Friday, September 27, 2024

Born Again

Originally posted on March 25, 2009.

Rufus felt like such a fool. He had been taken in by that cult so easily. When they said they would baptize him so that he could be "born again" he never expected that it would be into a new body! Now with no identity of his own, he was a slave to the cult. Meanwhile, without Rufus's knowledge, they had given one of loyal, young cult members HIS fact, the woman and Rufus had switched places. She sold all his thing, raided his bank account, and gave it all to the cult. She would do anything the cult said. As, you see, she had been suckered into the cult some years ago, befallen to a fate similar to Rufus's. She was just so glad to be back in a man's body after years of being stuck a woman.

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