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Saturday, January 27, 2024

Book Worm

Originally posted on February 27, 2009.

Julian was the University's biggest book worm. When the Great Shift hit he ended up in the body of the school most popular party girl and cheerleader. Julian didn't keep up with her athletics, but maintained his interested in literature. It wasn't long before many of the men (at least the one's who maintained male bodies) found a greater interest in books, and the library became the hottest place to hang out on campus!

Julian was the University's biggest book worm. When the Great Shift hit he ended up in the body of the school most popular party girl and cheerleader. Julian didn't keep up with her athletics, but maintained his interested in literature. It wasn't long before many of the men (at least the one's who maintained male bodies) found a greater interest in books, and the library became the hottest place to hang out on campus!

1 comment:

  1. You ever wanted to be someone or you are someone else. Juian was the biggest book worm around the campus. Then it happen Julian wasn't Julian anymore he err she was one pop[ular cheerleader and bit of athletic. But Julian never was interested in that , he err she still loved books, so many, many who were interested the new Julian or Julie and her interest in books. Julie found some other interested that books like boys
