Saturday, October 5, 2024


Originally posted on August 23, 2023.

Henry had always lived a boring life. He worked in an office where he was never noticed. In fact, he was so invisible that he was sure he’d still get paid even if he never showed up. He never had a girlfriend; he never really wanted one. Secretly, he wished he WAS a woman.

A strange visitor in Henry’s office one day made an even stranger offer. He could grant Henry’s wish; he would turn Henry into a woman. Sure, Henry had suspicions this man was some sort of devil in disguise, but what did he really have to lose? He quickly agreed.

In an instant, Henry was transformed.

“I expected some sort of catch,” Henry stated flatly.

“What do you mean?” The man asked.

“Well, in these stories, there is always some sort of catch -- like turning into a bimbo or something.”

“Ah-ha! But you see! There’s the catch! You are a woman, but you are simply a plain woman! You won’t catch the eye of any man, you’ll be a wallflower at every party. It won’t be nearly as much fun as you might have hoped!”

“It sounds like my life now...except I get to be a woman. Honestly, just being a woman is enough for me. It’s all I really wanted or needed. So...thanks?”

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