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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Locked Down

Originally posted on April 5, 2023.

Dr. Kenneth Wu had to hope for three things right now. The first was that he could figure out what had caused all the men in the lab to suddenly transform into women, himself included. They had locked down the instant it happened. No one was going to be able to get in or out until they could figure out how to reverse the process. A cure was the second hope, as they only had so much food and supplies in the locked-down lab. And the third hope was that they had managed to lock down the lab soon enough, that whatever had transformed them hadn’t escaped to the world at large. As sad as it might be to die in this lab, Kenneth was far more concerned by what could happen to the future of humanity if there were no more men for procreation. As he went to the back to examine a few machines dedicated to AI functions, he noticed a few errant wire strung between them, as if they had somehow managed to haphazardly plug themselves into each other. A new sense of worry arose in Dr. Wu.

Dr. Kenneth Wu had to hope for three things right now. The first was that he could figure out what had caused all the men in the lab to suddenly transform into women, himself included. They had locked down the instant it happened. No one was going to be able to get in or out until they could figure out how to reverse the process. A cure was the second hope, as they only had so much food and supplies in the locked-down lab. And the third hope was that they had managed to lock down the lab soon enough, that whatever had transformed them hadn’t escaped to the world at large. As sad as it might be to die in this lab, Kenneth was far more concerned by what could happen to the future of humanity if there were no more men for procreation. As he went to the back to examine a few machines dedicated to AI functions, he noticed a few errant wire strung between them, as if they had somehow managed to haphazardly plug themselves into each other. A new sense of worry arose in Dr. Wu.

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