Tuesday, October 8, 2024

How Do You Feel?

Orginally posted on February 23, 2024.

“...And how do you feel?” The doctor asked.

“How do I feel?” Xavier questioned, “How do you think I feel? You attacked me and a random woman in the elevator; you inject us with something that causes us to pass out. When I wake up, I’m inside of her body and I’m handcuffed to this chair. Meanwhile, I can see my own body across the room with its skull carved open, it’s brain missing with blood dripping out -- presumably because my brain in now in this woman’s body. And to top it all off, you reach your creepy hand out and ask how I feel? Not fucking well, that’s for sure.”

“Her hair smells like strawberries,” The doctor added.

“Stop. Just stop. Just let me go. I don’t care if I’m in the wrong body anymore. Just let me go.”

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