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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Ninja (Part 2)

Originally posted on May 10, 2010.

View Part 1 of Ninja.

While practicing a basic ninja move, Hanzo couldn't believe that he fell backwards. This was worrisome. He had used a soul swapping spell to transfer his essense into a woman's body, but he should have retained his skills. Maybe he did something wrong? He was just worried that this might affect his upcoming mission. He would have to do a bit of extra training to prepare or research to enhance the magic of the soul swap...

While practicing a basic ninja move, Hanzo couldn't believe that he fell backwards. This was worrisome. He had used a soul swapping spell to transfer his essense into a woman's body, but he should have retained his skills. Maybe he did something wrong? He was just worried that this might affect his upcoming mission. He would have to do a bit of extra training to prepare or research to enhance the magic of the soul swap...

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