeed wasn’t dreaming and instead stuck in this body, he’d probably have to go see someone about getting them reduced.

Neil had told himself it all had to be a dream. No matter how it felt, it couldn’t possibly be real. He told himself that he might wake up at any time. But he soon fell asleep and woke up again, and the great weight he felt on his chest told him that his nightmare was not only far from over, it might just be the new normal. He was sure that being a woman wouldn’t be so bad, but a woman with breasts this large? Well, this was something else. They were heavy and uncomfortable. It was difficult to do even some basic tasks with these things. He was sure they weren’t real, and if he was indeed wasn’t dreaming and instead stuck in this body, he’d probably have to go see someone about getting them reduced.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Diet (Part 1)

Originally posted on February 28, 2017.

Right before the Great Shift, Jonathan visited his doctor, who gave him some bad news. Jonathan knew he was overweight, but his doctor warned him that if he didn’t bring his weight down soon, he’d like be dead before 45. Considering Jonathan was already 40, he didn’t like this one bit. As he walked to his car, he thought about the long, difficult process of losing weight. Past attempts were always unsuccessful. But something else happened on his way to the car. A strange flash of light hit him and swapped his body. He found himself in a completely different body. He was now 20 years younger, female, and (most importantly) a heck of a lot lighter. He returned to his home overjoyed. This was the best, easiest diet he could’ve ever asked for. It wasn’t hard for him to embrace his new female form either, especially with a body that looked this good!

Right before the Great Shift, Jonathan visited his doctor, who gave him some bad news. Jonathan knew he was overweight, but his doctor warned him that if he didn’t bring his weight down soon, he’d like be dead before 45. Considering Jonathan was already 40, he didn’t like this one bit. As he walked to his car, he thought about the long, difficult process of losing weight. Past attempts were always unsuccessful.

But something else happened on his way to the car. A strange flash of light hit him and swapped his body. He found himself in a completely different body. He was now 20 years younger, female, and (most importantly) a heck of a lot lighter. He returned to his home overjoyed. This was the best, easiest diet he could’ve ever asked for. It wasn’t hard for him to embrace his new female form either, especially with a body that looked this good!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

One Leg at a Time

Originally posted on February 7, 2015.

After the Great Shift happened, Jack was pretty freaked out about being a woman’s body, but he was more concerned for his family. It took him almost all day for him to reach his parents back in his hometown. His mom understood his concern about suddenly being a woman, but she told him that no matter what body someone had, they all were mostly the same; utilizing the famous “We all put our pants on one leg at a time” quote. This comforted Jack at first, but was starting to really question the wisdom of his mother’s words. On many days, the pants his new body owned were simply too tight. Instead of putting them on one leg at a time, he had to stick both feet in at once and sort of shimmy the pants and his hips to get them up to his waist. This was particularly true for all the leather pants and leggings this body seemed to own. Then again, it was even more different the other day when he braved going out wearing a skirt! There wasn’t any pants even involved on that day! His mother’s words may still offer some comfort, but he was pretty sure that she had no idea what the hell she was talking about.

After the Great Shift happened, Jack was pretty freaked out about being a woman’s body, but he was more concerned for his family. It took him almost all day for him to reach his parents back in his hometown. His mom understood his concern about suddenly being a woman, but she told him that no matter what body someone had, they all were mostly the same; utilizing the famous “We all put our pants on one leg at a time” quote. This comforted Jack at first, but was starting to really question the wisdom of his mother’s words. On many days, the pants his new body owned were simply too tight. Instead of putting them on one leg at a time, he had to stick both feet in at once and sort of shimmy the pants and his hips to get them up to his waist. This was particularly true for all the leather pants and leggings this body seemed to own. Then again, it was even more different the other day when he braved going out wearing a skirt! There wasn’t any pants even involved on that day! His mother’s words may still offer some comfort, but he was pretty sure that she had no idea what the hell she was talking about.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The Bot

Originally posted on October 24, 2022.

“Doctor, something isn’t right,” Jason tried to explain.

“You shouldn’t worry,” The doctor retorted, “We are still putting the realistic skin on your new robotic frame, but the transplant of your brain into the robot was a success!”

“I can see that, and I know that I was dying of cancer and had little choice for survival. But I’m sure that when my wife signed the paperwork to have my brain placed inside of a robot, she never would’ve approved of this design! It’s a woman’s body!”

“Robots don’t have genders, Mr. Connors; however, this robot form does mimic that of a woman. However, that matches the form explictly requested by your wife. You can go view all the paperwork if you wish. I have it right here. As you can see, this is her signature and even some handwritten notes in her handwriting. I understand it may be uncomfortable to find yourself in a robot’s body that was designed to please men, but your wife had power of attorney and next of kin status once you technically passed. This was her decision. You just now have to live with it.”

Monday, December 18, 2023

How to Get Ahead in Business

Originally posted on August 13, 2015.

Justin had just started interning last week, and suddenly he found himself CEO of the company. Or, more accurately, he found himself inside the CEO’s body. It was all thanks to a strange device being tested to rejuvenate a person’s youth. Not that CEO Melissa Johnson needed it -- she looked great for her age -- but she still insisted on testing it in front of the entire company. Justin hadn’t been an intended target; he was just in the room at the time. Everyone pledged to keep the swap a secret. If anything leaked, it would be sure to spook many of the investors. As a result, Justin had to keep up appearances as Ms. Johnson, which meant a lot of public appearances. However, behind the scenes, he got to relax while she continued to make all of the important decisions. He hoped they were able to reverse this swap soon.

Justin had just started interning last week, and suddenly he found himself CEO of the company. Or, more accurately, he found himself inside the CEO’s body. It was all thanks to a strange device being tested to rejuvenate a person’s youth. Not that CEO Melissa Johnson needed it -- she looked great for her age -- but she still insisted on testing it in front of the entire company. Justin hadn’t been an intended target; he was just in the room at the time. Everyone pledged to keep the swap a secret. If anything leaked, it would be sure to spook many of the investors. As a result, Justin had to keep up appearances as Ms. Johnson, which meant a lot of public appearances. However, behind the scenes, he got to relax while she continued to make all of the important decisions. He hoped they were able to reverse this swap soon.

Sunday, December 17, 2023


Originally posted on July 15, 2015.

Roger took a deep breath as he sat down in his room at the Exchange Island resort. He always loved visiting, but he never could really get used to the initial shock of being in a different body upon arriving. And speaking of different, finding himself in a body wearing a fancy gown was unique. Most people vacationed in pretty casual clothing. A few times he had swapped bodies with a person wearing a swimsuit, but a gown? He couldn’t help but wonder what this woman was thinking going to tropical resort wearing such a thing -- particularly one where you end up in someone else’s body. No matter, he was sure she packed other things; but getting out of this thing was probably going to take some work!

Roger took a deep breath as he sat down in his room at the Exchange Island resort. He always loved visiting, but he never could really get used to the initial shock of being in a different body upon arriving. And speaking of different, finding himself in a body wearing a fancy gown was unique. Most people vacationed in pretty casual clothing. A few times he had swapped bodies with a person wearing a swimsuit, but a gown? He couldn’t help but wonder what this woman was thinking going to tropical resort wearing such a thing -- particularly one where you end up in someone else’s body. No matter, he was sure she packed other things; but getting out of this thing was probably going to take some work!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Working Off the Pounds

Originally posted on April 23, 2015.

Carl couldn’t even begin to describe what had just happened to himself. He was just working out at the gym; he only went about once a week and was starting to get a beer belly despite his minimal efforts. But as he jogged on a machine, the world started spinning. Suddenly, a petite Asian woman came flying toward him at high speed. Instead of bumping, they started to meld together. The body was mostly hers, but he certainly had his own mind. However, the world wasn’t done spinning. Next, a manly bodybuilder flashed by; he too got merged into Carl. Finally, it all stopped. Carl realized the only thing left of his original self was his mind. His body was a clear combination of the two others that had bashed into him. It was all very strange and disoriented, but he tried to look on the bright side -- at least he didn’t have a beer belly anymore!

Carl couldn’t even begin to describe what had just happened to himself. He was just working out at the gym; he only went about once a week and was starting to get a beer belly despite his minimal efforts. But as he jogged on a machine, the world started spinning. Suddenly, a petite Asian woman came flying toward him at high speed. Instead of bumping, they started to meld together. The body was mostly hers, but he certainly had his own mind. However, the world wasn’t done spinning. Next, a manly bodybuilder flashed by; he too got merged into Carl. Finally, it all stopped. Carl realized the only thing left of his original self was his mind. His body was a clear combination of the two others that had bashed into him. It was all very strange and disoriented, but he tried to look on the bright side -- at least he didn’t have a beer belly anymore!

Friday, December 15, 2023

You Need to Let It Go

Originally posted on August 9, 2018.

“Do you really expect me to take a bath wearing a swimsuit?” Jason asked.

“Yes!” Chloe replied sternly, “I’ve blindfolded you every time you needed to change clothes or go to the bathroom, did you really expect this would be any different?”

“I think you just need to start accepting the fact that the Great Shift is permanent and that these are our new bodies now. You need to let go.”

“No! That’s stil MY body. This thing will reverse itself or maybe it’s just sort of terrible dream.”

“It’s been three days and bilions of people have swapped bodies. They aren’t going to solve this thing overnight, and it’s likely they’ll never solve it at all!”

“Until they solve it, you are going to do exactly what I say!”

Jason just rolled his eyes.

Thursday, December 14, 2023


Originally posted on December 14, 2016.

Statistically, it seemed pretty unlikely. This was now Marco’s third time visiting Exchange Island, and the third time he found himself in the body of a beautiful woman for the week. In fact, when he had spoken to all his friends, they too had been beautiful women whenever they visited. All things being equal, shouldn’t they all be swapping with other men about 50% of the time? Shouldn’t they sometimes find themselves in an elderly body or at least an ugly body? Not that he was complaining, because he could relive this experience over and over again; it’s just that he really couldn’t fully relax or forget about his job as a math teacher while he was here -- no matter what body he was in...

Statistically, it seemed pretty unlikely. This was now Marco’s third time visiting Exchange Island, and the third time he found himself in the body of a beautiful woman for the week. In fact, when he had spoken to all his friends, they too had been beautiful women whenever they visited. All things being equal, shouldn’t they all be swapping with other men about 50% of the time? Shouldn’t they sometimes find themselves in an elderly body or at least an ugly body? Not that he was complaining, because he could relive this experience over and over again; it’s just that he really couldn’t fully relax or forget about his job as a math teacher while he was here -- no matter what body he was in...

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


Originally posted on September 13, 2009.

Abe was really regretting telling his sister that her life was easy. After making the comments, a power above them overheard and swapped their bodies. He was having a lot of trouble with her job as a waitress, dropping food, spilling drinks, and dealing with the advances of male customers. His only consolation was that she wasn't doing much better at his job as a stock broker; of course, if they ever switched back, her failures would become his problems.

Abe was really regretting telling his sister that her life was easy. After making the comments, a power above them overheard and swapped their bodies. He was having a lot of trouble with her job as a waitress, dropping food, spilling drinks, and dealing with the advances of male customers. His only consolation was that she wasn't doing much better at his job as a stock broker; of course, if they ever switched back, her failures would become his problems.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Originally posted on June 12, 2009.

Lee was on the lower deck of a cruise ship when it passed through a mysterious fog. It was so thick that it he couldn't even see his own hand in front of his face, but within a few minutes it passed. Oddly, Lee now himself on the upper deck of the ship, wearing a blue dress and red high heels. Somehow he had swapped bodies with a woman on the ship! Judging from the screams around him, he wasn't the only one...

Lee was on the lower deck of a cruise ship when it passed through a mysterious fog. It was so thick that it he couldn't even see his own hand in front of his face, but within a few minutes it passed. Oddly, Lee now himself on the upper deck of the ship, wearing a blue dress and red high heels. Somehow he had swapped bodies with a woman on the ship! Judging from the screams around him, he wasn't the only one...

Monday, December 11, 2023

Big Gamble

Originally posted on January 3, 2019.

Ed was thankful that his luck was finally starting to turn around again. After gambling away all his money, he begged for a way to earn it back. A woman offered him a deal. If he would switch bodies with her, she would give him a million dollars. Thinking body swapping was fiction, Ed quickly agreed; however, he was shocked when he found himself becoming the middle aged Asian woman. It got worse when he lost much of the million dollars. But he was finally starting hitting an upswing. He was still far from what he needed to buy his own body back, but he was sure he was going to get there. Of course, once he did get enough, he’d be truly surprised by the woman refusing to swap back with him, leaving him stuck in her body...

Ed was thankful that his luck was finally starting to turn around again. After gambling away all his money, he begged for a way to earn it back. A woman offered him a deal. If he would switch bodies with her, she would give him a million dollars. Thinking body swapping was fiction, Ed quickly agreed; however, he was shocked when he found himself becoming the middle aged Asian woman. It got worse when he lost much of the million dollars. But he was finally starting hitting an upswing. He was still far from what he needed to buy his own body back, but he was sure he was going to get there. Of course, once he did get enough, he’d be truly surprised by the woman refusing to swap back with him, leaving him stuck in her body...

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Let Down

Originally posted on December 10, 2018.

As Thomas entered the room, William turned toward him with an expression that seemed prepared for a let down. William paused before he spoke, “You better have found a way to fix this whole body swap thing. Your machine caused me to start randomly switching with people a month ago. I was switching with people every few hours, and you and I seem to be the only ones who actually realize it. And then I got stuck in this woman’s body for days for some reason. And now she’s about to get married. I am NOT going to be this guy’s wife.”

Thomas paused, “I’m afraid I have some bad news then. I managed to use my machine to remotely stabilize your swapping, but that means the body you’re in now is yours. You’re going to be stuck like that.”

William went from let down to angry. He was about to unload but was interrupted to be called down to the ceremony.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Hidden in Plain Sight

Originally posted on November 5, 2022.

“I would guess someone doesn’t want Julie and I to swap back our own bodies,” Bernard mused as he looked at the shelves packed with books. Yesterday, the shelves in the back room of the library had been empty with the sole exception of an old book about the town’s history. But wedged between two of the pages was a folded parchment with a spell that swapped Bernard and Julia into each other’s bodies for at least a day until they read the spell again. They thought it best to leave the parchment and the book in the library to keep it safe. When they came back the next day, the shelves were full. The book itself was hard enough to find, but the parchment no longer seemed to be contained within it. It had to be in one of the other books. Bernard and Julie split up with each starting on different sides of the room. Bernard looked at the first shelf before him and felt overwhelmed. He had an awkward twenty four hours being stuck in Julie’s body so far, and it seemed he was going to have to get over that, as it looked like he was going to be stuck for much longer.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Lucky to Be Alive

Originally posted on November 25, 2013.

Mack awoke in a hospital bed with little clue how he got there. Several figures stood at his bed side, seemingly happy at his awakening.

“Mr. Cordon, how are you feeling?” One asked.

“What’s going on? How did I get here?”

“You were in a terrible accident. It’s not uncommon for the mind to block out the memory of such an event. But we were able to save you with a new experimental brain transplant procedure.”

“Brain transplant? I’m...I’m in a new body?” Mack looked down, “Holy crap! I’m in a woman’s body! You made me a chick!”

“It was the only body available. We obviously understand this will be difficult for you, but your wife signed off on everything. And you are lucky to be alive...”

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Don't You

Originally posted on September 14, 2012.

“You miss it, don’t you?” Jeremy asked, “You miss your soft face. You miss the silky dresses. You miss all the finer points of being female. Well, don’t worry. Your body is in safe hands as long as I’m inside of it. I bet your pretty bummed about being in my body too. I mean, it’s all hairy. I was starting to get a bit of a belly; I really needed to work out more. But you’re the one who wanted this. You wanted to switch bodies, and I let you do it. And now I’m happy, and you’re not. I can see it in my former face. I know that look. But don’t expect it to solicit any sympathy from me, because there’s no way I could ever go back to being a guy.”

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Not Who

Originally posted on September 24, 2010.

The scientists were all cheering for their successful experiment of a full body transformation. None of them noticed the patient getting up. They had no reason to, thinking the man-turned-woman on the table was mild-mannered Jeff Abrams. However, Abrams had been detained, tied up by an escaped convict by the name of Warren Jefferson. Warren knew where Jeff was going that day, and if he had the ability to transform his identities at will, he could commit all sorts of crimes and have the perfect disguise. No one would ever be able to find him. He just had to steal the device and kill the witnesses.

The scientists were all cheering for their successful experiment of a full body transformation. None of them noticed the patient getting up. They had no reason to, thinking the man-turned-woman on the table was mild-mannered Jeff Abrams. However, Abrams had been detained, tied up by an escaped convict by the name of Warren Jefferson. Warren knew where Jeff was going that day, and if he had the ability to transform his identities at will, he could commit all sorts of crimes and have the perfect disguise. No one would ever be able to find him. He just had to steal the device and kill the witnesses.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Cold War

Originally posted on March 29, 2009.

It was at the height of the Cold War when America captured the top KBG spy. Her name was Ivana, and she was trained well. She refused to talk, of course, but the government didn't need her to talk. Using secret technology, they swapped Ivana with their own top agent, Joel Peters. Joel traveled back to the USSR in Ivana's body to spy on the Russians. However, Ivana in Joel's body caused some trouble back home. Since the swap was only revealed to a few select individuals, she killed all with the knowledge and destroyed all records. When Joel tried to communicate back to the USA, he was met with silence. Ivana in Joel's body had long been arrested, but Joel in Ivana's body was stuck. She may not have won, but she prevented America from gaining any sort of victory as well.

It was at the height of the Cold War when America captured the top KBG spy. Her name was Ivana, and she was trained well. She refused to talk, of course, but the government didn't need her to talk. Using secret technology, they swapped Ivana with their own top agent, Joel Peters. Joel traveled back to the USSR in Ivana's body to spy on the Russians. However, Ivana in Joel's body caused some trouble back home. Since the swap was only revealed to a few select individuals, she killed all with the knowledge and destroyed all records. When Joel tried to communicate back to the USA, he was met with silence. Ivana in Joel's body had long been arrested, but Joel in Ivana's body was stuck. She may not have won, but she prevented America from gaining any sort of victory as well.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Other End (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Other End.

A few seconds later, Edward looked at his surroundings. He was certainly no longer at the beach, but inside a rather sterile office. He was feeling excited that the teleporter had actually worked and he celebrated until he remembered what the woman was saying right before this thing started to work. She mentioned swapping.

Then he looked down. He had become a woman!

“What the hell!?” He screamed.

“Were you not told about the swapping?” A man asked.

“I guess it was mentioned, but you made me a chick! I thought this was a teleporter!”

“You signed the release, Ma'am -- er, Sir. It clearly stated that it only teleports minds and not the physical body with no guarantee about the type of body you’ll end up with.”

“Well, I want to go back!”

“You’ll have to wait for the next participant.”

“She ran off with my body!?”

“It was all in the release, Sir.”

Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Middle East

Originally posted on June 25, 2010.

John was on vacation in the middle east when the Great Shift happened. He immediately cursed his new female body, but he guessed he should be thankful that he swapped with another American tourist. Had he swapped with a woman from the region, he might have been stuck as an oppressed minority, possibly even unable to speak up about his situation. He had been enjoying his vacation, but with his new body, he wanted to leave as soon as possible.

John was on vacation in the middle east when the Great Shift happened. He immediately cursed his new female body, but he guessed he should be thankful that he swapped with another American tourist. Had he swapped with a woman from the region, he might have been stuck as an oppressed minority, possibly even unable to speak up about his situation. He had been enjoying his vacation, but with his new body, he wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Saturday, December 2, 2023


Originally posted on March 22, 2010.

Hank had always had a short crew cut for his entire life, and now strands of hair were falling in his face, and he had breasts on his chest, and a vagina between his legs. The whole thought of being in a new body really scared him. He tugged at the hair now on his head in disbelief. As he looked around the room, he realized that it was different too--it certainly wasn't his own house. He recognized the people in the family photos around the house. He was in the body of one of the town's religious zealots. If he was her body, whose body was she in? When she found out that he was in her body, would she demand he live some sort of pious lifestyle? He didn't like the thought of that...

Hank had always had a short crew cut for his entire life, and now strands of hair were falling in his face, and he had breasts on his chest, and a vagina between his legs. The whole thought of being in a new body really scared him. He tugged at the hair now on his head in disbelief. As he looked around the room, he realized that it was different too--it certainly wasn't his own house. He recognized the people in the family photos around the house. He was in the body of one of the town's religious zealots. If he was her body, whose body was she in? When she found out that he was in her body, would she demand he live some sort of pious lifestyle? He didn't like the thought of that...

Friday, December 1, 2023

Overprotective Mother

Originally posted on November 1, 2022.

When I proposed to my girlfriend, her mother seemed mad. She told me I wasn’t good enough for her daughter and that she’d personally see to it that we would never be married. My girlfriend told me to not take it too seriously; these were just the types of things her mother said. Though the constant threats continued throughout our engagement. I tried to follow my fiancée’s advice and shrug it off, but it was difficult to do so.

Other than her mother’s belittling of me, things were going well, but I never could’ve expected what would happen next. I woke up on the morning of my wedding with the shock of my life -- I had woken up in body of my fiancée’s mother! I was in the body of a 50-something year old chinese woman! I tried not to panic. I put on her dress, which was more difficult and uncomfortable than I imagined, and made my way to the ceremony. I tried to think of what I could say to my bride-to-be to convince her of the truth. That would make her think I was really me and not her mom trying to up with a wild excuse to call of the wedding or just seeming absolutely crazy. When I realized I couldn’t, I just remained silent. Maybe we’d swap back later and this nightmare will be over. However, this seemed much less likely after later in the ceremony when my former body pulled me aside and told me, “I told you that you would never marry her. I will look after my daughter forever, no matter what it takes. Even if that means I am now you for good.”

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Tide (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Tide.

Originally posted on February 18, 2014.

After several hours of waiting, Dexter figured the medallion just wouldn’t be floating back. With a rather melon collie look on his face, he began to resign himself to his new life. Though he quickly had to admit that he knew absolutely nothing about it. Who was this woman that he now was? Would there be any way for him to get information about who he was now? She had run off with his body, who knows where she might be now. And he was pretty sure that she was the only one that could answer many of his questions.

After several hours of waiting, Dexter figured the medallion just wouldn’t be floating back. With a rather melon collie look on his face, he began to resign himself to his new life. Though he quickly had to admit that he knew absolutely nothing about it. Who was this woman that he now was? Would there be any way for him to get information about who he was now? She had run off with his body, who knows where she might be now. And he was pretty sure that she was the only one that could answer many of his questions.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Orginally posted on April 13, 2020.

Alex realized how quickly he was becoming a technophobe. Technology was just moving too far, and criminals now seemed to be the early adopters. Take the whole body swapping tech. Heck, it was even banned in his country, but that didn’t stop it from being used in illegal, criminal ways. As he was walking down the street one day, a woman hit him with such a device. Suddenly, Alex was now the one in her body, and she threatened not to give him his body back unless he took out $1000 from his bank account. Alex grumbled as he headed to the nearest ATM and did as she requested. Being somewhat distracted by the feminine body he now had, he didn’t react quick enough when the woman with his body grabbed the card and cash faster than he could. She had been peeking as he entered his pin. The woman then ran away. She had his body, his ATM card, and his pin number. He was sure she was going to do a lot of damage before he could report anything to his bank or explain things to the police.

Alex realized how quickly he was becoming a technophobe. Technology was just moving too far, and criminals now seemed to be the early adopters. Take the whole body swapping tech. Heck, it was even banned in his country, but that didn’t stop it from being used in illegal, criminal ways. As he was walking down the street one day, a woman hit him with such a device. Suddenly, Alex was now the one in her body, and she threatened not to give him his body back unless he took out $1000 from his bank account. Alex grumbled as he headed to the nearest ATM and did as she requested. Being somewhat distracted by the feminine body he now had, he didn’t react quick enough when the woman with his body grabbed the card and cash faster than he could. She had been peeking as he entered his pin. The woman then ran away. She had his body, his ATM card, and his pin number. He was sure she was going to do a lot of damage before he could report anything to his bank or explain things to the police.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Other End (Part 1)

Originally posted on March 12, 2020.

Edward couldn’t help but notice the odd device set up on the sidewalk not far from the beach.

“What the hell is this?” He asked the woman tending to it.

“It’s a teleporter,” She said.

“Seriously? Cool. Are you guys demonstrating? Can I use it?”

“Yes, you’l be teleported to our corporate office, but --”

“Naw, whatever it is, I’m in.”

“Okay, but you at least need to sign these consent forms.”

Edward quickly signed and then waited. Finally he asked what he hold up was.” “Any second now,” The woman explained, “We’re just waiting for someone to agree to swap with you on the other end.”

“Swap with -- ?” Edward was cut off as the teleporter began to activate.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Last Customer

Originally posted on October 18, 2022.

Eric was sure he’d have to look for a new job soon. It was the third nice this week he had tended bar with absolutely no customers. This place was sure to close down, and he’d be out of work. It was nearly closing time before he got his first customer, a pretty woman in a red dress. She ordered a few shots, downed them quickly, and glared at Eric as if she expected him to say more than how much she owed.

And then suddenly, Eric’s world was spinning around. He took two steps back in shock seeing his own face. His balance was off because he realized he was now drunk and his shoes felt weird.

“What the hell?” He muttered with a feminine voice.

“I’m sorry,” His own voice explained, “I just couldn’t take being famous anymore. You were the first person in weeks who didn’t seem to recognize or fawn over me, so you were perfect to swap bodies with.”

“Swap bodies?” Eric asked as he looked down to see the red dress, “I’m you? And you’re famous? I’m famous? I don’t know if I know how to be famous! What if I don’t want to be you?”

“You’ll learn. It’s too late to anything about it anyway. It’s irreversable.”

Sunday, November 26, 2023


Originally posted onJune 25, 2009.

When the Great Shift hit, causing Justin to swap into his sister's body, he couldn't believe the skimpy outfit she was wearing! He had no idea she even OWNED clothes this revealing, let alone ever wore them! However, he couldn't deny that she must, seeing that he was now in her body wearing them! He was planning on giving her a hard time about it next time he saw her. Of course, she would quickly twist it back around to make fun of him almost instantly.

When the Great Shift hit, causing Justin to swap into his sister's body, he couldn't believe the skimpy outfit she was wearing! He had no idea she even OWNED clothes this revealing, let alone ever wore them! However, he couldn't deny that she must, seeing that he was now in her body wearing them! He was planning on giving her a hard time about it next time he saw her. Of course, she would quickly twist it back around to make fun of him almost instantly.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Healing Pool

Originally posted on December 29, 2009.

Harold had travelled halfway around the world to remote a remote part of China based on rumors of a magical healing pool that could cure any disease. Considering he had an inoperable brain tumor, he figured superstition was his only hope at this point. Worse case scenario, he figured he would at least visit China before he died. When he arrived the villagers in the closest town warned him not to go--that no man dared to travel to the pool. He dismissed such rumors, and they reluctantly gave him directions. After taking a dip in the pool, he learned why no man ever dove in--he was transformed into a young Chinese woman! At this point, he could only hope that it cured his cancer as well. He had risked everything...quite literally.

Harold had travelled halfway around the world to remote a remote part of China based on rumors of a magical healing pool that could cure any disease. Considering he had an inoperable brain tumor, he figured superstition was his only hope at this point. Worse case scenario, he figured he would at least visit China before he died. When he arrived the villagers in the closest town warned him not to go--that no man dared to travel to the pool. He dismissed such rumors, and they reluctantly gave him directions. After taking a dip in the pool, he learned why no man ever dove in--he was transformed into a young Chinese woman! At this point, he could only hope that it cured his cancer as well. He had risked everything...quite literally.

Friday, November 24, 2023


Originally posted on May 12, 2017.

Donald took a moment to sit back and relax. He hadn’t taken a vacation for three years. He had been saving up for a trip to Exchange Island. There was some risk involved. He might have ended up in any sort of body; however, when he landed on the island, he was quite happy with the body he ended up with. It was nothing short of gorgeous. He needed a moment to truly appreciated. He put on a swimsuit and went straight for the beach. He laid down in the sand and looked up. This was going to be his body for the next two weeks. He still couldn’t believe it. This trip was worth every minute of hard work over the past three years. It was worth every penny. And he was ready to enjoy it all; he just needed a moment to soak it all in.

Donald took a moment to sit back and relax. He hadn’t taken a vacation for three years. He had been saving up for a trip to Exchange Island. There was some risk involved. He might have ended up in any sort of body; however, when he landed on the island, he was quite happy with the body he ended up with. It was nothing short of gorgeous. He needed a moment to truly appreciated. He put on a swimsuit and went straight for the beach. He laid down in the sand and looked up. This was going to be his body for the next two weeks. He still couldn’t believe it. This trip was worth every minute of hard work over the past three years. It was worth every penny. And he was ready to enjoy it all; he just needed a moment to soak it all in.

Thursday, November 23, 2023


Originally posted on March 5, 2017

“I can’t say the results of the Great Shift have been completely easy for me,” Margaret told the therapist, “I don’t want to sound racist, but being an Asian woman is just different from being white. I think I’ve adjusted well enough though. My husband on the other hand...”

“I’m a chick,” Lance blurted out, “I’m a fucking chick.”

“He hasn’t adapted so well. Though I’ve lent him all the clothes and makeup he could possibly need, he refuses to act ladylike.”

“That’s because I ain’t a lady!”

“And how’s your physical relationship?” The marriage therapist asked.

“Better than ever,” Margaret piped in, “He’s a much more kind and gentle lover now.”

Lance scoffed, “Dude, I can’t even possibly get a hard on anymore. How do you THINK I feel about our physical relationship?”

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Tide (Part 1)

Originally posted February 10, 2014.

Dexter was still trying to fathom what had just happened to him about an hour ago now. He had been minding his own business at the beach when a woman ran up to him and shoved a medallion she was wearing to his chest. Then she took it off and threw it in the ocean. She gave him an evil grin as she stripped down to her bikini, and that’s when the changes started. Slowly, she turned into him and he turned into her.  As he own clothes practically fell off him, he reluctantly put the clothing on the woman had just taken off. She then ran off without a word. Dexter was speechless. Still in shock, he sat down on a rock, hoping the tide would carry the strange medallion that caused this back to shore.

Dexter was still trying to fathom what had just happened to him about an hour ago now. He had been minding his own business at the beach when a woman ran up to him and shoved a medallion she was wearing to his chest. Then she took it off and threw it in the ocean. She gave him an evil grin as she stripped down to her bikini, and that’s when the changes started. Slowly, she turned into him and he turned into her. As he own clothes practically fell off him, he reluctantly put the clothing on the woman had just taken off. She then ran off without a word. Dexter was speechless. Still in shock, he sat down on a rock, hoping the tide would carry the strange medallion that caused this back to shore.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Man Overboard

Originally posted on August 9, 2010.

Peter was vacationing on a cruise ship when a freak storm hit. The crew immediately tried to get all the guests below deck, but it had started so suddenly and without warning that not many had to make it down. Peter was among those thrown overboard, then he blacked out. He was so thankful to wake up washed ashore on a sandy beach. However, he was taken aback by the fact that the body he washed up inside of was not his own. Instead, the tattered clothes he wore covered a body very different from the one he was used to. For starters, he used to be male, but this one was unmistakably female...and very hot as well!

Peter was vacationing on a cruise ship when a freak storm hit. The crew immediately tried to get all the guests below deck, but it had started so suddenly and without warning that not many had to make it down. Peter was among those thrown overboard, then he blacked out.

He was so thankful to wake up washed ashore on a sandy beach. However, he was taken aback by the fact that the body he washed up inside of was not his own. Instead, the tattered clothes he wore covered a body very different from the one he was used to. For starters, he used to be male, but this one was unmistakably female...and very hot as well!

Monday, November 20, 2023


Originally posted on May 15, 2009.

"You mean I get to wear underwear like this now?" Craig asked his older sister after the two had swapped bodies as a result of the Great Shift. He was getting excited about the idea of changing and seeing a woman in just her underwear, but then he thought about the fact that the naked body he'd see would be his sister's, and that he'd be the one wearing the underwear.

"GROSS!" he shouted as he threw the underwear back down.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Starting a New Life

Originally posted on October 16, 2009.

Carl didn't know where he was going, but he knew he needed to get out of there. Since the Great Shift he didn't feel like he fit him with his old male friends anymore. His family reacted awkwardly to how well he adapted. So he packed a bag and waited for the bus. He wasn't sure where that bus was going or where he was going, but he knew he needed to get out of where he was. He knew he needed to start a new life somewhere far, far away.

Carl didn't know where he was going, but he knew he needed to get out of there. Since the Great Shift he didn't feel like he fit him with his old male friends anymore. His family reacted awkwardly to how well he adapted. So he packed a bag and waited for the bus. He wasn't sure where that bus was going or where he was going, but he knew he needed to get out of where he was. He knew he needed to start a new life somewhere far, far away.

Saturday, November 18, 2023


Orginally posted on November 19, 2011.

The Great Shift was a horribly disorienting experience for most, and Luke was no exception. He felt strange and his head was throbbing. He grabbed his head, but he soon learned that it wasn’t his head anymore! The long blonde hair was not his own. Then he realized the large breasts now hanging from his chest and the smooth crotch under the skirt he now wore! Not to mention the uncomfortable tall heels on his feet. He began to examine his new body--and what an attractive body it was--but he couldn’t help but think that this whole thing was scientifically impossible! People just didn’t randomly switch bodies--at least not until the Great Shift happened!

The Great Shift was a horribly disorienting experience for most, and Luke was no exception. He felt strange and his head was throbbing. He grabbed his head, but he soon learned that it wasn’t his head anymore! The long blonde hair was not his own. Then he realized the large breasts now hanging from his chest and the smooth crotch under the skirt he now wore! Not to mention the uncomfortable tall heels on his feet. He began to examine his new body--and what an attractive body it was--but he couldn’t help but think that this whole thing was scientifically impossible! People just didn’t randomly switch bodies--at least not until the Great Shift happened!

Friday, November 17, 2023

The Virgin Mark

Originally posted on September 1, 2011.

Mark was sick and tired of hearing other people complain about the Great Shift, especially all of his male friends. They all seemed to find themselves in bodies of woman--and not just women really hot women--but all they could do was whine about it! He sulked on the street after leaving his best friend’s apartment. None of them knew how good they had it! Mark was happy to be in the body of a woman; he was even happier to be hot. But he had ended up in the body of a pregnant woman! If there was anyone who should be complaining; it should be him! He was totally terrified about pushing this baby out in a couple more weeks! He hadn’t even gotten to experience sex, and yet here he was about to give birth!

Mark was sick and tired of hearing other people complain about the Great Shift, especially all of his male friends. They all seemed to find themselves in bodies of woman--and not just women really hot women--but all they could do was whine about it! He sulked on the street after leaving his best friend’s apartment. None of them knew how good they had it! Mark was happy to be in the body of a woman; he was even happier to be hot. But he had ended up in the body of a pregnant woman! If there was anyone who should be complaining; it should be him! He was totally terrified about pushing this baby out in a couple more weeks! He hadn’t even gotten to experience sex, and yet here he was about to give birth!

Thursday, November 16, 2023


Originally posted on June 4, 2016.

Eddie couldn’t say a word; he could only stare at Carolyn in horror. She had stolen his body somehow; she was now in his body leaving him trapped in hers. He wanted to object. He wanted to scream out and demand his body back. But if she had the power to take his body, what else could she do to him? He didn’t even want to ask why she did this. He only stood there speechless for a few more moments before realizing his best course of action would just be to get out of there as fast as he could.

Eddie couldn’t say a word; he could only stare at Carolyn in horror. She had stolen his body somehow; she was now in his body leaving him trapped in hers. He wanted to object. He wanted to scream out and demand his body back. But if she had the power to take his body, what else could she do to him? He didn’t even want to ask why she did this. He only stood there speechless for a few more moments before realizing his best course of action would just be to get out of there as fast as he could.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

My Patreon

I put this up on my other site a while ago. Never posted it here though (you probably all saw it on the other one, right?). Anyway, My Patreon can be found here. I STILL thank everyone for subscribing; it helps keeps this site going as well. I understand there are many who cannot, so I am even more grateful to those that do.

Sending to a Friend

Originally posted on May 2, 2016.

It took Chris a minute to adjust, but once he did, he couldn’t be any happier with the body he had possessed. He recognized her; she was not only gorgeous, but also a celebrity. The first thing he did was whip out her phone and take a selfie. He thought about texting it to his best friend, but all his numbers were stored on his phone -- this was hers. But he COULD remember the email. Chris knew that once his friend got the photo, he’d be jealous. Of course, he’d have to explain who he really was? Or did he? Maybe it would simply be fun to see his friend’s reaction after getting a personal photo of one of his favorite movie stars.

It took Chris a minute to adjust, but once he did, he couldn’t be any happier with the body he had possessed. He recognized her; she was not only gorgeous, but also a celebrity. The first thing he did was whip out her phone and take a selfie. He thought about texting it to his best friend, but all his numbers were stored on his phone -- this was hers. But he COULD remember the email. Chris knew that once his friend got the photo, he’d be jealous. Of course, he’d have to explain who he really was? Or did he? Maybe it would simply be fun to see his friend’s reaction after getting a personal photo of one of his favorite movie stars.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Subway Ride

Originally posted on March 20, 2016.

When I got on the train I saw her and positioned myself across from her. She was cute and it was the perfect place to catch glimpses of her as I pretended to look at things on my laptop. She had a quirky style that I found adorable. I thought many times of calling up the courage to stand up, walk across the subway car, and talk to her. But something stopped me. I was pretty sure that after three stops or so I was simply outright staring at her. That’s why it was so odd when she seemingly just disappeared. She must’ve gotten off at a stop, but why hadn’t I noticed? My eyes had practically been glued on her; how could I have missed her leaving? I kicked myself for not building up that courage to talk to her. It wasn’t until the train arrived at my stop that I noticed what had happened. I placed my laptop into a small red bad beside me, and I had to do a doubletake. I didn’t own a red bag. The bag was very familiar; I recognized it. I looked down at myself and recognized the outfit as well. It was the outfit worn by the woman I had been staring at. It wasn’t hard to realize that I wasn’t just wearing her clothes; I had become her. I had gone from a man lusting after a woman to become the object of my lust. It was a strange mix of joy and worry. I gathered her belongings and headed off the train at my stop. I wondered what sort of life I had now. Hers? Mine? A mix of the two? Did she have my body now and leave the train without noticing? I had so many questions.

When I got on the train I saw her and positioned myself across from her. She was cute and it was the perfect place to catch glimpses of her as I pretended to look at things on my laptop. She had a quirky style that I found adorable. I thought many times of calling up the courage to stand up, walk across the subway car, and talk to her. But something stopped me. I was pretty sure that after three stops or so I was simply outright staring at her. That’s why it was so odd when she seemingly just disappeared. She must’ve gotten off at a stop, but why hadn’t I noticed? My eyes had practically been glued on her; how could I have missed her leaving? I kicked myself for not building up that courage to talk to her. It wasn’t until the train arrived at my stop that I noticed what had happened. I placed my laptop into a small red bad beside me, and I had to do a doubletake. I didn’t own a red bag. The bag was very familiar; I recognized it. I looked down at myself and recognized the outfit as well. It was the outfit worn by the woman I had been staring at. It wasn’t hard to realize that I wasn’t just wearing her clothes; I had become her. I had gone from a man lusting after a woman to become the object of my lust. It was a strange mix of joy and worry. I gathered her belongings and headed off the train at my stop. I wondered what sort of life I had now. Hers? Mine? A mix of the two? Did she have my body now and leave the train without noticing? I had so many questions.