Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Originally posted on April 3, 2010.

For the past week Jim had been trapped inside the body of the fat, disgusting cab driver. He was desperate to get out when the perfect victim to bodyswap with got into the taxi. She was a cute asian woman drunk out of her mind. He had just assumed she was going home, so after wishing her a nice day after arriving at the location, and initiating a swap, he was a little surprised to find out that she was simply clubhopping to another bar. He nearly feel over from being tipsy, and had to grab the cab's door for support. He stumbled into the club, looking for some guy to go home with; after all, he didn't know this girl's address. He was a little too drunk to even think about simply checking her purse for ID.

For the past week Jim had been trapped inside the body of the fat, disgusting cab driver. He was desperate to get out when the perfect victim to bodyswap with got into the taxi. She was a cute asian woman drunk out of her mind. He had just assumed she was going home, so after wishing her a nice day after arriving at the location, and initiating a swap, he was a little surprised to find out that she was simply clubhopping to another bar. He nearly feel over from being tipsy, and had to grab the cab's door for support. He stumbled into the club, looking for some guy to go home with; after all, he didn't know this girl's address. He was a little too drunk to even think about simply checking her purse for ID.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Magic Is Real

Originally posted on August 13, 2019.

“What the heck did you put in my tea?”A confused Jill asked, “It looks like I’m looking at myself. I must be seeing things! What sort of drug is this?”

“It’s not drugs,” A very calm Curt replied, “It’s magic. I slipped a potion into our drinks that switched our bodies.”

“Magic isn’t real!”

“It’s real enough that you’re sitting over there in my body looking at me in yours.”

“There must be some logical explanation or something!”

“I think I already explained it sufficiently. And I certainly thank you for coming over, but I think I might leave to go back to your apartment...or should I say my apartment? I’m certainly going to enjoy myself until this potion wears off.”

“How long will that be?”

“Three weeks. Maybe four...”

Monday, July 29, 2024

Sweet Dreams

Originally posted on December 21, 2010.

Robert couldn't believe the strange dream that he had last night. He dreamed that he was transformed into a woman--a busty blond woman to be exact--but what he didn't realize that the events in his dream had come true. Soon he would wake up as an entirely new person with an entirely new body. He would be the busty blond that he had been dreaming about.

Robert couldn't believe the strange dream that he had last night. He dreamed that he was transformed into a woman--a busty blond woman to be exact--but what he didn't realize that the events in his dream had come true. Soon he would wake up as an entirely new person with an entirely new body. He would be the busty blond that he had been dreaming about.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Like Swimming

Originally posted on December 29, 2010.

Ivan was swimming in the ocean when the Great Shift occured, and he found himself in a woman's body. A little confused by the whole experience, he was a little surprised by the bathing suit top he now wore. Being unused to the garment, it was not long before a breast simply popped out of it.

Ivan was swimming in the ocean when the Great Shift occured, and he found himself in a woman's body. A little confused by the whole experience, he was a little surprised by the bathing suit top he now wore. Being unused to the garment, it was not long before a breast simply popped out of it.

Saturday, July 27, 2024


Originally posted on March 7, 2011.

As the pink sparkles ran up and down Brian's body, he could tell the changes taking place, but he just couldn't seem to do anything about them. It wasn't long before the pink sparkles changed the once large man into a petite Asian woman. Brian's mind was racing. This was beyond anything scientifically possible. He couldn't believe what had just happened to him, and he certainly knew that no one else would ever believe it either!

As the pink sparkles ran up and down Brian's body, he could tell the changes taking place, but he just couldn't seem to do anything about them. It wasn't long before the pink sparkles changed the once large man into a petite Asian woman. Brian's mind was racing. This was beyond anything scientifically possible. He couldn't believe what had just happened to him, and he certainly knew that no one else would ever believe it either!

Friday, July 26, 2024


Originally posted on July 9, 2016.

Jonathan was shocked after taking a cab ended with him swapping with the driver. Perhaps even weirder was that despite never learning to drive, he seemed to have no problem doing so while in the cabbie’s body. It was as if the body itself maintained a memory about how to drive. In a similar manner, he knew how to swap bodies with one of his passengers. It didn’t take him long to pick one, a woman who got into his cab in an outer borough. And, sure enough, after he swapped with her, he was able to pick up many of her skills without even thinking about it. Only a few blocks from where he dropped her off, he checked himself out in the side mirror of a car, adjusting his makeup like it was second nature. He knew he knew nothing about being a woman, but he was sure he was going to be able to figure it all out without any problems.

Jonathan was shocked after taking a cab ended with him swapping with the driver. Perhaps even weirder was that despite never learning to drive, he seemed to have no problem doing so while in the cabbie’s body. It was as if the body itself maintained a memory about how to drive. In a similar manner, he knew how to swap bodies with one of his passengers. It didn’t take him long to pick one, a woman who got into his cab in an outer borough. And, sure enough, after he swapped with her, he was able to pick up many of her skills without even thinking about it. Only a few blocks from where he dropped her off, he checked himself out in the side mirror of a car, adjusting his makeup like it was second nature. He knew he knew nothing about being a woman, but he was sure he was going to be able to figure it all out without any problems.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


Originally posted on June 28, 2016.

Antonio had never been too concerned with his physical prowess, but he always thought he could take someone down if they messed with him. When walking home alone one night, he was proven wrong. The guy attacked him from behind; Antonio went down almost instantly. He struggled to get back on his feet, but there was little he could do as he was dragged into an alley and tied up.

Antonio hoped the guy was only going to take his wallet, but the odd attacker had something very unexpected up his sleeve. He stabbed Antonio with a strange needle that seemed to be glowing. There were no words for the pain, but it did feel like he was being drained. His vision slowly faded and he passed out.

It only felt like a few seconds before his vision returned. He was now strapped down in a white room with bright lights, as a different person removed a glowing needle from his body. The realization came slowly. The needle had, in fact, swapped his body with someone else. He was in a new place, and he was a new person -- a woman, to be exact. He was probably have a foot shorter now, and at least 70 pounds lighter. He didn’t want to seem sexist, but being a woman made him feel weak.

But he told himself he would never be weak. He hit up the gym, took self-defense courses, and trained this body. It may have been smaller, but he was determined to make it tougher...

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Originally posted on May 20, 2016.

Gordon had a hard time scoring a reservation to this restaurant; it had to be scheduled over a year ago. There wasn’t going to be anything stopping him from going, having a good time, and eating whatever he wanted. That included the Great Shift, which dumped him into Emily’s body. He didn’t care about what the large meal might do to Emily’s figure or the fact that she was a vegetarian. As he dug into his meal, he smiled.

Gordon had a hard time scoring a reservation to this restaurant; it had to be scheduled over a year ago. There wasn’t going to be anything stopping him from going, having a good time, and eating whatever he wanted. That included the Great Shift, which dumped him into Emily’s body. He didn’t care about what the large meal might do to Emily’s figure or the fact that she was a vegetarian. As he dug into his meal, he smiled.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Originally posted on March 15, 2011.

Fred had never smoked a cigarette in his life. He had been fighting the urge in hours since the Great Shift, but his new body’s addiction soon enough won over his willpower. He dug a pack from the woman’s purse and started to puff. It felt like his throat was on fire, and it tasted disgusting. But there was something very satisfying about it.

Fred had never smoked a cigarette in his life. He had been fighting the urge in hours since the Great Shift, but his new body’s addiction soon enough won over his willpower. He dug a pack from the woman’s purse and started to puff. It felt like his throat was on fire, and it tasted disgusting. But there was something very satisfying about it.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Dat Ass Doe

Originally posted on November 4, 2019.

Craig had been a little embarrassed by the body he ended up with in the Great Shift. He had been texting with his friends and family to let them know he was okay, but he hadn’t left his home for the most part.

Finally, his friend Michael texted to ask for a photo, which (after some convincing) Craig responded with a selfie.

“U a chick now, bro!?” Michael replied.

Craig sent back a simple, “Yeah.”

“Dat ass doe,” Michael sent back before pausing briefly to also send, “I’d hit it.”

Craig wanted to throw his phone into the wall in frustration except Michael sent a third text first, “Or I would hit it if I wasn’t a chick now too. And my booty is even bigger!”

Sunday, July 21, 2024

New Floor

Originally posted on October 26, 2019.

The bright flash of The Great Shift hit Andrew like a ton of bricks as he fell to the dirty floor he had been trying to clean. When he awoke several moments he later, he held his throbbing head. His vision was also blurry. The first thing he noticed was the floor. It was clean, not like the filthy floors where he worked as a janitor. Maybe someone had brought him to the hospital after his collapse? But why would they leave him on the floor of a hospital?

The next thing that he noticed was the fact that he was no longer wearing his coveralls. But not just that, the clothes he was wearing were clearly not his. In fact, this quickly lead him to his next revelation, that his entire body wasn’t his own. He had to be half of the weight he previously was. He was a slender woman now, and he was at a gym! But why did he swap bodies with her? He assumed she must have a good life. The women at this gym never seemed to work. Maybe her husband was rich? Maybe he shouldn’t tell anyone the truth about who he really was? Maybe he should just live her life instead of his own pathetic one...

Saturday, July 20, 2024


Originally posted on September 19, 2019.

Putting on makeup was a lot harder than Martin expected. It was one of the many challenges he had to deal with since swapping bodies with Carmela. It seemed just when he thought he had perfected his look, his hand would slip and he’d have to wipe something off. Upon doing that, he’d smear something else and have to touch up and redo some more. It was like a never-ending process that had taken him several hours so far. He wondered how women did this every day.

Putting on makeup was a lot harder than Martin expected. It was one of the many challenges he had to deal with since swapping bodies with Carmela. It seemed just when he thought he had perfected his look, his hand would slip and he’d have to wipe something off. Upon doing that, he’d smear something else and have to touch up and redo some more. It was like a never-ending process that had taken him several hours so far. He wondered how women did this every day.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Greater Possibilities

Originally posted on August 10, 2019.

John had discovered the powers of the Medallion of Zulu about a week ago, and ever since he had been thinking of ways to best use its powers. It started with a visit to a thrift shop to buy a dress and a bit of jewelry, transforming himself in the dressing room as to not feel awkward buying women’s clothes. Then, now transformed, he took a few selfies and joined a dating app. Sure enough, he did get a few hits. Then he scheduled a dinner date each night and proceed on a fairly set schedule. He got off work at 5, use the medallion to change himself into a woman by 6, go to dinner and get the date to pay, go home to sleep, and use the medallion to transform himself back to normal in the morning. It was a pretty good way to get a free meal. However, he had the power to transform himself into anyone. Surely, he could pull off something a little more daring than simply a few free meals? As he sat with a dinner date he began to ponder the greater possibilities.

John had discovered the powers of the Medallion of Zulu about a week ago, and ever since he had been thinking of ways to best use its powers. It started with a visit to a thrift shop to buy a dress and a bit of jewelry, transforming himself in the dressing room as to not feel awkward buying women’s clothes. Then, now transformed, he took a few selfies and joined a dating app. Sure enough, he did get a few hits. Then he scheduled a dinner date each night and proceed on a fairly set schedule. He got off work at 5, use the medallion to change himself into a woman by 6, go to dinner and get the date to pay, go home to sleep, and use the medallion to transform himself back to normal in the morning. It was a pretty good way to get a free meal. However, he had the power to transform himself into anyone. Surely, he could pull off something a little more daring than simply a few free meals? As he sat with a dinner date he began to ponder the greater possibilities.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Originally posted on June 29, 2019.

Marcus remembered being old and sick in the hospital. He knew he was going to die; he was just waiting for when.  What he didn’t expect was coming back after his death.  He was in a graveyard, tripping over headstones in heels. He was certainly in someone else’s body -- the body of a young woman. But he wasn’t sure if she had been attending his funeral or someone else’s. He wondered if he was even buried in this cemetery, as he began to look around to see if he could figure it out. He didn’t get too far before an old man came by and asked Marcus where he had run off to. He still didn’t know much, but he soon came to learn his new body was a golddigger; the old man was her husband. At least he had someone to guide him through this new life, even though he felt like it may be an uncomfortable one for him.

Marcus remembered being old and sick in the hospital. He knew he was going to die; he was just waiting for when. What he didn’t expect was coming back after his death. He was in a graveyard, tripping over headstones in heels. He was certainly in someone else’s body -- the body of a young woman. But he wasn’t sure if she had been attending his funeral or someone else’s. He wondered if he was even buried in this cemetery, as he began to look around to see if he could figure it out. He didn’t get too far before an old man came by and asked Marcus where he had run off to. He still didn’t know much, but he soon came to learn his new body was a golddigger; the old man was her husband. At least he had someone to guide him through this new life, even though he felt like it may be an uncomfortable one for him.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Border Crossing

Originally posted on April 29, 2019.

Luis had saved up money by doing dangerous odd jobs for criminals and had some relatives abroad send him some cash. He needed the money to pay someone who offered to help smuggle him across the border. He was afraid to hand it over to the large, surly man. The man simply looked at it before leading Luis into a moldy basement with a machine attached to a rickety chair. An older man sat by the chair near a control panel. The older man strapped Luis in and explained they now just needed to wait for someone to sit in the other chair situated a few miles north of the border. Once someone did, he would hit a switch and swap Luis’s brain into that body. Not only would Luis be across the border, but he’d also be in the body of a citizen and unable to be deported.

Luis had a lot of questions. Why would anyone up there voluntarily sit in a chair that would stick them in his body? The old man explained the chair was disguised well; the person wouldn’t even know they were sitting in such a chair until it was too late. Just as Luis began to doubt stealing someone else’s body and damning them to his own poor, difficult life, a light on the old man’s console started flashing.

The next thing Luis knew, he noticed the smell of flowers instead of mold. The sun was shining on him instead of a dim bulb. And to top it all off, he was in the body of a woman! The other side of the machine had been disguised as a hair dryer in a beauty salon. It certainly made sense, but it was still difficult for Luis to gather himself. He had made it across the border safely; he’d certainly never be detected in this body, but it was the body of a woman!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Originally posted on April 20, 2019.

Alan looked intently at the snowglobe with the man on a motorcycle inside. He could’ve sworn that just a moment ago he had been that man riding that motorcycle in a snowstorm. He was about to swerve, crash, and likely die, but instead he found himself here sitting in a chair. Had he imagined it all? Had it always been this woman? He didn’t remember being a woman, but he clearly was one. The only life he remembered was the one that seemed to exist only in his imagination while staring into the snowglobe.

Alan looked intently at the snowglobe with the man on a motorcycle inside. He could’ve sworn that just a moment ago he had been that man riding that motorcycle in a snowstorm. He was about to swerve, crash, and likely die, but instead he found himself here sitting in a chair. Had he imagined it all? Had it always been this woman? He didn’t remember being a woman, but he clearly was one. The only life he remembered was the one that seemed to exist only in his imagination while staring into the snowglobe.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Emergency Landing

Originally posted on March 18, 2011.

In many ways, Bryan had to consider himself lucky. Plenty of planes crashed in the wake of the Great Shift with pilots shifted outside of bodies and often even off of the plane itself, leaving no one to fly the giant metal crafts. Strangely, the pilot of the plane, Chuck, was the one who ended up in Bryan’s body, and he made a quick dash to the cockpit, and managed an emergency landing on an icy field in Northern Canada. Meanwhile, Bryan found himself in the body of a woman on the plane--a rather gorgeous one at that! Between being in a new body and the emergency landing, his nerves were tense. Upon landing, he needed to get out and get some air. His new body certainly wasn’t dressed for the cold, but considering how stressful the past few minutes had been, his wardrobe was hardly a concern!

In many ways, Bryan had to consider himself lucky. Plenty of planes crashed in the wake of the Great Shift with pilots shifted outside of bodies and often even off of the plane itself, leaving no one to fly the giant metal crafts. Strangely, the pilot of the plane, Chuck, was the one who ended up in Bryan’s body, and he made a quick dash to the cockpit, and managed an emergency landing on an icy field in Northern Canada. Meanwhile, Bryan found himself in the body of a woman on the plane--a rather gorgeous one at that! Between being in a new body and the emergency landing, his nerves were tense. Upon landing, he needed to get out and get some air. His new body certainly wasn’t dressed for the cold, but considering how stressful the past few minutes had been, his wardrobe was hardly a concern!

Sunday, July 14, 2024


Originally posted on April 4, 2009.

While Barry was on vacation in Miami, a woman used a strange medallion to steal his body, leaving him trapped in hers. Then she threw the medallion into the ocean. Not letting panic set in, Barry rented scuba equipment from a local store to prepare for an expedition into the deep. He knew he had to hurry as the tide would be coming in soon, which would wash away the medallion for good. He sort of wished he had a little time to explore the giant breasts he was (hopefully temporarily) currently blessed with, especially from the inside, but if he ever wanted his body back, he had to start searching now.

While Barry was on vacation in Miami, a woman used a strange medallion to steal his body, leaving him trapped in hers. Then she threw the medallion into the ocean. Not letting panic set in, Barry rented scuba equipment from a local store to prepare for an expedition into the deep. He knew he had to hurry as the tide would be coming in soon, which would wash away the medallion for good. He sort of wished he had a little time to explore the giant breasts he was (hopefully temporarily) currently blessed with, especially from the inside, but if he ever wanted his body back, he had to start searching now.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Record Companies Are Evil!

Originally posted on June 6, 2009.

Record companies are evil! Just ask Blake and Tim. They'd tell you...Or at least they would if they hadn't signed a contract stating that they'd never say a bad word about the label...ever! Not only that, once their band was signed, the label took the image-clause to mean that they were allowed to take the brains out of the two talented young men's heads and transplant them into the bodies of talentless bimbos. Then they made them to wear the slutiest clothes possible, and surgically forced smiles on their faces. Of course, all this was charged against the band's advance. Despie the labels claims that the band would be the next big thing, once the CD hit stores, it STILL didn't sell any  copies. The record company blamed illegal downloading.

Record companies are evil! Just ask Blake and Tim. They'd tell you...Or at least they would if they hadn't signed a contract stating that they'd never say a bad word about the label...ever! Not only that, once their band was signed, the label took the image-clause to mean that they were allowed to take the brains out of the two talented young men's heads and transplant them into the bodies of talentless bimbos. Then they made them to wear the slutiest clothes possible, and surgically forced smiles on their faces. Of course, all this was charged against the band's advance. Despie the labels claims that the band would be the next big thing, once the CD hit stores, it STILL didn't sell any copies. The record company blamed illegal downloading.

Friday, July 12, 2024


Originally posted on April 9, 2009.

"F*ck you, Katie," Ryan snapped, "You can stop pretending that this body swap was some sort of accident. Your best friend told me all about your secret desire to be a man and about your secret plot to steal my body. Honestly, I probably would've agreed to the swap; you're body feels so good, but the lying is pure bullsh*t."

Thursday, July 11, 2024


Originally posted on May 2, 2009.

Jose knew the cops were onto him and his drug trade, so he had the perfect plan to make the latest drop. He hired a hooker for a couple hours, switched bodies with her, and made the deal. The cops were looking for a hispanic male at the scene, a white woman would never be suspected. He made the trade as smooth as possible and then returned to where the he left the hooker to make a payment for her services.

Jose knew the cops were onto him and his drug trade, so he had the perfect plan to make the latest drop. He hired a hooker for a couple hours, switched bodies with her, and made the deal. The cops were looking for a hispanic male at the scene, a white woman would never be suspected. He made the trade as smooth as possible and then returned to where the he left the hooker to make a payment for her "services."

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Originally posted on January 21, 2014.

Ever since the Transformation Virus started spreading, people rarely left their homes for fear of being infected. Telecommuting became the norm and roads, bus stations, and airports were often vacant. As the virus spread, many workers soon realized they couldn’t be infected twice and some people returned to work. On the other hand, some thought they could beat the virus. Ed had invested a lot in the latest technologies that claimed to block the virus. Every time he went out on the street, he always wore a mask. It had worked fairly well, and he started to go out longer and longer in preparation for a business trip to Tokyo. He felt sick in the cab on the way to his private jet, but he shrugged it off. However, by the time he landed, it was obvious the Transformation Virus had finally gotten him. He was no longer the man he once was -- he was now a rather skinny and attractive Asian woman. Considering some reports of people’s changes, he didn’t think his was bad at all. In fact, he was already planning ways he could leverage it the upcoming meeting. His head was so engrossing in planning, that he didn’t even remember to take off his mask. Now that he was infected, it was completely worthless!

Ever since the Transformation Virus started spreading, people rarely left their homes for fear of being infected. Telecommuting became the norm and roads, bus stations, and airports were often vacant. As the virus spread, many workers soon realized they couldn’t be infected twice and some people returned to work. On the other hand, some thought they could beat the virus. Ed had invested a lot in the latest technologies that claimed to block the virus. Every time he went out on the street, he always wore a mask. It had worked fairly well, and he started to go out longer and longer in preparation for a business trip to Tokyo. He felt sick in the cab on the way to his private jet, but he shrugged it off. However, by the time he landed, it was obvious the Transformation Virus had finally gotten him. He was no longer the man he once was -- he was now a rather skinny and attractive Asian woman. Considering some reports of people’s changes, he didn’t think his was bad at all. In fact, he was already planning ways he could leverage it the upcoming meeting. His head was so engrossing in planning, that he didn’t even remember to take off his mask. Now that he was infected, it was completely worthless!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Originally posted on January 14, 2014.

As a result of the Great Shift many scientists redirected their work to attempt to reverse the effects of the Great Shift. For many of them, the motive was profit, but for Doctors Franz Leicher and Sarah Klein, the motivation was personal. Previously, the two had read each other’s work but never met in person. However, as luck would have it, the fate of the Great Shift caused the two doctors to switch bodies with each other resulting in an intimate personal and professional relationship immediately. Their studies were seen as a bit of a dream team. Sarah’s knowledge of chemical biology was unmatched, and Franz’s research on the brain had yielded some of the greatest advances in the past decade. Despite their vast knowledge, the two never seemed to develop a way to reverse the results of the Great Shift.

As a result of the Great Shift many scientists redirected their work to attempt to reverse the effects of the Great Shift. For many of them, the motive was profit, but for Doctors Franz Leicher and Sarah Klein, the motivation was personal. Previously, the two had read each other’s work but never met in person. However, as luck would have it, the fate of the Great Shift caused the two doctors to switch bodies with each other resulting in an intimate personal and professional relationship immediately. Their studies were seen as a bit of a dream team. Sarah’s knowledge of chemical biology was unmatched, and Franz’s research on the brain had yielded some of the greatest advances in the past decade. Despite their vast knowledge, the two never seemed to develop a way to reverse the results of the Great Shift.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Pink Gun

Originally posted on January 9, 2014.

Marc had opened the unmarked box on his doorstep not knowing its contents. Inside was an odd pink gun with a note, explaining that it was some sort of body swapper. Curious, Marc aimed the gun out the window at a jogger. Suddenly, he saw his own body running down the street in a bathrobe, seemingly unaware of the swap. Meanwhile, Marc stood in his kitchen in the jogger’s female body clad in spandex with the pink gun still in his hands. He thought about switching back to his own body, but he hadn’t seen which way it ran. He shrugged; he had better plans anyway. He scoped a nice hiding spot outside his friend Amie’s house. The perky young Asian woman popped outside wearing a costume; she was heading to ComicCon today. Without hesitation, he fired the gun at Amie. Now in the body of the female jogger, Amie continued on her way without noticing she now had a completely different body. Marc, meanwhile, gave an evil grin. He was now in Amie’s body, and she didn’t even realize it. This gun was going to be fun!

Marc had opened the unmarked box on his doorstep not knowing its contents. Inside was an odd pink gun with a note, explaining that it was some sort of body swapper. Curious, Marc aimed the gun out the window at a jogger. Suddenly, he saw his own body running down the street in a bathrobe, seemingly unaware of the swap. Meanwhile, Marc stood in his kitchen in the jogger’s female body clad in spandex with the pink gun still in his hands. He thought about switching back to his own body, but he hadn’t seen which way it ran. He shrugged; he had better plans anyway. He scoped a nice hiding spot outside his friend Amie’s house. The perky young Asian woman popped outside wearing a costume; she was heading to ComicCon today. Without hesitation, he fired the gun at Amie. Now in the body of the female jogger, Amie continued on her way without noticing she now had a completely different body. Marc, meanwhile, gave an evil grin. He was now in Amie’s body, and she didn’t even realize it. This gun was going to be fun!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Nun of the Above

Originally posted on August 1, 2010.

Ben couldn’t help but think that the Great Shift was some sort of ironic punishment for him. He hadn’t exactly been the best person prior to the Shift -- he had been a notorious womanizer and drug user. Now he was in the body of some big breasted nun! Then again, maybe he was just destined to live it up with his new body as well; she was much too hot to be a nun!

Ben couldn’t help but think that the Great Shift was some sort of ironic punishment for him. He hadn’t exactly been the best person prior to the Shift -- he had been a notorious womanizer and drug user. Now he was in the body of some big breasted nun! Then again, maybe he was just destined to live it up with his new body as well; she was much too hot to be a nun!

Saturday, July 6, 2024


Posted before 2009 to Yahoo! Groups.

Kent had been surfing the Intemet in his apartment when the Great Shift hit. He was more than disoriented to find himself outside a block and a half away. His disorientation continued as he realized he had a leash in his hand. Why was he out walking a dog? Whose dog is this? As he took notice of the leash, the next thing he realized was that his hand was all wrong. It seemed smaller, it had painted nails. As he further pondered this, the new weight on his chest entered his mind. "Sh*t!" He screamed to himself, "I have breasts!" After calming himself, he looked down and wondered, "I wonder if I have a...hmmm... tonight could be fun." As he walked to his apartment, he felt the pointy shoes he now wore digging into his feet. "The joys of self-pleasure aside.... will need new shoes."

Friday, July 5, 2024

Any Worse?

Originally posted on September 12, 2009.

When the Great Shift switched Martin into his sister's body, he felt so humiliated. He thought it couldn't get any worse until he was on his way home and felt something strange. He felt even more humiliated when he realized that he needed a tampon, but there simply wasn't one in his sister's extra large purse. Ugh, could this day get any worse?

When the Great Shift switched Martin into his sister's body, he felt so humiliated. He thought it couldn't get any worse until he was on his way home and felt something strange. He felt even more humiliated when he realized that he needed a tampon, but there simply wasn't one in his sister's extra large purse. Ugh, could this day get any worse?

Thursday, July 4, 2024


Originally posted on August 26, 2009.

Before the Great Shift, Alan loved pigging out on fast food, junk, and other things that probably weren't so good for him. However, inside his new body, he took one bite into a fast food meal, and he just wasn't hungry anymore. Maybe the tastebuds of his new body were just different or something. He supposed that this was just another one of those things that he'd have to get used to, like the fact that he had to wear women's clothes now, or that he was only a week away from having his first period. Being a woman was just too weird.

Before the Great Shift, Alan loved pigging out on fast food, junk, and other things that probably weren't so good for him. However, inside his new body, he took one bite into a fast food meal, and he just wasn't hungry anymore. Maybe the tastebuds of his new body were just different or something. He supposed that this was just another one of those things that he'd have to get used to, like the fact that he had to wear women's clothes now, or that he was only a week away from having his first period. Being a woman was just too weird.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

No More Ballet

Originally posted on June 27, 2009.

Ben looked at his sister's old ballet slippers. She had begged him to keep up with her ballet training after the Great Shift swapped him into her body, but he really had absolutely no interest. Instead he had joined the swim team, something he always had interest in but was never able to do because of his old physical disability. He tossed the slippers aside, glad he would never need a wheelchair again, and walked away to swim practice in his wetsuit.

Ben looked at his sister's old ballet slippers. She had begged him to keep up with her ballet training after the Great Shift swapped him into her body, but he really had absolutely no interest. Instead he had joined the swim team, something he always had interest in but was never able to do because of his old physical disability. He tossed the slippers aside, glad he would never need a wheelchair again, and walked away to swim practice in his wetsuit.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Locked Down

Originally posted on April 5, 2023.

Dr. Kenneth Wu had to hope for three things right now. The first was that he could figure out what had caused all the men in the lab to suddenly transform into women, himself included. They had locked down the instant it happened. No one was going to be able to get in or out until they could figure out how to reverse the process. A cure was the second hope, as they only had so much food and supplies in the locked-down lab. And the third hope was that they had managed to lock down the lab soon enough, that whatever had transformed them hadn’t escaped to the world at large. As sad as it might be to die in this lab, Kenneth was far more concerned by what could happen to the future of humanity if there were no more men for procreation. As he went to the back to examine a few machines dedicated to AI functions, he noticed a few errant wire strung between them, as if they had somehow managed to haphazardly plug themselves into each other. A new sense of worry arose in Dr. Wu.

Dr. Kenneth Wu had to hope for three things right now. The first was that he could figure out what had caused all the men in the lab to suddenly transform into women, himself included. They had locked down the instant it happened. No one was going to be able to get in or out until they could figure out how to reverse the process. A cure was the second hope, as they only had so much food and supplies in the locked-down lab. And the third hope was that they had managed to lock down the lab soon enough, that whatever had transformed them hadn’t escaped to the world at large. As sad as it might be to die in this lab, Kenneth was far more concerned by what could happen to the future of humanity if there were no more men for procreation. As he went to the back to examine a few machines dedicated to AI functions, he noticed a few errant wire strung between them, as if they had somehow managed to haphazardly plug themselves into each other. A new sense of worry arose in Dr. Wu.

Monday, July 1, 2024


Originally posted on Date Unknown.

When Craig woke up from his nap, this was the last thing he expected! As he watched the news reports on TV, he learned something called the Great Shift caused over 90% of the human population to swap bodies. He guessed he was probably in this woman's house...maybe he should find something more comfortable to wear? Naw, not yet, he wanted to explore his new, sexy body -- and this strapless black dress was perfect! He certainly wished he could find a full-length mirror for starters!

When Craig woke up from his nap, this was the last thing he expected! As he watched the news reports on TV, he learned something called the Great Shift caused over 90% of the human population to swap bodies. He guessed he was probably in this woman's house...maybe he should find something more comfortable to wear? Naw, not yet, he wanted to explore his new, sexy body -- and this strapless black dress was perfect! He certainly wished he could find a full-length mirror for starters!