Friday, October 18, 2024

Twisted Experiment (Part 2)

View Part 1 of Twisted Experiment.

Originally posted on September 20, 2023.

Maybe he was just doing it to spite Richard and how much he was naysaying the entire idea, but as soon as his friend left, Brian decided to awaken his experiment. Brianna seemed like the perfect companion at first, loving all the things Brian loved but also enjoying things like cooking, wearing dresses, and so on. But Brian’s reprogramming of his own brain had been sloppy, or maybe it was impossible to truly change the human brain in a complete way to one’s personal bidding.

Despite the gorgeous female body, inside Brianna still felt like a “he.” He didn’t want to become a man or change his body in any way, Brianna simply identified as a he/him. Of all the things Brian programmed in to make Brianna love about being a woman and doing traditionally womanly things, this was one aspect he overlooked.

Of course, Brianna had also had Brian’s cunning. He knew revealing this could result him going back in the tank, so he put up a front, allowing Brian to call him a “she.” But Brianna also recognized the risk. As he cut up vegetables for dinner, he realized he needed to eliminate the risk. He examined the knife in his hands. Wasn’t Brian simply an inferior version of himself? Did the original version of himself truly need to exist? Then the thought of thrusting the knife in Brian unexpectantly began to turn Brianna on. He’s use it to penetrate Brian in the night. Brianna was resolved to kill Brian and truly be his own person. And Brian would truly be dead, as Brianna knew it all lives on his own brain -- and then some.

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