Sunday, February 2, 2025

The New Me

Originally posted on November 10, 2023.

"I was born with them." I told this lie all the time once I reached college usually before they even asked. They'd still usually ask anyway, and I'd have to explain, "Yes, the ears, the tail, AND the the horns."

I hadn't been born female either, but I decided they didn't need to know that. In high school, it hadn't been so easy. Everyone there knew who I really was. They all knew I was into science and experimenting with CRISPR. Turning myself into a tiefling was the intentional part; turning myself into a woman wasn't!

Still, it had the desired effect. Most of the students in my overly religious small town became absolutely afraid of me I wasn't sure what was worse for them, that I looked like a devil or that I was technically transgender now. Either way, they stayed clear. I welcomed being an outcast.

College was different; it was certainly a lot more accepting. I appreciated that I could make friends. Sometimes I almost regretted making such extensive changes to myself, but I quickly pushed those thoughts aside as I thought about how much I really liked the new me.

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