Friday, February 28, 2025

Unforgettable Night

Originally posted on May 6, 2010.

"Alright, Boys," Jonathan stated, "We've all stolen our sisters' bodies, and now it's time for a night out on the town. Last time there were only three of us in our little club, but this time allow me to introduce you to Ryan and Mike, who have stolen their sisters' bodies for the first time tonight. Meanwhile, our sisters are back home in our bodies. Tomorrow, we'll cast the spell again, and wipe their memories. They'll never remember being us, but we'll certainly have an unforgettable night as them!"

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Originally posted on June 12, 2009.

Lee was on the lower deck of a cruise ship when it passed through a mysterious fog. It was so thick that it he couldn't even see his own hand in front of his face, but within a few minutes it passed. Oddly, Lee now himself on the upper deck of the ship, wearing a blue dress and red high heels. Somehow he had swapped bodies with a woman on the ship! Judging from the screams around him, he wasn't the only one...

Lee was on the lower deck of a cruise ship when it passed through a mysterious fog. It was so thick that it he couldn't even see his own hand in front of his face, but within a few minutes it passed. Oddly, Lee now himself on the upper deck of the ship, wearing a blue dress and red high heels. Somehow he had swapped bodies with a woman on the ship! Judging from the screams around him, he wasn't the only one...

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Too Good for Him

Originally posted on an unknown date.

Dave's girlfriend had broken up with him after she had sold her first screenplay and started to get invited to loads of Hollywood parties. He was steamed. Did she think she was too good for him now or something? Well, he would get his revenge. Using an ancient spell, he possessed his ex's body on the night she was to attend her first awards show. He went without panties and flashed the camera and crowd from the carpet. Of course, his plan backfired as the incident caused her to be the hottest thing in Hollywood. Of course, he could always use the possession spell again. Though the second time, it would be permanent.

Dave's girlfriend had broken up with him after she had sold her first screenplay and started to get invited to loads of Hollywood parties. He was steamed. Did she think she was too good for him now or something? Well, he would get his revenge. Using an ancient spell, he possessed his ex's body on the night she was to attend her first awards show. He went without panties and flashed the camera and crowd from the carpet. Of course, his plan backfired as the incident caused her to be the hottest thing in Hollywood. Of course, he could always use the possession spell again. Though the second time, it would be permanent.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Originally posted on August 8, 2012.

Rodney had been vacationing in a remote country in eastern Asia. He was relaxing and enjoying his time, but it was almost over. On Monday, he’d have to return to work. He wished he didn’t. He wished he never had to leave! He wished he never had to work again! Then a strange flash of light, and he found himself in an ornate room. He tried to stand but was stopped by a man who insisted that the princess not do any work. If she wanted to get someone, he would carry her. Princess? Her? Then he looked down with a shock. He had somehow swapped bodies with the land’s princess! He wasn’t allowed to lift a finger! And apparently, he wasn’t even allowed to stand on his own two feet!

Rodney had been vacationing in a remote country in eastern Asia. He was relaxing and enjoying his time, but it was almost over. On Monday, he’d have to return to work. He wished he didn’t. He wished he never had to leave! He wished he never had to work again! Then a strange flash of light, and he found himself in an ornate room. He tried to stand but was stopped by a man who insisted that the princess not do any work. If she wanted to get someone, he would carry her. Princess? Her? Then he looked down with a shock. He had somehow swapped bodies with the land’s princess! He wasn’t allowed to lift a finger! And apparently, he wasn’t even allowed to stand on his own two feet!

Monday, February 24, 2025


Originally posted on June 25, 2011.

It had been the weirdest thing Pete had ever found. He had just parked his car and placed a quarter in the meter. A bolt of light came out of it, transforming into a woman. With a bit of testing, he found that whoever put money in the meter would be transformed. There was a two hour limit, but he tried to keep money in at all times.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Forest Elf

Originally posted on February 15, 2025 (reposting on this site because of an error on the original site).

A couple guys and I had gone camping in the woods for the weekend. We weren’t exactly the best at being the rugged outdoors types. We couldn’t get a fire started, and we hopped into the car to drive to the closest McDonalds for dinner instead of cooking using the small propane grill we brought. We did all agree that it was an accomplishment that we got our tents set up, however!

Needing to use the bathroom in the middle of the night was an expected inconvenience, but the full moon lit my way from the tents to deeper in the woods. What I hadn’t expected was the ground to crumble beneath my feet due to a sinkhole, exposing an underground lake. Thanks to the light of the moon, I managed not to fall in myself, but I heard a faint “Hello?” from underground.

When I went down into the hole to investigate, I discovered the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She looked slightly more like an elf than human with her pointy ears and pale skin along with her white hair and blue eyes. Without saying another word, she dove into the underground lake, and like an idiot I dove in after her. There was some sort of weird magic in there and when we were swimming it caused us to switch bodies.

“Oh, thank goodness!” She said with my voice, “I’ve been trapped down here forever. Now I can finally leave.”

“What do you mean?” I asked with the sweet pleasant tone of her voice.

“I am, or I was, a forest elf. My skin, that you now have by the way, can’t be exposed to sunlight. I will burn up. And so I lived under the forest eating earthworms and tree roots. I could only emerge at night when most of you humans are asleep. Most of my kind were murdered by humans long along, but the mutation of sun sensitive skin kept others like me out of reach, or a least out of sight. I’m sorry for the fate of my life that I have doomed you to, but I deserve a life on the surface.”

“And I don’t?” I tried to argue as she simply climbed back up and away.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Normal Again

Originally posted on September 28, 2023.

My life felt over when the Great Shift happened. I couldn't believe I went front being your average Joe-Six Pack to being a totally hot babe. At first, I hated it. My body was unfamiliar to me; the clothes were difficult to put on; my first period was literally a mess. The whole world was crazy, too! The World Series was canceled, and the start of football season was delayed I was even able to enjoy two of my favorite sports!

But after a few months passed, things started to settle into a new normal. I got used to my new body and all the new things I had to do to take care of it. The football season may have started late with a slew of new players, but at least it started! I was happy to plop down on the couch with some snacks and enjoy the games. Things finally felt normal again.

Friday, February 21, 2025


Originally posted on November 3, 2023.

In the past few years, many large companies have invested a lot in innovation, often allowing employees a significant period of time away from their traditional work to simply explore an idea that could change the world. After some substantial time away, Mitch Harris and Ling Wei were presenting their work directly to the CEO. They were both nervous, but they were sure it was impressive.

The CEO had eyed up the body of the young woman when she entered the room but was repulsed when he saw her face. It didn't seem quite right.

Of the two, she spoke first with a voice that seemed far too deep to be coming from such a petite body. "We've invented a machine that can literally change just about everything of who you are,” She said, "Despite what I may look like today, I am Mitch Harris. Using this machine I transformed myself into the woman you see before you." "The only limitation is that it is currently unable to transform your face or voice," The man said with a soft female voice and Asian accent, "Obviously, we both picked rather extreme changes to represent the device's abilities."

"And the changes aren't just cosmetic. I've been a woman for a month, and I assure you, everything is fully functional and working. Today, we've loaded your image into the machine, and we welcome you to try it out."

The CEO looked at his face on the screen. He could zoom in and out, make all sorts changes like a video game avatar. He first instincts were to keep it simple. Maybe he'd shave five years off his age or give himself a full head of hair again...but looking at what these two had done to themselves, he considered doing much, much more than that.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Viva Las Vegas

Originally posted on March 22, 2009.

Theodore wife was convinced he was cheating on her. She put a curse on his latest business trip which would only kick in if he was unfaithful. Most of the trip went well, until one night when he brought a showgirl and part-time prostitute back to his hotel room. The next morning he didn't even notice that he was in a completely different body wearing the showgirl's sexy stage costume as he grabbed his briefcase for the day's meeting. Oddly enough, he still scored a good deal at the meeting; however, the showgirl's performance while she was in Theodore's body didn't go over nearly as well.

Theodore's wife was convinced he was cheating on her. She put a curse on his latest business trip which would only kick in if he was unfaithful. Most of the trip went well, until one night when he brought a showgirl and part-time prostitute back to his hotel room. The next morning he didn't even notice that he was in a completely different body wearing the showgirl's sexy stage costume as he grabbed his briefcase for the day's meeting. Oddly enough, he still scored a good deal at the meeting; however, the showgirl's performance while she was in Theodore's body didn't go over nearly as well.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Originally posted on January 25, 2018.

Paul felt that he adapted pretty well to the Great Shift. He was able to adjust to being a woman fairly well. He would go out and get his hair done, do his makeup, and embrace a mostly feminine wardrobe. Still, there were a few things that did bother him. A few of the pants he owned seemed just a little too tight. As a result, he often felt like his ass looked a little big in some of them. Then again, he supposed this was a feeling women had felt all the time. Maybe he was adapting even better than he imagined.

Paul felt that he adapted pretty well to the Great Shift. He was able to adjust to being a woman fairly well. He would go out and get his hair done, do his makeup, and embrace a mostly feminine wardrobe. Still, there were a few things that did bother him. A few of the pants he owned seemed just a little too tight. As a result, he often felt like his ass looked a little big in some of them. Then again, he supposed this was a feeling women had felt all the time. Maybe he was adapting even better than he imagined.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Originally posted on January 7, 2018.

“Yeah, yeah, I think I can deal with this,” Frank said as he put his foot up on the desk, “I mean, I think I can deal with being a chick for a few days. I mean, how hard can it be? Plus, we’re going to reverse this whole thing soon enough.”

Sally smiled at Frank’s arrogance. Her monthly cramps would be starting soon, and she couldn’t wait to see how he’d cope with them. He was sitting with a smug look on his face now, but she was sure he’d be curled up in pain in just a few hours. Then he’d finally admit just how hard it is to be a woman in this world.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Night Away

Originally posted on November 4, 2017.

Jeff did his best to turn and look behind him to see a large booty encased in tight pink cloth. “What the heck is going on?” He asked in an unfamiliar, high pitched voice.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his arm. “Relax,” He heard a woman’s voice say, “It’s me; it’s Walter. You told me you wanted a night away from your wife. You wanted a night free of consequences. So I cast this magic spell to give us these bodies. We can literally do anything we want until the sun rises, and we return to our own bodies.”

“But...I’m a woman...we’re women! This feels so weird.”

“I’ve cast this spell before. You have no idea how many different people I’ve been; how many different women! Trust me, it’s fun. Just enjoy it.”

And so the two friends enjoyed the night in their borrowed bodies. They went to the club, did some dancing, had some drinks. But when the sun finally started to come up, they expected to return to their own bodies. But something went wrong. Instead, they were now trapped in the bodies of the two women...

Sunday, February 16, 2025


Originally posted on October 23, 2017.

In an effort to foster understanding and tolerance at the university, all incoming freshmen were required to switch places with another student for the first week of classes. With the advancement of body swapping technology, the swap wasn’t just a theoretical endeavor. After settling into his own dorm, John found himself on the floor of a different room with his head pounding. He couldn’t believe he was a woman -- he was just thankful that her style didn’t seem too girlie. Apparently, swapping with the opposite gender was fairly common. The college felt it was important for the male students to understand the difficulties that incoming female students faced. In fact, since implementing the program a few back, incidents of harassment on campus have dropped by a significant amount...

In an effort to foster understanding and tolerance at the university, all incoming freshmen were required to switch places with another student for the first week of classes. With the advancement of body swapping technology, the swap wasn’t just a theoretical endeavor.

After settling into his own dorm, John found himself on the floor of a different room with his head pounding. He couldn’t believe he was a woman -- he was just thankful that her style didn’t seem too girlie. Apparently, swapping with the opposite gender was fairly common. The college felt it was important for the male students to understand the difficulties that incoming female students faced. In fact, since implementing the program a few back, incidents of harassment on campus have dropped by a significant amount...

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Sneak In

Originally posted on December 3, 2023

Ever since Julie had used the Medallion of Zulu to swap bodies with him, Anthony had been trying to find a way to steal the medallion from her in order to switch back. She had basically taken not only his body but his life. He tried sneaking into his former apartment, which Julie had now taken up residence in, but it turned out she always kept the medallion on a chain around her neck. The only time she seemed to take it off was at the gym.

It felt weird having to sneak in -- after all, for most of his life, he had simply walked right into the men's locker room. He was lucky the only one inside was Julie, who was taking a shower. It seemed like the perfect opportunity, but when he cracked open the locker to look inside, the medallion wasn't there!

He kept checking it over several times. He was still looking when he was caught red-handed by Julie in his former body, standing there soaking wet.

"I applaud the effort,” She said, “But you're not going to find it. I don't have it anymore. I did intend to give you this body back...eventually, but I guess the medallion has a way of finding itself lost to the world for a while. That means you better get used to being me...but I imagine we've been this way long enough that you already have..."

Friday, February 14, 2025


Originally posted on June 5, 2013.

Phillip was quite confident on his work with the new bovine growth hormone. Not only would it allow cows to produce three times the normal amount of milk, he was convinced it was safer than previous versios of BGH. But his exposure to the chemical soon had strange consequences. It started one Saturday when he realized that he was growing breasts. He was sure it could wait until he returned to work on Monday, but by nightfall, he had completely changed into a woman. He decided he’d head into the lab the next morning to try and fix the problem. He put on some of his wife’s clothes and made his way, but as he did, the final effect of the hormone took place -- he started to rapidly grow. Within fifteen minutes, he towered over most of the buildings in the city. This was now a big problem...literally!

Phillip was quite confident on his work with the new bovine growth hormone. Not only would it allow cows to produce three times the normal amount of milk, he was convinced it was safer than previous versios of BGH. But his exposure to the chemical soon had strange consequences. It started one Saturday when he realized that he was growing breasts. He was sure it could wait until he returned to work on Monday, but by nightfall, he had completely changed into a woman. He decided he’d head into the lab the next morning to try and fix the problem. He put on some of his wife’s clothes and made his way, but as he did, the final effect of the hormone took place -- he started to rapidly grow. Within fifteen minutes, he towered over most of the buildings in the city. This was now a big problem...literally!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Back for Sure

Originally posted on July 16, 2013.

“How long have you guys been subscribed to Alicia’s DeviantArt now?” Mike asked his friends Dan and Roger.

“How did you know?” Dan asked.

“I saw it on your screen.”

“I haven’t been able to pull myself away for a week.”

“I’ve been reading since the Patreon went down. There are some amazing benefits you get when you subscribe.”

“Is that why we’ve turned into women?” Roger piped in, “I’m sort of freaking out about that.”

“Don’t worry, you change back shortly after you’re done reading, but once you’ve got a taste, you’ll be back for sure!”

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Originally posted on August 12, 2013.

Friday had been a huge success at the research lab. Jim and his team had been very successful with their genetic manipulation tests. While previous researchers had long perfected modifying genes from one generation to the next, Jim’s team had figured out how to alter the DNA of full grown adult humans! Each member of the team had a small tweak of their genetic code altered, whether it be brown eyes turned to blue or short folks turned tall. Jim had been a bit more adventurous, having his Y chromosome turned into an X. In theory, a simply change in one’s DNA wouldn’t alter the physical body immediately, but Jim’s team had cracked that challenge, meaning the changed chromosome turned Jim into a woman almost instantly. He had an enjoyable weekend with his new body, getting hair extensions, buying sexy clothes, and so on. But the fun was scheduled to come to an end on Monday when the team was supposed the reverse the process. However, while many had no problem undoing their changes, Jim’s body seemed resistant. He just wasn’t changing back to his old self! The rest of the team began to run tests on him. He sat down in a chair for one of their advanced scans. They couldn’t figure out a single reason why they couldn’t get his double X chromosome to go back to being XY. They were all eager to work on figuring out the problem, but it would certainly mean a long delay before the modification technology could be made available to the public.

Friday had been a huge success at the research lab. Jim and his team had been very successful with their genetic manipulation tests. While previous researchers had long perfected modifying genes from one generation to the next, Jim’s team had figured out how to alter the DNA of full grown adult humans! Each member of the team had a small tweak of their genetic code altered, whether it be brown eyes turned to blue or short folks turned tall. Jim had been a bit more adventurous, having his Y chromosome turned into an X. In theory, a simply change in one’s DNA wouldn’t alter the physical body immediately, but Jim’s team had cracked that challenge, meaning the changed chromosome turned Jim into a woman almost instantly. He had an enjoyable weekend with his new body, getting hair extensions, buying sexy clothes, and so on. But the fun was scheduled to come to an end on Monday when the team was supposed the reverse the process. However, while many had no problem undoing their changes, Jim’s body seemed resistant. He just wasn’t changing back to his old self! The rest of the team began to run tests on him. He sat down in a chair for one of their advanced scans. They couldn’t figure out a single reason why they couldn’t get his double X chromosome to go back to being XY. They were all eager to work on figuring out the problem, but it would certainly mean a long delay before the modification technology could be made available to the public.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

You Should Smile More

Originally posted on April 14, 2020.

Every day, Kyle contemplated the hell he was trapped in. It wasn’t just that he was in the wrong body, and it wasn’t even being in the body of a woman that troubled it; it was the fact that he couldn’t seem to tell anyone about who he really was, and that he was forced into the role of a dutiful wife. He wasn’t sure how or why he was cursed like this -- he simply woke up one day like this. When he realized he was a woman, he was curious. He wanted to explore his body, but instead he felt compelled into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. A man came downstairs whom Kyle kissed. Despite feeling a little disgusted when the man squeezed his butt, Kyle smiled and giggled.

Even when the man left and Kyle was alone, he couldn’t escape. He felt compelled to clean the house, never breaking the smile on his face. When he finally finished, he wanted to watch some sports on TV; however, he couldn’t help but flip to a romantic comedy instead. It would’ve offered some comfort if he felt like he was merely a passenger in this body, but, no, he was in control. He just couldn’t seem to do anything he wanted.

After a few days, he did find one shimmer of hope. When he was able to write, he could tell the truth. He could write about his frustrations, his true self, everything. However, he couldn’t seem to show anyone his writing; he felt compelled to hide it from everyone. He eventually took to writing a diary. He knew he had to hide it, but he also knew that if someone found it, it might be irresistible to read. And even as he was writing about his pain and sadness, he couldn’t help but do it with a smile.

Monday, February 10, 2025


Originally posted on October 3, 2013.

Officer Carl Fricke was off duty when he heard the screams. He went to investigate and found a man passed out and a woman fleeing the scene with a gun in her hand. He pursued until he caught up with her and a struggle ensued. Carl had expected to overpower her handily, but it proved to be not so easy. Then she shocked him with some sort of taser. He reacted quickly, using the gun in his hand to fire back, but to his horror, he soon saw that the body he shot was his own. He looked down to discover a very odd sight -- breasts! He hadn’t been struck with a taser at all; it must have been some sort of body swapper. Though such things didn’t exist, did they? Yet, all the evidence was right in front of him. He was a woman now...a criminal one at that! Worse still, he realized he was a cop killer for shooting his own body! They’d lock him away for life...


He looked at the taser-like device. He could escape it by stealing someone else’s body. But whose? He figured he should act fast, not risking being in this body any longer than necessary.

The Boss (Part 3)

View Part 1 of The Boss.
View Part 2 of The Boss.

Originally posted on January 24, 2017.

The next morning, Matt did his best to keep up appearances. He put on another skirt suit and headed into the office. He arrived early and sat at his boss’s desk, though he often found himself standing up to pace around the room. He tried his best to manage a smile, despite feeling quite miserable inside.

Finally, a tech arrived with some unfortunate news about the status of the device. Matt’s forced smile turned into a frown as he heard the news. The estimated repair time was between six to twelve months. He couldn’t believe he was going to stuck in this body for at least half a year. The next step was going to be meeting once again with his boss to discuss just how they were going to cope for that amount of time.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Clutch Tighter

Originally posted on December 16, 2018.

Harvey clutched Angelica’s purse tightly. For one, he wasn’t used to carrying a purse around, and two, the Medallion of Zulu was contained within. If he hoped to swap back with Angelica in ten hours, he’d need to take good care of it. Of course being unaccustomed to bringing a purse with him throughout the day would be his undoing. It wouldn’t be long before he brought it to a coffee shop and simply forgot it. While he rushed back and found it fifteen minutes later, the only thing missing inside was the medallion. Now he walked around clutching it even tighter, not sure what he’d tel Angelica to explain to her that he’d lost the medallion, and that they’d both be stuck in each other’s bodies forever.

Harvey clutched Angelica’s purse tightly. For one, he wasn’t used to carrying a purse around, and two, the Medallion of Zulu was contained within. If he hoped to swap back with Angelica in ten hours, he’d need to take good care of it. Of course being unaccustomed to bringing a purse with him throughout the day would be his undoing. It wouldn’t be long before he brought it to a coffee shop and simply forgot it. While he rushed back and found it fifteen minutes later, the only thing missing inside was the medallion. Now he walked around clutching it even tighter, not sure what he’d tel Angelica to explain to her that he’d lost the medallion, and that they’d both be stuck in each other’s bodies forever.

Saturday, February 8, 2025


Originally posted on January 25, 2017.

After forty years at the law firm, Julian didn’t meet with many clients anymore. Mostly, he acted as a mentor to the junior partners. He’d show up twice a week, sit in his office, and just wait for one of them to come to him with any problems they had. He remembered coming back from lunch to hear a client shouting at the top of her lungs about how her case had gone. Julian listened from just outside the door. She was in with Nicholas, one of the best lawyers he had. He wanted to hear how he would talk her down. But instead a flash of light seem to knock Julian out, and then there was silence.

Julian was a little surprised to find himself in the conference room at the next instant with the client and Nicholas. Or just Nicholas; the client was nowhere to be found. Then he looked down at his hands. The skin was dark with long acrylic nails. He had swapped into the client’s body! In fact, the entire firm had all been swapped...lawyers, clients, assistants, paralegals, and so on.

Julian made an executive decision to shut down for the day as people read articles on the internet about how widespread the body swapping was. Julian was the last to leave. As he took the elevator down, he noticed his reflection. He couldn’t believe he was an African American woman, significantly younger than he had been. But what he noticed most was her butt. He couldn’t believe how large and round it was; he couldn’t believe he was going to be the one walking around with this thing for the foreseeable future. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of his reflection in disbelief.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Dumpster Dive

Originally posted on July 30, 2020.

Eric knew Mallory had thrown the Medallion of Zulu into the trash; he knew the trash was now in one of these dumpsters. He could jump in to fish it out, digging through trash for hours. He’d probably find it eventually, but was it worth it? Even if he found it, he’d never convince Mallory to swap back with him. She wanted his body, and there was nothing he could do to convince her otherwise. He could try to trick her somehow, but he couldn’t even begin to formulate a plan. He could try to find someone else to swap with, but most people he could think of would be a step down from being Mallory. Maybe the best option would be just to continue as her? He could just leave the medallion in that dumpster and just accept this was who he now was. Of course, there was still something tempting about having that power on hand...

Eric knew Mallory had thrown the Medallion of Zulu into the trash; he knew the trash was now in one of these dumpsters. He could jump in to fish it out, digging through trash for hours. He’d probably find it eventually, but was it worth it? Even if he found it, he’d never convince Mallory to swap back with him. She wanted his body, and there was nothing he could do to convince her otherwise. He could try to trick her somehow, but he couldn’t even begin to formulate a plan. He could try to find someone else to swap with, but most people he could think of would be a step down from being Mallory. Maybe the best option would be just to continue as her? He could just leave the medallion in that dumpster and just accept this was who he now was. Of course, there was still something tempting about having that power on hand...

Thursday, February 6, 2025


Originally posted on July 7, 2020.

“Jen...I know this is going to sound crazy, but don’t hang up the phone. This is your boyfriend Neil calling.” Neil paused while Jen talked.

“I know it’s crazy, but I was working on an invention in the basement and something weird happened. Suddenly, I was somewhere else in someone else’s body. I don’t know who she is or how it happened, or if it even has anything to do with my invention. But I think it probably did. I just need you to go downstairs and make sure I don’t...I mean, make sure my body doesn’t do anything crazy, like smash the device. I need to figure out where I am and how to get home, and it looks like...”

Neil’s heart sank as he looked at a sign, “Like I’m 3,000 miles from home.”

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

I Agree

Originally posted on May 30, 2020.

Jacob was up late one night when he stumbled across a site called “Body Roulette.” He laughed at the pitch about dreaming to be someone else. Thinking it was some sort of role play chatroom, he clicked a bunch of buttons marked “I agree.” Eventually, an image of a busty woman came on screen with the words “You have been matched.” Jacob chuckled, thinking he was going to have to pretend to be this woman. However, one final click and he felt a pain stinging through his body. The next thing he knew, he felt a giant weight on his chest. He felt a moment of regret, placing his hand to his head for a facepalm. But then a smile crept onto his face. This wasn’t pretend; this was going to be a whole new, strange experience.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Welcome to the Neighborhood

Originally posted on May 27, 2020.

Conor was just an average white guy from the suburbs. He would never admit it, out loud but walking through certain neighborhoods in the city made him feel a little unsafe. He tried to fight these internal biases, but he could never fully do it. It wasn’t until the Great Shift happened that he was forced to face these feelings head on. Suddenly, instead of sitting on the couch of his four bedroom house in the burbs, he was in a one bedroom apartment in exactly one of the neighborhoods he felt unsafe. Then he looked in the mirror and realized neither the word “white” nor “guy” properly describe him anymore. He grabbed the purse by a hook and put on the high heeled shoes that sat by the door and ventured onto the street. Despite this new body, he was no less nervous. And, in fact, the chaos of everyone screaming about being in a different body made him even more stressed out. He quickly retreated back into the apartment, hoping it would all sort itself out somehow soon.

Conor was just an average white guy from the suburbs. He would never admit it, out loud but walking through certain neighborhoods in the city made him feel a little unsafe. He tried to fight these internal biases, but he could never fully do it. It wasn’t until the Great Shift happened that he was forced to face these feelings head on. Suddenly, instead of sitting on the couch of his four bedroom house in the burbs, he was in a one bedroom apartment in exactly one of the neighborhoods he felt unsafe. Then he looked in the mirror and realized neither the word “white” nor “guy” properly describe him anymore. He grabbed the purse by a hook and put on the high heeled shoes that sat by the door and ventured onto the street. Despite this new body, he was no less nervous. And, in fact, the chaos of everyone screaming about being in a different body made him even more stressed out. He quickly retreated back into the apartment, hoping it would all sort itself out somehow soon.

Monday, February 3, 2025

The Boss (Part 2)

View Part 1 of The Boss.

Originally posted on January 23, 2017.

Matt couldn’t believe that he was going to be stuck in the body of his boss for a little while. He hoped it would only be for a few hours, but the day ended without the device being fixed, so he now hoped they’d be able to swap back tomorrow. He hated that he had to pretend to be her also. It meant he had to act stuffy, stuck up, and feminine. But, on the plus side, it also meant he got to spend the night inside his boss’s huge house in the suburbs.

The first thing he wanted to do was change into something more comfortable than her skirt suit. It took him forever to find a closet. While Matt first considered a t-shirt and sweats, an odd find in the back her closet changed his mind.

He couldn’t believe his boss even owned anything like this! After putting on the leather outfit, he stared at himself in the mirror for a good half hour before sitting down on the floor. There was clearly a side to his boss that he didn’t know. He wasn’t sure he would ever ask her about it; heck, he wasn’t even sure he wanted to think any more about it.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

The New Me

Originally posted on November 10, 2023.

"I was born with them." I told this lie all the time once I reached college usually before they even asked. They'd still usually ask anyway, and I'd have to explain, "Yes, the ears, the tail, AND the the horns."

I hadn't been born female either, but I decided they didn't need to know that. In high school, it hadn't been so easy. Everyone there knew who I really was. They all knew I was into science and experimenting with CRISPR. Turning myself into a tiefling was the intentional part; turning myself into a woman wasn't!

Still, it had the desired effect. Most of the students in my overly religious small town became absolutely afraid of me I wasn't sure what was worse for them, that I looked like a devil or that I was technically transgender now. Either way, they stayed clear. I welcomed being an outcast.

College was different; it was certainly a lot more accepting. I appreciated that I could make friends. Sometimes I almost regretted making such extensive changes to myself, but I quickly pushed those thoughts aside as I thought about how much I really liked the new me.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Walk in the Park

Originally posted on December 13, 2023.

My girlfriend showed me this weird body swapping remote she had found and kept trying to get me to test it out with her. I loved my girlfriend, but I certainly didn't want to be her. It was with great reluctance that I finally agreed but only for a few minutes -- we'd walk to the park, swap, walk back home, and then swap back. I didn't want to spent very long as a woman, even my own girlfriend. It all seemed like a reasonable compromise.

And so we took a ten minute walk to the park and sat down. She aimed the remote at me, and...

My girlfriend was in my face. She was barking at me. I found myself hissing back. I realized there wasn't much else I could I seemed to be inside the body of a cat. And it seemed obvious that there was a dog inside my girlfriend's body.

It seemed the dog was more bark than bite, so I decided to search around for the remote. I felt like I could use my new cat senses to find it. It didn't take long for me to find it in the grass. I wasn't quite sure how to use the thing. I had no idea where my own body had run off to. On top of all that, I was trying to use this thing with cat paws. Still, I decided just about any swap would be an upgrade, so I did my best.

Two weeks later, I got my first period. It was just as miserable as I would have imagined. I wasn't able to find my own body that day, nor the dog that my girlfriend swapped with. It was difficult adapting to being in the body of my former girlfriend, but it was probably the best option available, if not the only option at the time. I put a leash on my new pet cat, and we went for a walk in the park. I always got a few looks, but people really noticed when it tried to speak. It wasn't quite a meow or a purr. I knew it wanted to bark, but it simply wasn't able to. And I always kept the remote handy, just in case.