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Sunday, May 7, 2023


Originally posted prior to 2009 in Yahoo! Groups.

I had wanted to breakup with my girlfriend for a few months now, but I didn’t know how to bring it up. Finally, on a trip to the zoo, I knew it was time. As I opened my mouth to tell her...ZAP!!! -- a mad scientist hit my girlfriend and a monkey with some sort of body switiching ray. At first, I couldn’t help but laugh at the body of my girlfriend hunching over, scratching her armpits, and acting like, well, a monkey!  As I tried to walk away, the monkey in her body jumped over and grabbed my leg, not letting go.  I thought this monkey was even more needy than my girlfriend had been. On the subway home, she was hanging on things and playing around. After a day of trying to ditch, she was still simply clinging. Finally, I made my way back to the zoo and lost her. SWEET! When all of a sudden! ZAP! Damn scientist struck again; now I was in my girlfriend’s body. After struggling to walk in her heels, I found my own body in the monkey cage, throwing feces at the other animals.

I had wanted to breakup with my girlfriend for a few months now, but I didn’t know how to bring it up. Finally, on a trip to the zoo, I knew it was time. As I opened my mouth to tell her...ZAP!!! -- a mad scientist hit my girlfriend and a monkey with some sort of body switiching ray. At first, I couldn’t help but laugh at the body of my girlfriend hunching over, scratching her armpits, and acting like, well, a monkey! As I tried to walk away, the monkey in her body jumped over and grabbed my leg, not letting go. I thought this monkey was even more needy than my girlfriend had been. On the subway home, she was hanging on things and playing around. After a day of trying to ditch, she was still simply clinging. Finally, I made my way back to the zoo and lost her. SWEET! When all of a sudden! ZAP! Damn scientist struck again; now I was in my girlfriend’s body. After struggling to walk in her heels, I found my own body in the monkey cage, throwing feces at the other animals.

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