Thursday, June 20, 2024

Green Lantern

Originally posted on September 14, 2011.

When Hal Jordan received the green ring, he was told that he could make anything he imagined become reality. It took him a little while to get used to it. He’d use the ring to make a green shield to protect himself from bullets or imagine a gun to fight a criminal. But he wondered if the ring only worked externally. He thought of himself transforming into a woman, and soon his masculine body became very feminine and shapely. He smiled as he thought about how truly interesting the power of the Green Lantern could be; he was only limited by the power of his imagination and he was about to let it run wild...

When Hal Jordan received the green ring, he was told that he could make anything he imagined become reality. It took him a little while to get used to it. He’d use the ring to make a green shield to protect himself from bullets or imagine a gun to fight a criminal. But he wondered if the ring only worked externally. He thought of himself transforming into a woman, and soon his masculine body became very feminine and shapely. He smiled as he thought about how truly interesting the power of the Green Lantern could be; he was only limited by the power of his imagination and he was about to let it run wild...

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