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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Record Companies Are Evil!

Originally posted on June 6, 2009.

Record companies are evil! Just ask Blake and Tim. They'd tell you...Or at least they would if they hadn't signed a contract stating that they'd never say a bad word about the label...ever! Not only that, once their band was signed, the label took the image-clause to mean that they were allowed to take the brains out of the two talented young men's heads and transplant them into the bodies of talentless bimbos. Then they made them to wear the slutiest clothes possible, and surgically forced smiles on their faces. Of course, all this was charged against the band's advance. Despie the labels claims that the band would be the next big thing, once the CD hit stores, it STILL didn't sell any  copies. The record company blamed illegal downloading.

Record companies are evil! Just ask Blake and Tim. They'd tell you...Or at least they would if they hadn't signed a contract stating that they'd never say a bad word about the label...ever! Not only that, once their band was signed, the label took the image-clause to mean that they were allowed to take the brains out of the two talented young men's heads and transplant them into the bodies of talentless bimbos. Then they made them to wear the slutiest clothes possible, and surgically forced smiles on their faces. Of course, all this was charged against the band's advance. Despie the labels claims that the band would be the next big thing, once the CD hit stores, it STILL didn't sell any copies. The record company blamed illegal downloading.

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